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76 Cards in this Set

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Define labor
List the stages and phases of labor
describe the cnanges of the 3 stages of labor
describe mechs of labor
discuss the eval of the labor pt
discuss the mangmt of a labor pt in each stage of labor
Describe adequate contractions and patterns.
Be knowledgeable of medications used in labor.
definition of labor
cervical dilation with uterine contraction

spontaneous, induced, term or preterm
anything after ___ weeks is full term
changes prior to labor
1. uterine contractions with no cervical dilation (Braxton Hicks contractions)
2. Lightening = fetal head descends into the pelvis
3. Blood tinged mucous = effacement (thinning of cervix) with extrusion of mucous from the endocervical glands
What are the cardinal movements?
the changes of the position of the fetus as it passes through the birth canal.

"Mechanisms of Labor"
What are the 7 mechanisms of labor?
1. Engagement
2. Descent
3. Flexion
4. Internal Rotation
5. Extension
6. External rotation
7. Expulsion
Usual presentation is vertex, where the _______ of the head is in the lower most part with regard to the longitudinal axis of the mother
Pelvic inlet = from the sacral promontory to the ______
symphysis pubis
Biparietal diameter = largest part of the ____.
Engagement – biparietal diameter of the head is below the _____
pelvic inlet.
Descent - movement of the fetus downward. Greatest rate occurs during _____
the latter portions of the 1st and 2nd stage of labor
What mechanism of labor is the following:
– the fetal head flexed with chin to chest. Allows for the smallest diameters of the fetal head into the pelvis
What mechanism of labor is the following:
– occiput of the head rotates toward the maternal symphysis pubis or sacrum.
Internal rotation
Extension - as the fetal head reaches the ______, it extends to accommodate the upward curve of the birth canal

(An opening or entryway, especially the opening into the vagina.)
External rotation – after delivery of the head, the head rotates to the shoulders. Also called ______
What mechanism of labor is the following:
– delivery of the fetus.
1st stage of labor = onset of labor to _____
full cervical dilation
The 1st stage is Further divided by Friedman into phases. Friedman’s curve plots dilation against ______
time and station
2 phases (Friedman's) of 1st stage of labor:
Latent and active
Latent phase is from ______ cm.
0 – 3 or 4
Latent phase May last 20 hrs in a primiparous or ___ hrs in a multiparous. Change of the slope on the curve
Factors that affect latent phase:(3) ____
sedation, epidurals , unripe cervix.
Active phase – also called the ______ phase
Active phase – also called the maximal phase. Rapid change in cervical dilation. From 3-4 cm to ___ cm. Usually about 4-6 hrs. Primips dilates about 1 cm / hr. Multips dilate about 1.5 cm / hr
Active phase:
Usually about 4-6 hrs.
Primips dilates about 1 cm / hr.
Multips dilate about ___ cm / hr
2nd stage of labor =
full dilation to delivery of the baby
How long does 2nd stage last?
2 hours usually

May be prolonged due to sedation, epidural, persistent occiput posterior
3rd stage of labor =
immediately after delivery of the baby to delivery of the placenta
How long does the 3rd stage last?
May last 30 mins or longer
Which stage of labor contains most of the mechanisms of labor?
4th stage of labor =
immediate post partum period to 2 hrs after delivery of placenta
During which stage of labor is most likely to have complications of post partum hemorrhage or uterine atony during this time
4th stage
With what 3 complaints do labor pts come to the hospital?
1. Uterine contractions
2. Rupture of membranes
3. Bleeding
When the labor pt initially comes to the hospital, you should initially evaluate what things?
Prenatal records – looking for complications, gestational age, labs *GBS* status.

Focused history - nature and frequency of contractions, membranes intact (Fern), bleeding, fetal movement.

Limited P.E. – Uterine contractions ; observe and palpate. FHT’s Leopold's maneuvers, Vaginal exam; checking effacement, position, consistency, dilation, station
Fern test?
To see if the membrane is intact

dip a q-tip
look on microscope
looks like a fern = urate crystals from baby

(fetal heart tones)
Leopold's maneuvers?
feel the head to evaluate descention
What is the word for the level of presenting part in relation to the ischial spines?
Station =
Head at what station means the biparietal diameter has negotiated the pelvic inlet.
How often do you check the vital signs of the 1st stage labor pt?
q 30 mins
What do you feed a 1st stage labor pt?
NPO (except ice)
What labs do you run on the 1st stage labor pt?
Labs : CBC, Blood type and screen, U/A (looking for glucose and protein), RPR
Do you put in an IV in a 1st stage labor pt?
IV line for hydration and access to the intravascular space
Do you catheterize the pt?
Foley if you need it
How often do you check the vital signs of the 1st stage labor pt?
q 30 mins
What do you feed a 1st stage labor pt?
NPO (except ice)
What labs do you run on the 1st stage labor pt?
Labs : CBC, Blood type and screen, U/A (looking for glucose and protein), RPR
Do you put in an IV in a 1st stage labor pt?
IV line for hydration and access to the intravascular space
Do you catheterize the pt?
Foley if you need it
What are we forgetting to do for 1st stage labor pt?
External fetal monitor. Assess fetal tolerance of labor.
Analgesics and/or anesthetics
Pelvic exams
May perform artificial rupture of membranes, note color of fluid,
Monitor contraction pattern
What kind of pain meds do you give?
: Demerol, Stadol, Nubain, Fentanyl, epidural blocks, spinal blocks, pudendal or local blocks.
You don't want to do too many pelvic exams. Why is that?
risk of chorioamnionitis
Adequate pattern is contractions every _____(mins) lasting ____(how long?).
Adequate pattern is contractions every 2 min lasting 60 sec.
How can you measure the strength of contractions?
with internal monitor of adding Montevideo units.
Need contractions ___ mmHg or 180 MVU to dilate the cervix.
Why note the color of the fluid if you rupture the membrane?
blood = bad
meconium = suck it out of baby's mouth, etc
In the 2nd stage of labor, Begin pushing (____ maneuver) to increase intraabdominal pressure to aid in fetal descent.
In the 2nd stage of labor, Patient in _____ lithotomy position
a) dorsal
b) ventral
c) lateral
_______ if needed to enlarge the vaginal outlet.
delivery of the fetal head should be:

a) Slow and controlled
b) Swift and controlled
c) Fast and uncontrolled
Slow and controlled
What if the baby has a nuchal cord?
reduce or cut
Restitute. Shoulders rotate to the what position in pelvis?
Hands on chin and vertex and apply gentle downward pressure to deliver the anterior shoulder. ______ traction to deliver the posterior shoulder.

a) downward
b) upward
c) lateral
d) firm
e) light
After expulsion what do you do?
Suction mouth and nose.
Clamp and cut cord.
Baby to warmer.
Obtain cord blood.
Repair episiotomy and any lacerations
3rd stage of labor = delivery of what?
How do you deliver a placenta?
Suction mouth and nose.
Suprapubic pressure and gentle traction on cord to deliver placenta.
Why suprapubic pressure?
to keep the uterus from inverting

don't use fundus pressure
Do not pull on cord. Why?
Causes inversion of uterus, tear cord
May take ___ min to deliver.
Check cord for _____, inspect placenta to check intact
Inspect vaginal canal and cervix, and _____
First 1-2 hrs after delivery is the ___ stage of labor.
During 4th stage of labor, Watch for post partum hemorrhage and uterine _____.
How often do you check vital signs and fundal and bleeding checks
during 4th stage?
every 15 min.
Can you feed the pt during 4th stage?
Keep NPO and IV access
Why might the uterus be above the umbilicus after delivery?
full bladder ... (maybe twins, etc)