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33 Cards in this Set

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The first thing you need to understand is that one pound of fat is made of about ....... of extra calories.


To lose one pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of ......... calories.


Because muscle burns ....... calories than fat, muscle loss can ultimately have an impact on your overall metabolism


One important thing to realize is that body fat isn’t just fat. Body fat is a mixture of fat, ....... (1), and ...... (2)

1: fluids 2: fat-free solids

According to the 3,500 calorie hypothesis, creating a 500-calorie-per-day deficit should lead to a loss of ..... per week.

one pound

Unfortunately, the evidence suggests that this rule (3,500 calorie hypothesis) significantly ........ how much weight a person will actually lose.


Because you are losing ........ as you are losing body fat, your metabolism can begin to decrease, thus lowering the rate at which you burn calories.

muscle mass

This is why as you lose weight and exercise more, you find yourself ....... where weight loss tapers off.

hitting plateaus

'Hit a plateau' means to stop growing or improving at something and feeling like there is no more progress coming.

tapers off

There are also metabolic, behavioral, neuroendocrine, and unconscious mechanisms at play that can encourage your body to maintain a certain level of fatness.


In the short term, you may be able to lose weight at ....... rate. But as your body composition and metabolism change, the rate of weight loss may slow as well

a pound-a-week

Researchers say this this concept, called ........., creates the ideal situation for weight regain.

adaptive thermogenesis

While the 3,500-calorie rule may not be entirely accurate, it is true that weight loss requires burning more calories than you ........


Reducing the number of calories you ...... during the day can be an important part of any weight loss plan.

take in

However, it is important to provide your body with the fuel it needs to ...........

run effectively

Cutting too many calories can ..... your metabolism and makes it even more difficult to lose weight.


............ diets can also lead to additional muscle loss, which can further hinder your weight loss efforts.

Highly calorie-restrictive

Eat a ........ diet, even when you are cutting calories.


Eliminating .......... from junk food and focusing on nutritionally dense calories can help.

empty calories

Exercise is an important part of weight loss, but it's not a magic bullet.


A safe, healthy weight loss rate is about ........ pounds per week. If your weight loss is faster than that, you may be losing too much muscle mass in addition to fat.

one to two

The amount of calories you burn depends upon a variety of factors, including:

>Activity of choice (the type of exercise you do)>Level of effort (speed, intensity)>Time spent exercising>Your weight>Your current metabolism

To burn 500 calories in a day by running, for example, you would need to run about ......... , since the average runner burns about 100 calories per mile.

5 miles (8 Km)

Combine Calorie Reduction With ExerciseIf you don't have the time or energy to burn 500 calories a day through exercise, you could use a combination of calorie reduction and exercise.


If you are heavier or work harder during your workout, you will likely burn ....... If you are lighter or work less intensely, you will probably burn .......


For example, if you burned approximately 300 calories every day through exercise, you would also need to reduce your recommended calorie ....... by 200 calories each day.




This is an average weight loss of 0.49 kg per week. Experts recommend a weight loss of 0.25-1 kg per week to stay healthy. Losing more than 1 kg a week is not advised and may make it difficult to keep the weight off in the long run.This estimate is based on your current body weight, height, age, gender, and activity level. It may vary slightly depending on other factors, like any health conditions you have, and your diet.Remember, this number is just an estimate. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you eat a few extra calories one day and a few less the next. It’s all about striking a healthy balance. Generally, women should not consume any less than 1,200 calories per day, and men should not consume less than 1,500 calories per day.If you’re having difficulty with a healthy weight loss plan, we urge you to work closely with your doctor, dietitian, or other health professional for personalized advice.



Why Muscle MattersTo boost your calorie burn, add strength training and speedwork to your workout routine. One of the many benefits of strength training is that building more muscle mass will increase your calorie burn, both when you're working out and when you're resting. If you do your strength training immediately after a hard running workout, you'll be able to use your follow-up rest day as a true recovery day.Upping your protein intake and engaging in regular weight lifting can help you lose more weight, reduce muscle loss, and even gain more muscle. Because muscle requires more calories than fat, increasing your muscle mass will also help boost your metabolism.10You don't need to do lots of heavy lifting to get the benefits of strength training. Try doing some simple exercises such as core exercises or lower body moves a couple times a week.High-intensity workouts can also help you jumpstart your weight loss efforts by increasing your calorie burn. If you're not ready for such strenuous workouts, focus on short intervals of higher intensity exercise during your workout.11 For example, you might cycle between spending 30 seconds working at your maximum effort and then slow it down for a couple of minutes a few times during your workout.A Word From VerywellWhile the old 3,500-calorie deficit rule isn’t completely accurate, this does not mean that it is worthless. Cutting or burning 500 calories per day might not lead to exactly a pound of weight loss per week, but it is still a good starting point for weight loss.Remember not to get too focused on the number on the scale. Try to pay attention to how you're feeling overall. Use measurements other than weight, such as inches lost or how your clothes fit, to mark your progress. You may be adding healthy lean muscle even as you lose fat.

empty calories

As a rule of thumb, if a food does not contain nutrients or if the calories from sugar and fats outweigh the nutrients found in the food, it's considered to be a source of empty calories. The foods and drinks that contain primarily empty calories are: Soft drinks, sports drinks, sweet tea, lemonade and energy drinks


Empty calorie foods are typically fattening; image credit: iStockAll foods come with certain calories attached, and these calories are either used by the body for instant energy, stored away as glycogen as a source of future energy, or turned into fat. But what does "empty calories" entail exactly? Well, there is more to what we eat than just the calories consumed. Foods containing mostly empty calories are those that have calories, but that's it. They do not provide any health benefits or are not useful for building muscle, supplying vitamins and essential nutrients, or providing energy for day-to-day functions. Such foods usually have a high number of calories per weight, but do not offer much in terms of vitamins, minerals, fiber, lean protein, or healthy fats. Besides, they are high in other undesirable ingredients, such as white sugar, fructose, and trans fats, and are eaten more for enjoyment than for overall health and wellbeing


Foods And Drinks That Contain Empty CaloriesEmpty calories foods usually have excess added sugars, fats, and preservatives and/or are highly processed foods that typically contain solid fats, such as butter and animal fat. Examples of such foods include:Packaged food like candy bars, crisps, chips, cereal bars, chocolate, biscuits, cake, muffins, and doughnutsBeverages like sodas, energy drinks, aerated drinks, fruit drinks, alcoholic drinks, and sweet teaFull-Fat Dairy products such as cheese and ice creamFast Food such as burgers, pizza, and fries


One major problem with empty calories is that they are most often consumed in excess without the person even knowing it. And while overeating any kind of food can be unhealthy over time, overeating foods that serve no health benefits can be detrimental to the health and can even cause weight gain. On the other hand, an optimum way to ensure that you get all the essential nutrients every day is to eat not only a lot of nutrient-dense food but incorporate a wide variety of them.


Leads To Weight GainSecondly, empty calories that are found in sugary things are very quickly digested by the body, which means they don't promote a feeling of fullness for an extended time. This can lead to consuming more of such calories, overeating, and eventually to weight gain over time. On the other hand, nutrient-dense foods are rich in fiber, so you are less likely to feel hungry as soon after eating.3. Increases Risk Of Heart DiseasesRegularly munching on these rewarding foods in excess can lead to blood sugar spikes, obesity, and increase inflammation and insulin resistance, which, in turn, can lead to chronic health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease.


Empty calories foods do not provide what your body actually needs- you need protein to fuel energy and build muscles, calcium for strong bones and teeth, and fiber for healthy digestion. Foods that are high in sugar and trans fats often lack these essential nutrients needed to support everything from your immune system to your DNA.