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32 Cards in this Set

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Diversity definition

Variety and differences of attributes among, between, and within groups


Integration of practices of diversity, tolerance, and respect for multiple ways of know and being


Background/heritage, world-view

How do nurses look at culture?

Determinant of ind/family/community health, component of a holistic health assessment, influences SDoH

Early challenges for immigrants

Unemployment, lack of meaningful employment, access to healthcare, lack of social supports

Later challenges for immigrants (4+ years)

Employment (new education may be needed), language


Cultural change that results from contact between autonomous groups


Absorption into a new culture, but still hold onto own culture


Integrating into new culture but still holding onto own beliefs and values


Loss of identity and feelings related to previous culture

Stages of cultural adjustment

Honeymoon, hostility, humour, home

Cultural imposition

Tendency for HCP to impose beliefs, practices, and values of other cultures because they believe that their own ideas are superior


Belief that one's own ideas, beliefs, and practices are the best

Cultural sensitivity

Knowing there are differences with culture and respecting those differences

3 types of domestic violence

Situational couple violence

Coercive control

Violent resistance

Evidence informed practice

Conscious and explicit use of current best evidence in making care decisions

Uses patient preferences, own knowledge and experience, research evidence, health care practices, etc.

Definition of mortality

Death rate


Rate of illness


Specific status of disease at one point in time


Identification of new cases over time

Evolution of Canadian healthcare (4 dates)

1947: Sask legislated Medicare

1962: Sask legislated publicly funded medical insurance

1968: National Medicare Insurance Act

1984: The Canada Health Act

5 pillars of Canadian healthcare

Publicly administered





The Canada Health Act

Ensures Canadians have access to healthcare regardless of financial abilities/where they live

Healthcare is a right

Upholds social justice, equity, community

8 steps to health promotion policy development

Describe the problem

Address readiness for policy development

Develop goals

Identify decision maker and influencers

Build support for the policy

Write/revise the policy

Implement the policy

Evaluate and monitor the policy

RNAO recommendations (4)


Environmental protection

Nursing care


Health education

Learning experiences based on theories that provide the opportunity to acquire information and skills needed to make quality health decisions

Client centered learning

Shift from expert role to client partnership and collaboration

Health literacy

Ability to access, understand, evaluate and communicate information as a way to promote, maintain, and improve health

LEARNS model

Listen to client, collaborate

Adopt intentional approach to every encounter

Reinforce health literacy

Name new knowledge via teach back

Strengthen self management via community links

Health belief model

Considers pts value of health, perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, risk factors to disease, benefits of health action, and perceived barriers

Social learning/cognitive theory

Based on sources self efficacy

1. Mastery experiences

2. Vicarious experiences

3. Social/verbal persuasion

4. Somatic responses

Transtheoretical model of change

Stages of changes

1. Precontemplation

2. Contemplation

3. Planning/preparation

4. Action

5. Maintenance

6. Relapse