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53 Cards in this Set

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What is the pinch grip test?

Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome

Client pinches thumb and index finger together

Positive - Client hyperextends DIP joint

What tendons attach to the common flexor tendon?

Flexor Muscles.

Pronator Teres, flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris longus, flexor digitorum, superficialis, flexor carpi ulnaris

What muscles attach to the common extensor tendon?

Extensor muscles.

Extensor carpi radialis brevis, ectensor digitorum, extensor digiti minini , extensor carpi ulnaris

What action occurs at the humeral ulnar and humeral radial joint?

what action occurs at the proximal and distal radioulnar joints

Flexion and extension

Pronation and supination

What is another name for hypermobility?

Joint laxity, double jointedness, loose joint

What ligament provides support for the sides of the elbow joint?

Radial or lateral collateral ligament

What ligament connect the humerus to the ulna and keep it tightly in place as it slides through the olecranon?

Ulnar or medial collateral ligament

The medial or lateral collateral ligament is likely to be torn with injury or dislocation at the elbow?

Medial Collateral ligament

What ligament holds proximal radioulnar joint together?

The annular ligament

What artery supplies the hand

Brachial artery

What is the "carrying angle"?

The angle formed by the long axis of the humerus and the long axis of the ulna and is most evident when the elbow is straight and fully supinated.

Men - 10-15

Women 5-10

What is cubital Valgus

Carrying angle is greater then 15 degrees.

Distal ulna goes laterally

What is cubital varus

Carrying angle is less then 5-10 degrees.

Distal ulna goes medially

What makes up the carpal tunnel?

Where is it located on the wrist?

(Anterior, posterior, medial lateral?)

carpal bones and flexor retinaculum (Transverse carpal ligament)

Anterior wrist

What makes up the tunnel of Guyon (Guyons canal) What passes through it? where is it located on the wrist? (anterior, posterior, lateral, medial)

Created by a divison of the flexor retinaculum

Ulnar nerve and artery,

Medial wrist

What makes up the anatomical snuff box?

Where is it located on the wrist?

(anterior, posterior, lateral, medial)

Made up of the synovial sheath shared by the abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, styloid process of the radius.

lateral wrist

What are the wrist bones proximal to distal?

lateral to medial

Row 1 Row 2

Some - Scaphoid That - Trapezium

Lovers - Lunate They - Trapezoid

Try - Triquetrum Cant - Capitate

Positions - Pisiform Handle - Hamate

Proximal to distal - Lateral to medial





O: Distal 1/2 of the anterior shaft of the humerus

I: Tuberosity and Coronoid process of the ulna

A: Flexes the forearm at the elbow





O: Coracoid process of the scapula

I: medial 1/3 of the medial shaft of the humerus

A: Flexes , adducts and horizontally flexes the arm at the GH joint

Pronator Teres




O: medial epicondyle of the humerus via the common flexor tendon, Medial supracondylar ridge of the humerus and cornoid process of the ulna

I: Middle 1/3 of the lateral radius

A: Pronates the forearm at the radioulnar joint

flexes the forearm at the elbow

Extensor Capri Radialis Longus





O:Distal 1/3 of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

I: Radial side of the posterior hand at the base of the second metacarpals

A: Extends hand at the wrist

Flexes forearm at the elbow

Radial Deviates (abducts) hand at wrist

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis



O: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus

I: Proximal 1/3 of the radius

A: Supinates the forearm at the radioulnar joints

Abductor Pollicis Longus



O: Middle 1/3 of the posterior radius interosseus membrane, Ulna

I: base of the metacarpal of the thumb

A: Abduct the thumb at the carpo meta carpal joint

radially deviates the hand at the wrist joint

*Snuff Box Muscle*





O: Lateral 1/3 of the clavical, Acromion Process, and spine of the scapula

I: Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus

A: Entire deltoid abducts arm at the GH joint and downwardly rotates the scapula at the shoulder and Scapulocostal joints

Biceps Brachii




O: Supraglenoid tubercle (long head) Coracoid process of the scapula ( Short head)

I: Radial tuberosity and the deep fascia overlying the common flexor tendon

A: Flexes the forearm at the elbow

supinates forearm at the radioulnar joint

Flexes the arm at the GH joint

Triceps Brachii




O: Infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula (long head) Posterior shaft of the humerus (Lateral and medial heads)

I: Olecranon process of the ulna

A: Extends the forearm at the elbow





O: Proximal 2/3 of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus

I: Styloid process of the radius

A: Flexes the forearm at the elbow

*hitch hicker muscle*

Lateral epicondylitis is also known as?

Tennis Elbow

In Lateral epicondylitis what muscle is most affected

Extensor carpi radialis brevis, due to the line of pull

What special tests are used for lateral epicondylitis

Tennis Elbow test

Medial Epicondylitis is also known as ?

Golfers elbow

What muscle is often involved with medial epicondylitis

Pronator teres due to the coordinated effort w/ wrist flexors and proximity of its proximal attachment

With medial epicondylitis what would you want to differentiate from?

Carpal or Cubital tunnel syndromes or pronator teres syndrome

What special test do you use for medial epicondylitis

Golfers elbow test

What is pronator teres syndrome? What is identical to pronator teres syndrome? How do you differentiate?

Compression of the median nerve by the pronator teres muscle.

Identical to carpal tunnel syndrome

No pain at night = pronator teres syndrome

Pain at night = Carpal tunnel Syndrome

Specialty tests for pronator Teres Syndrome?

Pronator teres test

Pinch grip test

Where is the cubital tunnel?

Space between the 2 heads of the flexor carpi ulnaris or the aponeurotic band that connects the heads

What is Cubital tunnel syndrome

Ulnar nerve compression between heads of flecor carpi ulnaris or aponeurotic band

Specialty test for ganglion cyst?

No specialty tests

What is a Ganglion cyst

Common tumors of the hand and wrist

Fibrous swelling that occurs hear joints, often attached to the capsule or tendon sheath

What specialty test do you use for Dequervains tenosynovitis

Finklesteins test

What is deguervains tenosynovitis

tenosynovitis of two tendons and their sheaths in the antomical snuff box of the wrist

Specialty test for olecranon bursitis

tendonitis - bursitis differentation

What is olecranon bursitis? What would cause acute? What would cause Chronic?

Inflammation of the olecranon bursa,

Compression trauma

Acute - Direct blow

Chronic - Repeated compression (leaning on elbows)

Guyons canal syndrome specialty tests

Froments sign

What is guyons canal syndrome

Compression of the ulnar nerve in the guyons tunnel

Specialty test for radial tunnel syndrome

Upper Limb neurodynamic test #3

What is radial tunnel syndrome? What is it often mistaken for?

Compression of a branch of radial nerve in the elbow region. Affects the terminal motor branch called the posterior inrerosses nerve (PIN)

Often mistaken for Lateral Epicodylitis

Carpal tunnel specialty test?

Phalens Test

Tinels Test

Tethered median nerve stress test

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel

What are the specialty tests for cubital tunnel syndrome?

Elbow flexion test

Froments sign

Upper Limb Neurodynamic Test

what is the tennis elbow test? How is it preformed? What does it test for

Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

Seated of standing, hand around elbow so thumb is pressing on the extensor tendon just distal to lateral epicondyle of the humerus other hand grasps clients hand and uses it to resist the clients wrist extension.

Pain at affected Tendons

What is golfers elbow test? How is it preformed? What does it test for?

Medial Epicondylitis (Golfers elbow)Seated of standing, hand around elbow so thumb is pressing on the flexor tendon just distal to medial epicondyle of the humerus other hand grasps clients hand and uses it to resist the clients wrist flexion. Pain at affected Tendons