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27 Cards in this Set

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What is it a nurse needs to know about therapeutic use of heat & cold?
normal response to it
variations to response
need to assess area
you include the patient in the assessment thing by asking ...
questions like How does it feel?
you need to assess the equipment too. make sure materials management resets temps on eq. BUT the temp on the patient is MY responsiblity
what would have a bad reaction to heat or cold therapy?
a decreased circulatory system so a nurse might have to question a doctor's orders for a cold pack!
there is sytemic response to hear and cold. like what?
heat would have sweating and vasodialation
cold would have piloerection, vasoconstriction, shivering
whats wrong with shivering?
you make a guy shiver using cold technique, which is to cool him down, shivering produces heat so the guy starts to warm up again
what happens when you use heat on someone?
reduced blood vicosity
reduced muscle tension
increased capillary permeability
what happens when you use cold on someone?
reduces pain
slows metabolism
increases blood viscosity
decreased muscle tension
what does a sitz bath do?
warm water so increases viscosity, soak that butt after prostate surgery or women w/ problems
whats the big problem with using heat on someone?
drops the blood pressure so they could go into shock.
would you use a hot pack on a tooth ache?
hell no. it would spread the infection by vasodialation
you got to assess for tolerence. what ya do?
look at level of consciouness
cognitive status? confused?
alterations in skin
check vital signs
are they nausia? head swimming?
seniors have decreased tactile (feelings) they could burn easy
what risks with all this?
old people have thin skin, decreased tactile skin
can't tell their cooking in there
peripheral vascular disease
spinal cord injury
abcessed tooth
lets talk about moist heat
good and bad. whats the good?
reduces drying of skin
moistens exudate
compress conforms to body
moist heat penetrates
promotes sweating and fluid loss
so now whats the down to heating with moist heat?
maceration w/ long exposure (prunning I think)
greater risk to burns
moisture conducts heat
hot moist compress
what can it do?
improve circulation
relieve edema
pulls up pus and drainage
what does a warm soak do?
promotes circulation
lessens edema
relaxes muscles
dedrides wounds
why do we use ice packs?
muscle sprain
dental surgery
cover it w/ flannel cover,
reapply after an hour
controls bleeding!
kills the pain in the area!
what happens when you use heat on someone?
reduced blood vicosity
reduced muscle tension
increased capillary permeability
what happens when you use cold on someone?
reduces pain
slows metabolism
increases blood viscosity
decreased muscle tension
what does a sitz bath do?
warm water so increases viscosity, soak that butt after prostate surgery or women w/ problems
whats the big problem with using heat on someone?
drops the blood pressure so they could go into shock.
would you use a hot pack on a tooth ache?
hell no. it would spread the infection by vasodialation
what happens when you use heat on someone?
reduced blood vicosity
reduced muscle tension
increased capillary permeability
what happens when you use cold on someone?
reduces pain
slows metabolism
increases blood viscosity
decreased muscle tension
what does a sitz bath do?
warm water so increases viscosity, soak that butt after prostate surgery or women w/ problems
whats the big problem with using heat on someone?
drops the blood pressure so they could go into shock.
would you use a hot pack on a tooth ache?
hell no. it would spread the infection by vasodialation