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28 Cards in this Set

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What are some of the sources of non-sociological claims about society?
Traditional Knowledge
Casual observation
Selective Observation
What are the six stages in the research process?
Formulate A question
Review the existing research literature
Be aware of other bias researchers
Select research method
Peer Review
Collect available data
Research ethics
Statistically Significant
can't explain it by chance or error
research is beyond specific ones
Operationalize a variable
make it measurable/which observations link to which variables
Secondary Data Analysis
data somebody else collected
who you want to say something about
who you're going to collect data from and generalize
must resemble/reflect the whole of the population
cannot pick and choose or it will be biased
consistent results (IQ test will yield consistency)
are you measuring what you want to be? (IQ test is not accurate measurement of intelligence)
relationship between 2 variables
one variable causes the other
Spurious Correlation
ex: Crime increases as ice cream sales increase
What is lost when concepts become quantitative variables and are operationalized?
Complexity of life, what gets hidden is researcher bias
How can you lie with Statistics?
just showing results you want, lie of omission, interpret data to suit your purposes
Hawthorne Effect
The researcher can change what they're studying by their presence (people change when they're being studied)
Open-Ended Questionaire
instead of survey, more accurate, no quantitative results
Field Research
live in a place to know it
Participant Observation
great accuracy but charged with bias, not objective and generalizable
Erving Goffman
Dramturgical Analysis:
all the world's a stage
paying close attention to the way people perform in their lives
views social interaction as a sort of play in which people present themselves so that they appear in the best possible light
observational research
Harold Garfinkel
Ethnomethodology (sit next to purpose in empty bus)
do opposite of expectations
unspoken rules
experimental research in natural study
Activist Research
reject objectivity - help people
access to acommunities if your there to help but challenged with being biased
experiments in social science research
most sociologists don't do this anymore because of ethics
controlled artificial situation
exposed to variable
no exposed to variable
problems with experimental research?
lab vs. real world
ethical issues