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14 Cards in this Set

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What factors led to the collapse of the documentary consensus since 1975?
1) it argued that the criteria for distinguishing sources is invalid

2)the conventuinal doubtings of the sources are disputed

3) more attention has been paid o the final form of the text

4) the materia assigned to the E source is now regarded as an expansion of the J source
Which scholar in his " The Making of the Pentateuch" took issue with the documentary hypothesis as being illogical and self- contradictory?
Roger Norman Whybray
According to Baylis what is the correct view of law?
The law is a gracious gift of Yahweh.
With what did Hittite king-vassal convenants always start?
With an identification of the king.
What New Testament pattern is seen in the Mosaic covenant?
First grace then response of gratitude.
How does the Mosaic law compare with earlier codes?
Biblical law has equal justice for all. (people are more important than property?)
What is problematic with the idea that the Decalogue is abiding moral law that Christians should keep , while the rest of the law does not apply?
Not everything in the Decalogue is an absolute moral law.
Where in the law do we find the specifics on obligations and punsihments needed to implement a just society?
book of the covenant
What basic reasons account for animals being unclean?
Hygiene- certain animals carried disease

Association with Pagan cults
What does Baylis suggest as possible reasons for some of the commands of the Mosaic law?
1) faithfulness in relationships

2) respect for blood- the life of the animal is in the blood

3) recognition of the earth as the Lord's

4) Yahweh as creator
According to Baylis, though the Mosaic laws seem complicated and impossible to live under, what positive purpose did they serve?
Holiness/ Distinctiveness- set apart to be closer to God
How does Jesus relate to the cleanness laws?
Jesus was more concearned with people than staying ritually clean. He doesn't avoid contact with dead and is cool when an unclean woman grabs his robe.
In what way(s) were the Sabbath made for the benefit of humanity?
-away from economic concerns
-saved members of household/servants from abuse
-to be mindful of the Creator
How is the law to be viewed in thinking about its relationship to Paul?
holy righteous and good- best possible life for God's people in that time and place

atonement by grace