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27 Cards in this Set

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Jonathan Nedd Katz books (2)
Gay American History (1976)

The Invention of Heterosexuality (1995)

"Malthusian Couple"
metaphor for heterosexuality

- has had the most intense regulation and rules

"The White Life for Two"
- monogamous married life

- marriage for the purpose of reproduction

- class and race

- coined by Francis Wilard

Since the 1890s, has the divorce rate increased or decreased?
How many divorces/year were there in the

a) 19880s

b) mid 1920s

a) 12 divorces/year

b) 600 divorces/year

Why was divorce originally not as common?
- push for reproduction

- expensive

- women could not leave on their own ( GENDER)

What was the old acceptable reason for divorce in early 20th century?
Case of John Thompson & Annie Affleck
- Sexual relationship in 1870s/80s

- she had to carry weight of the "procreation" in the relationship

- spent most of her adult life pregnant

What was the modern form of marriage in 1920s?
Companionate marriage

- more than procreation

- share a sexual desires

Who was the first female judge?
Emily Murphy (one of the famous five)
Why was Niagara Falls known as the "honeymoon capital of the world"
- pre existing destination for tourists

- 1870s/80s - bridal tour turns to private affair

- go to be alone

- falls represent the never ending stream of eroticized imagery

"Bridal Tour"
When you get married, you drove around the province visiting people - way of seeking community approval for new marriage
What are the two female identities outside of marriage?
- Spinster

- Independence of women

- distain

- excesses of first wave feminism

- remain single

Anna B (church case)
- 1836

- Shamefully yieldining to a seducre

- asked for church forgiveness

- cast out

William (church case)
- 1836

- Admitted he had sex before marriage

- church ordered him to stand before the congregation and say what he had done

Charivari cases

- James & Margaret - 4 hours of charivari; James murdered


- crowd of 200 people; tarred and feathered a man for his affair with a married woman

What year was the Criminal Code of Canada created?
The 1892 Criminal Code made ________ illegal.
any deviation for monogamous marriage
Social Purity Movement
- Sexual purity

- department of temperance

- attacked all forms of non reproductie sex

- prostitution was the "social evil"

- state wanted movement to do the dirty work

Birth Control Movement
- 1892 - birth control was illegal

- feminists pioneered birth control

- Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw - opened first irth control clinic in Hamilton

- A.R. Koffman - most prominant advocate for birth control in Kitchener

- Dorothea Palmer - arrested for distributing birth control info

When was the first birth control clinic opened and where?


Eugenics Movement
- 1920s/30s

- Malthus, neo-Malthusians

- social improvement through restriction of reproduction

- eugenics board enforced sterilizaiton

Helen MacMurphy
1915 "Inspector of the feeble minded"

- guided national council of women to endorse sterilization of women

Between 1929-1972, how many sterlization cases were approved?
What are "free unions"?
Come together on the basis of love - no state compulsion or social convention
What did Flora MacDonald Dension campaign for?
- easier acces to divorce

- birth control