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12 Cards in this Set

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Describe the concept of culture
o Non-physical traits
o The learned, shared, transmitted values, beliefs, norms and customs of a particular group that guide thinking, decisions and actions in patterned ways.
o Passed from one generation to the next generation
Describe concepts pertaining to cultural diversity in Nursing
o Health beliefs and practices
o Family patterns (in decision making)
o Communication
o Space and time orientation
o Nutrition
o Religious practices
o Death and dying
Identify components of Leininger’s Sunrise Model.
o Culture care preservation/maintenance
• Sustains clients’ cultural lifestyles in meaningful ways.
o Culture care accommodation/negotiation
• Adapts clients’ lifestyles or nurses’ actions
o Culture care re-patterning/restructuring
• Changes nurses’ actions or clients’ lifestyles into different patterns. The nurse supports and encourages the client to greatly modify his behaviors and to adopt new, different, and beneficial health behaviors, while still respecting the client’s cultural values and beliefs
Explain what is meant by cultural competence in today’s Healthcare setting
o It is attained on a continuum ranging from cultural destructiveness to cultural proficiency.
o It is a developed process.
o Must become more aware of and sensitive to the needs of individuals from various ethno-cultural groups.
o Use knowledge and sensitivity in practice
• Cultural awareness - appreciation of diversity
• Cultural sensitivity – more to do with personal attitudes and being careful not to say or do something that might be offensive
Describe ways to overcome cultural barriers to health care
o Lack of knowledge
o Emotional responses
o Ethnocentrism
o Cultural stereotypes
o Prejudice
o Discrimination
o Racism
o Sexism
o Language barrier
o Street talk, slang, jargon
o Educate, have patience, be aware, and put into practice
Identify guidelines to foster culturally sensitive health care.
o Provide appropriate care to clients of any culture
o Become aware of own cultural heritage
o Become aware of the client’s heritage and health traditions
o Become aware of adaptations the client made to live in a North American culture
o Form a nursing plan that incorporates cultural beliefs regarding the maintenance, protection, and restoration of health
Identify factors related to effective communication with culturally diverse clients and colleagues
o Avoid street talk, slang, and jargon.
o Use an interpreter
o Use nonverbal language and pictures
Develop questions appropriate to ask when completing a cultural assessment with a patient.
o Tool used to assess cultural heritage
o Facilitates communication with clients and their families
o Designed to determine identification with traditional cultural heritage
o Designed to determine degree of heritage consistency
• Language spoken; proficiency in language of the host
• Length of time client has been in the host country
• Where the client was raised
• Ethnic affiliation and identity
• Usual religious practices
• Nonverbal communication style
• Family roles and primary decision-maker about the client’s healthcare
• Social support in the host country
Identify common cultural conflicts in the healthcare setting
o Risk for imbalanced nutrition
o Impaired parenting
o Spiritual distress
o Powerlessness
o Impaired verbal communication
o Risk for noncompliance
Describe the appropriate use of a language interpreter
o They can serve as a cultural broker by conveying the client’s responses to questions and by providing general information about the client’s culture
o Family and friends should not be used except by request from the patient
Identify the process for assessment and provision of nursing care
o Before beginning the assessment
o Determine what language the client speaks
o Determine client’s degree of fluency in the English language
o Spend some time to develop trust
o Introduce some social conversation
o Convey a genuine desire to understand values and beliefs
o Introduce questions in a timely manner
o Use sensitivity in phrasing questions
Provide examples of questions from a cultural assessment
o What languages do you speak?
o Are you comfortable speaking English or would you like an interpreter?
o What religions do you practice? If any?
o What concerns you the most about your illness and treatment?