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12 Cards in this Set

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Which OT historian of the mid-twentieth century believed in tracing the growth of short, simple original stories into the long developed books that now make up the Pentateuch?
Martin Noth
Which OT theologian of the mid-twentieth century spoke of the Hexateuch rather than the Pentateuch?
Von Rad
According to von Rad, where is most of the Priestly material found in the Pentateuch?
between Exodus 25 and Numbers 36
What does von Rad see constituting the unifying theme or themes of the Pentateuch?
the fulfillment of the promises (to Abraham)
What does Martin Noth identify as the theme or themes of the Pentateuch?
1- Guidance into the land
2- Promises to the patriarchs
3- Revelation at Sinai
4- Guidance out of Egypt
5- Guidance in the wilderness
Which scholar in his "The Theme of the Pentateuch" presaged a new approach to Old Testament study which focused not on historical detail but the author's agenda in writing his works?
David Clines
How does David Clines define the theme or themes of the Pentateuch?
partial fulfillment and partial nonfulfillment
How does Gordon Wenham define the theme or themes of the Pentateuch?
Fulfillment of the promises of the patriarchs, which are reaffirmation of God's original intentions for the human race, through God's mercy and the collaboration of Moses. to some degree these promises are fulfilled before Moses' death but complete fulfillment awaits the future.
In Baylis' view, what is Moses' concern in Deuteronomy?
the battle within Israel, herself
Which chapters are sometimes called the Deuteronomic law code?
Ch. 12-26
What does Jesus in Mark 12:28 say is the most important commandment?
"Here O Israel....Love God"
According to Baylis, which biblical scenario is our position most like?
Abraham and Israel in the desert