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122 Cards in this Set

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Moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. Doung the right thing, even when no one is watching.


Dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, often involving bribery. Exploring one's position for personal gain at the expense of those one is authorized to serve.

Is lying unethical?

Yes but officers are allowed to lie to a suspect to gather information.

Ethical Decision Making

The number one training needed for polices officers. As identified by police departments, police officers and experts.

What are you given as an officer?

Given a right by society to take away a person's Freedom.

Given the right to End A Life when they commit certain acts against society.

Police Authority

-Entitlement to unquestioned obedience that derives from fulfilling a specific role.

-The officer has power simply because he or she is a police officer.

Police Power

Power is the means to dominate others.

The term "power" implies that there might be resistance to overcome.

Rational thinking requires four basic steps:

1.) Clearly understand the issue.

2.) Evaluate the facts.

3.) Make a decision.

4.) Follow through with the decision.

An officer under extreme stress will will rely on what?

Training, to make an ethical decision.

Officers that make unethical decisions will often do what?

"Rationalize" their decisions.

Wanting to be ethical, acting on good intentions, and thinking rationally enables an officer to do what?

The Right Thing

What characteristics do unethical cops and criminals share?

Lie to themselves, make excuses and rationalize their actions.

-Greedy, selfish.

- Make bad decisions.

- Give into peer pressure.

Studies have shown their are 4 main reasons that cops get fired or go to prison.




Peer Pressure

The most common motivation for unethical conduct is?


The average age that an officer is decertified?



Criminal Informant

What does a Civilian Review/Complaint Model Discipline Approach do?

It is an independent civilian agency audits complaints and investigations.

Police still investigate and conduct the discipline proceedings

This can provide more transparency and trust with the dept and public.

Case studies have shown that GREED usually results in what?

An officer being criminal charged.

What is the number one factor in influencing and determining the ethical views within a dept?

Good role models.

In Verbal Judo the badge is a symbol of what?



Generate voluntary compliance

How do you generate voluntary compliance?

high visibility

quick decisions

codified body of knowledge

continues training

adapt to change

ethical standard of conduct


The Ethical Standard of Conduct in Verbal Judo means?

To do what is right.

What is the most dangerous weapon, as well as the greatest weakness, for a officer carries?

The Cocked Tongue

When Ego goes up...

Power and control go down.

What do you do when you are being verbally attacked?

First- Acknowledge that crap is being flung.

Second- Acknowledge that crap is being flung.

What are the 5 universal truths?

Everyone wants to be treated with respect and dignity.

People want to asked, not told.

People want to know why.

People want options.

People want a second chance.

What is the C.L.E.A.R. Principle?

C= Communication

L= Legal Authority

E= Emotional Intelligence

A= Adaptive Thinking/Decision Making

R= Respect unconditionally


Whats Important Now

Communication- L.E.E.D

L= Listen, understand literally what was said.

E= Explain options or possible situations.

E= Empathy

D= Dignity, never take away or step on.

What is the studied response when crap is being thrown at you?

Deflection and redirection

(ex. I understand that but...)

Then congratulate yourself on controlling the situation.

What is the goal of Law Enforcement Communication?

Professional language

What is springboard?

A focus technique- "but"

3 Principles of Verbal Judo?

- Say what you want, DO what I say.

- I've got the last ACT, they can have the last word.

- RESPECT- Professional performance vs. Respect (Personal value system)

Only show Professional face, never show...

Personal face.

Don't let them know what you are thinking?

When your mouth opens...

Your ears close.

When faced with resistance...

vary the appeal.

Respond to people but don't...


If you can't control yourself...

you can't control the streets.

The professional officer_______ adrenaline.


The rookie officer is _______ by adrenaline.


People are like steel, why?

When they loose their temper they are inflexible and useless.

Flexibility is_______ and being rigid is_______?

Strength and weakness

"Poor Actions" color good deeds.....


When others become hostile, we become?

Calm and professional

The path to strength is built on....

recognized weakness.

What is a Conscience Competent Communicator?

Someone who is interested, open, flexible and unbiased. An effective communicator even on a bad day and does a good job.

What are the tools to generate G.V.C.?


-Develop a sense of "otherness", look at the world through their eyes.

-Understand others perspectives, listen to what they have to say.

What is Tactical Empathy?

-Develop a sense of "otherness" in order to effectively evaluate, relate and solve the problems of the job.

- A powerful tool for understanding people and solving problems

If people can not calm their words...

their actions will not calm.

What are the 3 kinds of people?

Type #1 Nice Guy

- Little to no interaction with police.

- Average citizen

Type #2 Difficult Guy

- Complainer, cranky, glass half empty type.

Type #3 Wimp/Sneak

- Possible "Criminal" "A little too nice"

- He will call to complain to give himself a sense of power.

What is the #1 Goal of Law Enforcement?

To generate G.V.C.

What are the Intervention(Force) options?

1.) Professional presence

2.) Verbalization

3.) Soft Control Technique (empty hand)

4.) Intermediate weapons (Mace, taser)

5.) Hard Control Technique( ASP, PR-24)

6.) Deadly Force (KNOW YOU DEPTS POLICY!!)

What is "Playground America"?

The distance between police and citizens have created a gap/opening for criminals.

What are the First 3 Force options?

1.) Professional presence

2.) Verbalization

3.) Soft Control Technique (empty hand)

What are the Last 3 Force options?
4.) Intermediate weapons (Mace, taser)5.) Hard Control Technique( ASP, PR-24)6.) Deadly Force

What are the steps in Active Listening?

1.) Be open-Not Bias

2.) Hear-Literally-Listen

3.) Interpret

4.) Act appropriately

What is the first street truth?

"People never say what they mean"

What is the art of Mediation?

When a police officer uses language and does the thinking for others. For those citizens that recover their brains after 24-72 hours of sobering up and wish they had used more of their own brain power.

What is Conscience Competent?

Being an effective communicator even on a bad day.

What is Empathy?

Staying calm when faced with antagonism. Putting yourself in their shoes and staying professional.

Communication: From the Receiver's point of view, how do comprehend what you are saying?

Content 7-10%

Voice 33-40%

ONV 50-60&

93% of the IMPACT your words will have will be based on Delivery Style.


Other Non-Verbal

NEVER React to the words but...

Respond to the meaning.

What are the two strategies in questioning?

Forecast/Set Context- Explain to your audience the direction you will be taking and the purpose?

Vary the Question- To lessen the resistance or to calm the audience.

Ask 5 Types of Questions.

Fact Finding- Who, what, where, when, why, how.

General-What did you hear?

Direct-Did you hear gunshots?

Leading- Is it not true that you said you heard gunshots?

Opinion Seeking- Did you think it was a muffled gunshot or a small gun?

What is the Art of Paraphrasing?

Reconnects communication when temporarily interrupted.

Putting the other persons words into your meaning.

Paraphrasing does what 14 things to make you a better communicator?

1.) Interrupt and not generate resistance

2.) Take control of encounter.

3.) "Get it Right"

4.) The other can correct you if an error is made.

5.) Makes the other a better listener.

6.) Creates empathy

7.) Makes the other modify.

8.) Overcomes sonic intentions.

9.) Clarify

10.) Prevents metaphrase.

11.) Give directions and suggest they paraphrase.

12.) When you take direction, it ensures you understand.

13.) It enforces your own meaning.

14.) Generates "The Fair Play" response.

The other is almost forced, psychologically, to do the same for you.

What is Sonic Intention?

People think they have said something to you becaue they have "heard" themselves say it in their minds.

Under Roles;

Two people actually equal...


Because each person is made up of 3 selfs.

-Real self

-Self as seen by self

-Self as seen by others.

What is Voice?

The window of a person's intentions.

Police believe or put more weight into O.N.V. such as...




Officer Safety

Command Presence



In a conflict between Role and Voice, people belive...


If there is a change in voice...

There is a change in action.

What is the most common thing a voice does?


If there is a conflict between voice and O.N.V. which do you believe?


Body language and voice must...


What are telegraphed cues?

1.) Scanning

2.) Target Glance

3.) Clenching

4.) Eye Blinking

5.) Pugilistic stance

6.) Flanking

8.) Hesitation in response.

Body Language-Be able to read the signs.

1.) Backing off or away, feet moving.

2.) Hands moving/flailing.

3.) Eye contact non-existing or roving.

4.) Voice- rate, pitch, excited, etc.

5.) Inappropriate verbal response.

6.) Hands disappear.

What are Proxemics?

The study of human use of space and the effects that population density has on behaviour, communication, and social interaction. Proxemics is one among several subcategories in the study of nonverbal communication

What are the two types of territories?

Physical territory and Personal territory.

In Personal territory what are the 4 kinds of spaces we keep between ourselves and others?

1.) Public Space- 12-25ft audience and speaker.

2.) Social Space- 4-10ft talk among coworkers.

3.) Personal Space- 2-4ft friends and family.

4.) Intimate Space- 0-1ft high probability of touching.

What is the control technique R.A.M.?

Reasonable Arc of Movement

" Sir, please step over here for your safety"

What is the control technique R.A.P.?

Reasonable Arc of Pullover

What is the control technique R.A.T.?

Reasonable Arc of Talk

Setting the context, is response appropriate.

What is the control technique R.A.C.?

Reasonable Arc of Custody

What are the 3 Steps that Verbal Judo has for the street cop?

1.) Read the audience

2.) Know your VJ Principles

3.) Select the most appropriate response.

What are the 5-Step Hard Styles?

Ask- Ethical Appeal

Context- Reasonable Appeal

Options- Personal Appeal

Confirm- Practical Appeal

A. C. T. - Arrest, Control, Transport

What is A.C.T. ?

Arrest, Control, Transport

(Disengage and/or Escalate)

What are a couple of Tactical Peace Phrases?

"Sir, could you please help me?"

" Is there anything I can say to get you to comply with my lawful, legal order? I would like to think so. "

What do you do when you encounter resistance?

Use the 5 Hard Style Techniques plus the Tactical 8 Steps.

What are the Tactical 8 Steps?

1.) Greetings

2.) I.D. Self/Dept

3.) Reasons for stop.

4.) Any justified reason?

5.) DL (Request I.D.)

6.) R & I (Request additional info)

7.) Decision

8.) Close

What is L.E.A.P.S?

L- Listen

E- Empathize

A- Ask

P- Paraphrase

S- Summarize

Always project what?

A listening face

What are the 4 Appeals: Sources of Persuasion E.R.P.P?

E- Ethical

R- Rational



What is S.A.F.E.R?

To be used when words fail.



-When property under your control is threatened-ACT!

A- Attack

- Whenever your PDZ is violated- ACT

-Based 1.) Training 2.) Situation

F- Flight

- Whenever a subject unlawful flees your presence.

E- Excessive Repetition

- No G.V.C. is forthcoming

- You have exhausted all verbal options ACT

R- Revised Priorities

-Whenever a matter of high priority requests your immediate attention or presence. ACT!

What is P.D.Z?

Personal Danger Zone

What is Imminent Jeopardy (I.A.M.O)?



M- Means

O- Oppurtunity

What happens if a suspect has the 4 components of I.A.M.O?

He will try to kill you and that suspect has PRECLUDED all force opinions except deadly force.

Sexual harassment in the workplace falls under...

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Violations of Title VII are investigated by?

The E.E.O.C.

What is the E.E.O.C.?

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Sexual Harassment is?

Unwelcomed sexual advances, request for sexual favors or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature that affects a persons employment. Interferes with work performance or creates intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

How does the E.E.O.C. look at S/H report?

On a case by case bases.

What is Quid Quo Pro?

"Something for Something"

What is your off-duty obligation?

-There is no legal obligation to get involved in any jurisdiction if intervention requires you.

-To behave recklessly

-To behave carelessly

-To behave suicidally

What force incidents does the On Duty officer have?

- Command presence of their uniform

-Hands soft and hands hard

-Pepper Spray


-Impact weapons


-Back up


What force incidents does the Off Duty officer have?



What is the Intervention Assessment?

Asking yourself is the situation

-Non- Critical

-Important but not critical


Critical Intervention Assessment

-Surprise is the only advantage available.

-Give away tactical advantage



>Family/Acquaintance giveaways


What is the 5% mindset?

-Always a rookie at heart


-Guided imagery simulations

-Committed to training/skills/development/physical fitness

What are the 5%'er Characteristics?

Exceptional minority in law enforcement committed to outstanding performance.


-If you wait for it to happen, its too late.

-If no training, untrained behavior.

-Untrained behavior is a crap shoot.

- Personal experience/recent shooting.

This is the 5%.

-Alert and tactically prepared for potential threats.

-Aware of adversary tactics.

-Skeptical of appearances, wary of assumptions.

-Insatiably curious.

-Skilled at communications

-Current w/full legal options.

-Able to learn from mistakes from others

-Determined to expand skills.

-Passionate about job but can turn it off.

-Resilient after setbacks.

-Able to make sound, controlled decisions, even under stress.

A 5% is resilient after setbacks. What is the definition of resilient?

Cable of withstanding shock without permanent deformation or rupture. Tending to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Synonym-Elastic

Definition of setback?

Checking of progress.

Synonym-Defeat, reverse.

What is the survival star?


-Physical skills, training, fitness.


-Firearm skills

-Mental conditioning

* Remove one and you got a problem.

Minimum gear is?

-Handgun (Personal experience)

-Badge and I.D.

The biggest environmental concern for officers is?

Innocent civilians in jeopardy.

General off duty force issues are?

Policy dictates what your agency and WON'T support.

Intentional Torts



-False Imprisonment

-Intentional infliction of emotional distress.

-Trespass to land

-Trespass to chattels
