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84 Cards in this Set

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World Wide Web

- interlinked, hypertext docs

- tim berners-lee: envisioned www is 1989

World wide web consortium:

- non profit international organization

- develops standards and guidelines

- any handware to access the web

- public open standards for web protocols

Brokerage model

market marketers, facilitate transactions

advertising model

extensions of traditional media model, website provides content and services mixed with ads in the form of banner ads (often only revenue)

informediary model

firms assisting buyers to understand a given market, data about consumer habits is valuable

merchant model

wholesalers and retailers of goods and services, sales based on list prices or auction

manufacturer (direct) model

the power of the web allows a manufacturer to reach buyers directly and shorten distribution. is based on efficiency, customer service and customer preference

affiliate model

provides purchase opportunities wherever people may be surfing, offers financial incentives to affiliate sites who provide purchase point click through to merchant. no sales=no cost

community model

revenue based on sale of ancillary products or tied to contextual ads and subs for premium services

subscription model

users charged periodic fee to subscribe

utility model

on demand, metering usage based on usage rates

Marketing centric sites

designed to provide marketing function/communications for business

can apply to all stages:

1. need recognition

2. info search

3. alternative evaluation

4. purchase decision

5. post purchase evaluation


hyper text markup language


hyper text transmission protocol

(means of interpreting ones and zeros)

WYSISYG editors

microsoft expression

netobjects fusion

coffee cup manager


Adobe flash

- multimedia authoring program

- vector and raster graphic

- animation and interactivity

- can crete objects of HTML page or whole site

CMS Content Management System

templates for websites that can be modified without code, wordpress


easy to use, built in RSS, posting and editing through any browser, free, simular themes, 3rd party ads


more design control, easily write code, robust, unique, complicated


RSS , listed by date in reverse chronological order


static, website content

Web designer

responsible for look and feel


1. requirements

2. concept development

3. content assembly

4. build

5. test

6. launch

7. evaluate

Web marketing plan

strategies and tactics to drive activity to site (SEO, email, linking etc.)

website plan

strategies and tactics of online presence, mar comm plan, software requirements doc

Define your user

demo, psycho, geo, behavioural, how often do they visit, familiarity with product and tech,

Define sites purpose

provide info, attract new business, drive e-commerce, collect data etc.

What do users want to accomplish?

learn more, order, register, entertainement

1. identify purpose

2. establish goals

3. determine evaluation

organization/product centred design

emphasis on product, images, sells features, not benefit

technology centred design

heavy flash or HTML5, animation, ties to user engagement, distracts from core message

user centred design

primary driver of site, high level of usability testing, must satisfy user

Formal elements

line, shape, colour, value, texture, format

principles of design

balances, emphasis, hierarcy, unity, rhythm, manipulation of graphic space


- guide visitors through page content

- important content above the fold

grid systems

organize content, easier to scan

inverted L

f layout

z layout

one page scroll

Remember the brand

- logo in upper left, relevant and consistent visuals, limit animations


- assured visitor they arrived at right site, first impression, establish trust

- must include relevant content, engagement, sharing, brand integration, easy exploration, Search engine keywords


concise, structured, scanable

content writers

writing, editing, contributing, seo

content manager

editing, proofing, seo, sourcing new content, hiring writers, project management, monitor discussions

good web writing is like a convo, answers q's quickly


keep it current, relevant, keyword rich ( 3 per page )

writing tips

- be frugal, stick to point,

-cultivate a voice,

-think globally,

-remain user focused,

-inverted pyramid style, important facts near top,


-avoid marketing speak

Jakob Nielsen

-hyperlink effectively

- meaninful subheads

- bulleted lists

- one idea/paragraph

- half the word count of conventional writing

establish credibility

- high quality graphics

- good writing

- outbound hypertext links

- use quotes

Avoid these in word

- lilgatures, accented letters, bullets, smart quotes


1. navigational

- connects internal pages

- relative <a href="contacts.html">

2. hypertext links

- linked to other external places

- absolute <a href="http://www.google.com">

Defining links

avoid "click here" use "geoffrey bird's photo gallery and use a description

- set to open in new browser

- include format (pdf, pptx)

- include file size

Title tag

- tab at top of browser


- relevant

- 70 characters at most

meta tag

- description, defines site in serp

- max 160

- not part of SEO

- key words (separated by commas)

alt tags

alternate text for an image

information architecture

-blueprint for site

- flexible

- look at business, end user needs, and tech

- helps guide team, let client understand complexity, determines content and nav and depth of site (no more than 3 clicks)

Building an IA

- flow chart (visio/illustrator/indesign)

- web pages and their relationships

- sketch on paper first

- include client, URL and legend

tree map

comb map

star map

tab map

user testing

-sample target users

- ask them to perform representative tasks

- observe what they do

affects on usability

technical issues

- links and nav

- pages load quickly

look and feel

- complementary colours

-font choice

-hierarchy of elements

- easy to scan

-consistent format

affects on usability


- info easy to find

- clear directions

-links explained

-limited scrolling

-limited clicks


- clear identification

-current info and language


- frames or scrolling in scroll

- animated GIF

- underlined

-scrolling text

-hidden mystery meat


- make clicks obvious

- include home button

- consistent naming

-breadcrumbs on deep sites

know who your user is

What types of tech do they use

What is the lowest common denominator

What are some factors? (home, business, mobile, wired)

consider platform differences, download speed, screen resolution, browsers, Viewable space

macbook pro 1280x800

ipad 768x1024

iphone 375x559

responsive design

screen resolution content is scalable



NO... eps, psd, indd


-html is static

- makes code dynamic

- needs html

- runs client side

- hard to index properly

design structures:

1. fixed width

- set pixels, align block to centre

2. liquid

- set in %

3. responsive

- scalable, adapts

design compatibility


- most search engines are unable to index scripts properly

- not all usable on mobile

JAVA= trailing mouse, online calc


uniform resource locator


Domain name


- through domain host sites


internet corporation for assigned names and number

- whols search will reveal domain ownership

domain name

- keep short

- only letters, digits, and hyphens


1. generic top level

- biz, com, info, name, net, org

2. sponsored top level

- edu, gov, mil, tel, cat

3. country code

- ca, uk, eu

Hexadecimal code

version of RGB

hex values


- red, green, blue

- 00= no colour

- FF = full colour

hex colours

- red #FF0000

- blue #0000FF

- green #00FF00

- black #000000

- white #FFFFFF

- #FFFF00 yellow

- #00FFFF cyan

- #FF00FF magenta