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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the root element of every html page.
Identify two html elements that you can use inside the <head> element?
<title>This is the title</title> and <link href="mystyles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
What is a WYSIWYG editor and why should we learn html without them?
WYSIWYG: What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get. WYSIWYG editors create the html and css for us, which might sound great, but it means that we don't learn how to do it ourselves.
Where does the text inside the <title> element appear in a browser?
In the title bar of the window.
Describe one benefit of separating your content (the information of your page) and your presentation (the way your page is displayed in the browser).
1) Much easier to maintain and modify later on. 2) Much more accessible. 3) Smaller page sizes (and therefore faster to download and display)
Identify two attributes of the <img> element and explain what they are used for.
The src attribute is used for the url of the actual image. The alt attribute is used as an alternative text description for an image. e.g. <img src="images/myimage.jpg" alt="An example image" />
Every element has an opening and closing tag. For example, <p>...</p>. Identify two html elements that combine the opening and closing tag into one single tag.
<br /> and <img /> are two examples. There are others such as the <link /> element that is used to link to stylesheets.
Explain the three parts of a CSS style rule using a simple example.
Looking at an example: p {color:red;} , "p" is the selector that says "set the following properties for all the paragraph in my document". "color" is the property that is being set, and "red" is the value that is being assigned to the property. A rule can have multiple property-value pairs.
Explain what the CSS float property does.
When you apply float:left to an element on your page, the element slide over to the left and everything following will be shifted up.
Create a style rule that will set the font size to 1.5em for the following paragraph: <p class="intro">...</p>
p.intro {font-size: 1.5em}
Identify the two html elements that are directly inside the root <html> element.
<head> and <body>
Identify the html element that contains everything that is displayed in your actual browser window.
The <body> element.
Identify the html element that is used to create divisions or sections within your page.
The <div> element.