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18 Cards in this Set

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How do you create a link?

<a href...
What does this code translate to?

What does this code translate to?

Linking to another website

What does this code translate to?

What does this code translate to?

Linking to another page on the same website

What are folders sometimes referred to as?


What is the top level folder known as?

The root folder

What is used to describe the relationships between files and folders?

Family tree

What is the homepage of each section


What is URL short for?

Uniform resource locator

What does the root folder contain

What does the root folder contain

The index.html folder(the homepage for the whole site)

Individual folders

What is in each sub-directory

What is in each sub-directory

index.html which is the homepage for that section

reviews page(reviews.html)

Listings page(listings.html)

what is a "Same folder"

To link a file in the same folder just use the file name

What is a "Child folder"

The name of the child folder other than a /, then the file name.

What is a "Grandchild Folder"

Use the name of the child's folder, followed by a /, Then the name of the grandchild folder, followed by another/, then the file name.

What is a "Parent folder"

Use .../ to indicate the folder above the current one, then follow it with the file name.

What is a "Grandparent folder"

Repeat the .../ to indicate you want to go up two folders(rather than one) then follow it with the file name.

What is used for an email link?

<a href="mailto:

How do you make a link open in a new window?

How do you open a specific part in the same page?

<a href-"#