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30 Cards in this Set

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In Spanish, when the direct object is a person, it is preceded by the preposition "a." This word has no English translation.

Jorge calls María.
Jorge llama a María.
The personal "a" may also be used if the direct object is a domesticated animal, especially a pet, provided that the speaker attaches some sort of personal feelings towards the animal.

The woman pets her dog.
La mujer acaricia a su perro. (acariciar)
The dog chases the cat.
El perro persigue a la gata. (perseguir)
The personal "a" is not used when the direct object is not a person or is an animal for which no personal feelings are felt.

I drink the milk.
Bebo la leche. (beber)

milk is neither a person nor an animal
I look at the tree.
Miro la árbol. (mirar)

no personal feelings are felt towards the giraffe
The personal "a" is not used after the verb tener, or the verb form hay. This is true even if the direct object is a person.

I have 2 nieces.
Tengo dos sobrinas. (tener)
There are five spoons.
Hay cinco cucharas.
If the direct object is an indefinite person, the personal "a" is not used. The result is that the person becomes "depersonalized."

I need (any) doctor. or
I need medical assistance.
Necesito médico.
I need (any) gardener. or
I need someone to tend my garden.
Necesito jardinero.
contractions a+el=al

Are you taking Raul's cousin?

No, I'm taking Pilar's aunt.
¿Llevas al primo de Raúl?

No, llevo a la tía de Pilar.
Is the fork the profesor's?

No, the fork is the profesor's (fem).
¿El tenedor es del profesor?

No, el tenedor es de la profesora.
Only the definite article (el) is contracted. The pronoun (él) is not.

The White House is the president's house.
La Casa Blanca es la casa del presidente.
It's his knife.
Es el cuchillo(y) de él.
He doesn't like to shave.(long)
A él no le gusta afeitar.
many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form.

I am going to travel to Spain.
Yo voy a viajar a España.
You have just driven.
Tú acabas de conducir.
Juan can swim every day.
Juan puede nadar cada día.
the verb acabar (conjugated) with an infinitive. The preposition "de" is always used. The formula is:
acabar de + infinitive = to have just done something (in the very recent past)

I just took my sister in law to her house.
Acabo de llevar a mi cuñada a su casa.
You have just invited many neighbors.
Acabas de invitar a muchos vecinos .
Christina has just spoken with my grandmother.
Cristina acaba de conversar con mi abuela.
We just read the book.
Nosotros acabamos de leer el libro.
They have just swum in the ocean.
Ellos acaban de nadar en el mar.
combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form.

You have just shopped.
Tú acabas de compras.(comer,keep infinitive)
Juan knows how to swim.
Juan sabe nadar.
One expression combines the verb ir (conjugated) with an infinitive. The preposition "a" is always used. The formula is
ir a + infinitive = to be going to do something (in the near future)

I am going to take my co worker to her house.
Voy a llevar a mi compañera de trabajo a su casa.
You are going to invite lots of neighbors.
Vas a invitar a muchos vecinos.
Christina is going to talk with my step daughter.
Cristina va a conversar con mi hijastra.
Edward is going to read the magazine.
Eduardo va a leer la revista.
volver a + infinitive = to do something again

I read the contract again.
Vuelvo a leer el contracto.
Christina speaks with my step mom again.
Cristina vuelve a conversar con mi madrastra.