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66 Cards in this Set

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What are the different types of soil

Sandy soil, slit soil, clay soil, low loamy soil

Why are earthworm so important for soil

Earth worms increase soil aeration, infiltration, structure, nutrient cycling, water movement and plant growth

What are some examples of organisms that live in soil

Bacteria, mites, nematodes

Loose, weather in material on earth surface and which plants can grow


What is soil made of

Mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, water, and air

That’s all the layer of rock beneath the soil

Bed rock

Once exposed to the surface what gradually weathers into smaller and smaller particles that are the basic material of soil


What causes bedrock to become exposed at the surface

Weathering and erosion

What are some examples of materials that come from weathered bed rock

Sand, salt, and Clay

What else makes up soil besides weather bed rock

Decayed organic material called humus

What does hummus form from

It forms as plant and animal remains to K

What helps create spaces in soil for air and water and also contains nutrients that plants needs


What is meant by soil fertility

The fertility of soil is a measure of how well the soil supports plant growth

Soil texture is important for what

Plant growth

Soil that is made up of equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called what


What is the best soil for growing most plants


A substance with a pH less than four is strongly what


A substance with a pH of seven is what

Neither acidic nor basic

Exception to the pH greater than 10 is strongly what


Most garden plants grow best and soy with a pH between what?

6 and 7.5

What forms as rock is broken down by weathering and mixes with other materials on the surface


What forms constantly as bedrock weathers and continues over a long period of time


Soil develops layers called what


What forms as bedrock begins to weather and break up into small particles

C horizon

What is made up of topsoil

A horizon

A crumbly dark brown soil that is a mixture of hummus, Clay and other materials


What forms as plants at organic material to the soil and plant roots weather pieces of rock


What is often called subsoil

B horizon

What consist of Clay and other particles of rock but little hummus

B Horizon

How does the B horizon form

It forms as rain water wash his material down from the A horizon

Which layer contains the most organic material

A horizon

And what climates do you expect soil to form fastest

Warm wet Clements because weathering occurs fast there

What are three characteristics used to describe soil

Fertility, texture and PH

Describe the a horizon

Includes Humus, Clay and minerals

Describe the B horizon

Contains little humus

Describe the C horizon

Contains mostly rock

Hummus forms in a process called what


Organisms called what break the remains of dead organisms into smaller pieces and I just them with chemicals


What are some examples of decomposers

Fungi, bacteria, worms and other organisms

What organism does most of the work of mixing hummus with other materials in soil

Earth worms

How do Burrowing mammal such as my Smalls prairie dogs and gophers affect the soil

They break up hard compacted soil and makes hummus through it

What is the composition of soil

Rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material, water and air

Loose weathered material in which plants can grow


Why is hummus important in soil

It helps create spaces and soil for air and water and it contains nutrients plants need

In what order do the soil horizons form

C, a and B

What is another name for the a horizon and what does it consist of

Topsoil which contains hummus Clay and minerals

Front (Term)

Review above

Process that splits rock when water gets into cracks then freezes and expands this process goes on repeatedly

Frost wedging

The management of soil to limit it’s Destruction

Soil conservation

Chemical weathering of rock by plants growing on them producing weak acids which dissolve the rock


Tiny pieces of rock caused by weathering


Physical weathering of rock by animals digging in the ground

Animals burrowing

The type of weathering in which rock is physically broken into smaller pieces

Mechanical weathering

The planting of different crops in a field each year to maintain the soil’s fertility

Crop rotation

Process in which sediment is lay down in new locations


A chemical change in which a substance combines with oxygen. Iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water to form rust


Anything naturally occurring and the environment that Humans use

Natural resource

Rock being broken down through motion for us another physical processes

Physical weathering

Pollution mixes with rain water and falls onto rocks causing them to dissolve

Acid rain

The measure of how well the soil supports the plant


An Organism that gets energy by breaking down waist and dead organisms and returns materials to the water and soil


The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes

Chemical weathering

Water is the best at sorting sediments but when can do it to

Water and wind

Examples of how gravity causes erosion

Landslides mudflows and rockslides

Route and stems of plants will grow through cracks and rocks causing the rocks to crack even more

Root/plant action

The process by which water ice wind or gravity moves weather particles of rock and soil

Mechanical weathering