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48 Cards in this Set

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Does parcel volume change when a parcel of air is heated? Increase, Decrease or constant?
Does pressure change when a parcel of air is heated? Increase, Decrease or constant?
What are hygroscopic nuclei?
condensation onto certain types of nuclei begin to occer when the RH is as low as 75%
An example is ordinary table salt
what are condensation nuclei?
when air above the ground is cooled to or below the dew point, water vapor condenses onto small particles in the air called condensation nuclei
How many droplets does a rain drop contain?
How many times bigger is a rain drop than a water droplet?
Why do clouds clean the atmosphere?
pollutants dissolve into droplets
How big are water droplets across?
20 um
How big are raindrops across?
2,000 um or 1/10 inch
What is inside each water droplet?
a condensation nucleus
What is the difference between dirty and clean air?
Dirty air has more CCN (Cloud condensation nuclei_
What can adding more CCN mean?
an increase in cloud reflectivity, cooling
What is the difference between the water droplets in clean air and in dirty air?
Clean air has fewer larger droplets and dirty airs has lots of small droplets
What is radiation fog?
The ground cooling at night. Infrared radiation is released, the ground releases the most radiation when conditions are dry and clear
What is steam fog?
fog coming off of a swimming pool. Warm air that condenses when making contact with cold air
thin, white, filamentary appeareance. Form in cold air - not much water vapor. Ice crystals. "Mares tails"
White later clouds. Thin enough to be pretty transparent. Can see the sun or moon clearly. Enough direct sunlight reaches the ground that objects cast shadows.
HALOES (caused by ice crystals) usually indicate Cirrostrattus. Cs clouds may sometimes arrive 1 or 2 days ahead of an approaching storm (warm front)
Very small patches or ripples of cloud. Uniform white color, not thick enough to have grey shading. Not as common as two other cirrus type clouds.

At sunset, Cc clouds may resemble the scales on a fish
Sepeare cloud elements about the size of your thumbnail when you hand is held at arms length. May have grey shading.
gray cloud layer (thicker than Cirrostratus. Sun may be visible through thin as but will appear blurred or fuzzy.
Diffuse light, not much direct sunlight - objects on the ground DO NOT CAST SHADOWS
gray cloud layer producing percipitation. Percipitation usually fairly light, continuous, and may cover large area.
Thick altostratus may resemble and eventually become nimbostratus.

Fragments of cloud sometimes seen below nimbostratus are called stratus fractus or scud
Seperate patches of cloud or waves of cloud with widths about the size of your fist.
Common l;ow cloud type - "catch all"

Below Mount Lemmon
gray layer cloud. Thick enough to completely hide the sun from view
seperate clouds resemble balls of cotton. Low enough and clse enough to the ground to have a clear 3-D appearance and grey shading.
thunderstorm cloud.
What do white and grey on infrared visible photographs represent?
white resembles high, cold clouds
gray resembles low, warm clouds
What do white and gray on visible sattelites represent?
White is cumulo-nimbus clouds or low and thick clouds.
Gray represents high and thin cloud
How would a thunderstorm appear on VIS and IR photographs?
On IR, a thunderstorm cloud would appear white because it has a high and cold top
On visible light it would also appear white because it is thick and low
How can sattelites view clouds at night?
VIS can't.
IR measures Infrared radiation passing from the ground to the atmosphere
How would a Stratus or nimbostratus cloud appear on IR? VIS?
on IR it would appear gray.
On VIS it would appear white
How would a cumulo nimbus cloud appear on VIS? IR?
on VIS white
on IR white
How would a Cirrostratus cloud appear on VIS? IR?
white on IR.
gray on VIS.
What is a geostationary sattelites orbit?
the equator
____ would appear white on VIS satelite
____ would appear white on IR sattelite
VIS - Thick
IR - cold
What are low-earth orbit sattelites?
no higher than 2,000 km from the earth's surface
Which can photograph clouds day and night?
IR or VIS??
IR white, gray?
VIS white, gray?
white -cold cloud top (weak emission of IR
gray - Warm cold top (strong emmision of IR

white - thick (Good reflector)
gray - thin (poor reflector)
How big are Cloud condensation nuclei?
.1 um or more
How big are cloud droplets?
20 um
how big are raindrops
2,000 um
Is it easy to make cloud droplets? How is it done?
It is easy,

You cool moist air to the dew point and then the water vapor condenses and forms on a CCN
What are the two ways of making perciptiation?
Collision Coalessence Proccess

Ice crystal process
What is the Collision coalescence process?
found in tropics only. works in clouds that juust contain water droplets.

Big droplets fall faster and they Catch, Collide & Coalesce with smaller ones
What is the Ice-crystal process?
works in clouds that contain BOTH water droplets and ice crystals. This works in MOST locations and most of the time even in Tucson summer
How many 200 μm drizzle drops would be needed to make one 2000 μm raindrop?
What is aggregation?
snow crystals sticking together
what do u need to produce hail?
A big, strong thunderstorm with a slanted updraft
what is the difference between freezing rain and sleet?
freezing rain freezes after it hits the ground.
Sleet freezes as it falls