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46 Cards in this Set

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aspiration of air into the vagina
tx for pneumovagina
tx for sinking vagina
4 common bacterial agents of concern with reproduction
strep, staph, coliforms, yeast
retained CL
failure to return to heat
anovulatory follicle
failure to stop heat
failure to show heat/stop heat or stallion like behavior
granulosa theca cell tumor
sperm/hormone factory
produce testosterone/spermatids
leydig cells
nurse cells maturation of spermatids
sertoli cells
musculocavernous penis
3 species and characterist
horse, dog, human
not always hard
fibroelastic penis
3 species and characterist
cat, boar, ruminants
ready to go all the time
how long does spermogenesis take
where does spermogensesis take place
ductus deferens
FSH produced
in the ant pit
LH produced
in the ant pit
3 parts to a sperm
head, midpiece, tail
brucella abortus causes
abortions, retained placenta, orchitis
define abortion storm
when brucella spreads thru a naive herd
how is brucellosis spread?
ingestion of infected fluids, plactena, vaginal discharges
dx of brucellosis
fetal lung culture, vaginal secretions or milk
gold standard for dx brucellosis
serum agglutination
tx for brucllosis
not attempted
px of brucellosis
vaccination strain 19 or RB51
at what age is a calf vaccinated with strain 19
3-8 months, females only
fistulous withers and bursitis in horses causeed by
b. abortus
brucellosis of sheep/goats
b. melitensis
px of brucellosis in sheep/goats
not done in goats
sheep strain REV1 at 7 months
swine brucellosis
b. suis
tx/px of b. suis
caused by arterivirus
equine viral arteritis
mild resp signs, along with depression, edema, and abortion storms in horses
equine viral arteritis
dx equine viral arteritis
serum titers
tx for equine viral arteritis
none needed, self limiting in mares, males assymptomatic
EHV-1 signs
abortions resp disease
EHV-2 causes
EHV-3 causes
coital exanthema
EHV-4 causes
resp disease abortion
what is exanthema
VD spread by breeding, fomites, insects
signs of EHV-3
vulva/penis papules
broodmares vaccinated at 5,7,9 months
Time of breeding a mare
1-2 d before end of estrus
Time of breeding a cow
12h after standing heat
Time of breeding a ewe
any time during estrus
Time of breeding a doe
end of estrus or 2 successive days
Time of breeding a sow
mid to late estrus