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42 Cards in this Set

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Both Marxism and _____ shared common principles derived from the enlightenment
What was the goal of Marxism?
the seizure of power by the working class and the destruction of capitalism
What was published in 1848 by Marx and Engels that called for a working-class revolution to overthrow the capitalist system?
communist manifesto
What did Marx believe about the capitalist economic system?
it would be destroyed by a socialist revolution
How did Marx believe that real happiness would come?
by improving the natural world, not by transcending it
What was the clash of classes representing conflicting economic interests?
dialectical materialism
What were the economic and technological factors that were moving forces in history? (according to marx)
the ways in which goods were produced and wealth was distributed
What does marx believe pushes history into higher stages?
According to Marx and Engels, the ideas held by the ruling class became what?
the dominant ideas of society
Workers only knew _____ under capitalism
What other struggles in history did Marx compare to the wage earners versus capitalists?
master and slave; patrician and plebeian; lord and serf;
What radical movement denounced the exploitation of workers and the coercive authority of government and envisioned a stateless society?
What famous Russian novelist was an anarchist?
Leo Tolstoy
Who attacked the fundamental outlook of the Enlightenment, particularly as expressed by liberals and socialists?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Who was the french philosopher of Jewish background that reflected the growing irrationalism of the age?
Henri Bergson
European civilization must recognize the limitations of what?
scientific rationalism
Bergson's philosophy pointed away from science toward what?
religious mysticism
Who was the French social theorist who recognized the political potential of the nonrational?
Georges Sorel
Unlike philosophes, Freud focused on what?
the massive power and influence of nonrational drives
What was the essential task of psychoanalysis?
"to struggle with the demon" of irrationality in a "sober way", to make it "a comprehensible object of science"
What did freud call "a cauldron full of seething excitations" that constantly demand gratification?
What seeks to hold the id in check and bring it in line with reality?
the ego
What did freud believe was the best road to social improvement?
The end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth mark what?
the great age of sociological thought
Durkheim wanted to prevent modern society from disintegrating into a disconnected mass of what?
self-seeking, antagonistic individuals
Modern people, said Durkheim, suffered from anomie- which is what?
a collapse of values
Whose studies led him to conclude that social behavior rests primarily not on reason but rather on nonrational instincts and sentiments?
Vilfredo Pareto
Whoever aims to lead and to influence people must appeal not to logic but to what?
elemental feelings
What were the two strata that Pareto divided society into?
elite and the masses
Who concentrated on mass psychology as demonstrated in crowd behavior?
Gustave Le Bon
Who was a leading shaper of modern sociology?
max weber
The experiments of writers and artists produced a great cultural revolution called what?
The clearest expression of the modern viewpoint is found in what
which two artists developed cubism
pablo picasso and Georges Braque
Which two artists created abstract art?
Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky
What did Nietzsche believe about christian morality?
That it is fit for only the weak, the slave
What is the belief that moral and social values have no validity?
Nihilism has caused what in European life?
a crisis
How can man surmount nihilism?
by adopting a new orientation that gives primacy to the superior man (overman or superman)
Who believed that life is an endless striving to fulfill ceaseless desires?
Arthur Schopenhauer
Who saw themselves as members of a master race, who, by force of will, would conquer all obstacles and reshape the world according to their own values?
the nazis
survival in this world, as well as salvation in the next came to depend on what?
inner faith and self- discipline