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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the common characteristics of the different pathogens causing wen bing?
Rapid onset, acute, marked by high fever, thirst, red tongue w yellow coating.
Which pathogen can affect yangming directly?
Summer heat heat
. What pathogen has slow onset and longer duration?
Damp heat
What is the indication for thin yellow coating with sufficient fluid?
Denotes initial stage of pathogenic heat entering the qi aspect prior to fluid damage.
pathogens more likely to affect spleen and stomach.
What is the indication for thick white sticky coating?
Qi level damp heat or dampness is obstructing the qi level. Patient usually has vomiting of turbid thick sticky foam. Damp is stronger than heat.
What is the indication of slippery moist gray coating?
Yang vacuity with cold. Cold limbs, fine pulse or vomiting and diarrhea
What is the indication for crimson tongue with yellow-white coating?
This indicates that the pathogen has already entered the construction but has not as yet terminated in the qi aspect. Combined qi and ying level.
What is the indication for red tongue tip with thorns
Early ying level heat, denotes heart fire flaring upward usually procedes the development of crimson tongue body.
What are the nutritive-Qi level symptoms?
Qi level-- fever no aversion to cold but aversion to heat, great sweating, thirst w desire to drink cold drinks, dry yellow tongue moss, slippery rapid pulse or big surging pulse. 4 Bigs.

Nutritive or constructive symptoms are fever worse at night, dry mouth, but no desire to drink, vexation, inability to sleep sometimes delirious speech and indistinct rashes under the skin, crimson tongue and fine rapid pulse.
What are the blood level symptoms?
Fever, agitation and disquietude, coma, mania, delirious speech, vomiting of blood, nosebleeds, blood in the stools, clearly seen rashes and dark crimson tongue.
According to sanjiao differentiation the organs involved with each jiao?
Upper burner=LU, PC
Middle burner=ST, LI, SP
Lower burner=KI, LV
If you want to read more there is a chart on pg 45
What are the defensive qi level symptoms for summer heat and damp heat?
Summer heat—vigorous fever, great sweating, thirst, surging rapid pulses.

Damp heat---stomach duct dilations, abdominal distention, nausea, and diarrhea, heavy head, yellow complexion, lassitude, scanty urine.
What are the symptoms associated with qi level?
Qi level-- fever no aversion to cold but aversion to heat, great sweating, thirst w desire to drink cold drinks, dry yellow tongue moss, slippery rapid pulse or big surging pulse. 4 Bigs.
What are the symptoms for wind warmth and its occurring season?
Symptoms are fever, slight aversion to wind or cold, headache, coughing, and slight thirst. If it occurs in spring its called wind warmth and if it happens in winter then winter warmth.
What are the wind heat(defensive qi level) formulas and modification?
Yin Qiao San—
If you more chest stuff add huo xiang, yu jin
thirst add tian hua fen
Sore, swollen throat add ma bo, xuan shen
Coughing add xing ren
Nosebleeds addjing jie, dou chi, bai mao gen, ce bai tan, zhi zi tan
Vexing sensations in chest w dark red tongue add sheng di, mai dong
Scanty dark yellow urine add zhi mu, huang qin, zhi zi, mai dong, and sheng di
What are the indication for Sha shen mai men dong tang?
Coughing up small quantities of sticky phlegm, dry mouth and tongue w thirst.
. indication for Ge gen huang qin huang lian tang?
Body heat, diarrhea, scorching heat at the anus, yellow tongue moss and rapid pulse.
What are the indications for liang ge san?
Incessant body heat, vexation w agitation and disquietude, deflagration like scorching heat in the chest and diaphragm, charred lips, dry throat, thirst or constipation, red tongue, yellow tongue moss or yellow white tongue most w insufficient moisture and slippery rapid pulse.
What are the main point of diagnosis for Spring warmth that starts from interior heat?
High fever, vexation, thirst, and sweating that fails to resolve pathogens. Occassionally aversion to cold and absence of sweating or scant sweating occurs but never for long. The external symptoms quickly disappear leaving only the symptoms of internal heat. As disease progresses papules and macules can easily appear w clouded spirit and titanic reversion
What are Zeng ye cheng qi tang indications?
Fever, abdominal fullness, constipation, dry mouth, cracked lips, and charred dry tongue moss.
What are Zeng ye tang ingredients?
Xuan shen, mai dong, sheng di, da huang, mang xiao.
In the formula Qing ying tang: Jin yin hua, lian qiao, dan zhu ye, huang lian resolve pathogenic heat by?
shifting it from Ying level to Qi
Xin jia huang long tang indication and this formula contains what formulas?
Huang long tang-
Fever, abdominal fullness, constipation, dry mouth and throat, lassitude of spirit, fatigue, shortness of breath, yellow or charred black tongue moss, sunken weak or sunken rough pulse.
Xi jiao di huang tang indication?
Scorching hot body, agitation or clouding w mania and delirious raving, dark purple black rashes or vomiting of blood or nose bleeding or blood in the stools, and dark crimson tongue.
Tao ren cheng qi tang indication?
Hardness and fullness of the lower abdomen, black stools, manic episodes, sunken replete pulse and blood stasis papules on the tongue.
Qing hao bie jia tang indication?
Night fever that abates at dawn w/o sweating, good appetite but emanciated body.
Xi jiao di huang tang indication?
Sudden expectoration of blood, nose bleeding, coughing and rough breathing, lack of mental and visual clarity, scorching heat w vexation and thirst, red tongue, yellow tongue moss and wiry rapid pulse.
Bai hu jia cang zhu tang indication?
Vigorous fever w vexation and thirst, copious sweating and scant urine, dilations in the stomach duct and subjective feeling of heavy body, and surging big pulse.
What are the three contraindication of treatment at early stage of damp warmth?
Sweat inducing, attacking below and yin enriching prescriptions are all contraindicated
What is the pathogen that causes interior heat at an initial stage?
Wind warmth
What are the symptoms of deficient kidney fire?
Bleeding from the space between the teeth but without any swelling or pain in the gums (only thing listed
What are the indications for Qing shu yi qi tang?
Fever, high breathing, vexation, yellow urine, thirst, spontaneous sweating, fatigued limbs, wearied spirit, weak and vacuous pulse
What are the symptoms of Liquid qi verging on desertion?
A patient has diminishing fever, non-stop sweating, panting, verging on desertion and scattered big pulse.
What is the formula for Liquid qi verging on desertion?
Sheng mai san
What are the ingredients for Sheng mai san?
ren shen, mai men dong, wu wei zi