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20 Cards in this Set

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The phrase tells us where he is, but "dark" also hints at the subject matter of his photographs.

Spools of suffering set out in ordered rows

The reels of film are described like soldiers, or like rows of War graves. Paradox - chaos and suffering are reduced to something ordered.

As though this were church and he a priest preparing to intone a mass.

This simile shows the seriousness of his work. This is a solemn act, almost like a funeral mass.

B... B... P... P

The succession of plosive Sounds breaks the soft mood like gunfire.

All flesh is grass

This is a quote from the Bible (Isaiah 40:6) which means that human life is temporary.

He has a job to do.

Short, simple sentence using monosyllabic words - he has to put his emotions aside, like a soldier does.

His hands, which did not tremble then

Irony - he was calm in the face of Horrors, but now they affect him.

Rural England

Soft sounds contrast strongly with the place-names in stanza 1.

Of running children in a nightmare heat.

Maybe reference to a Vietnam War photo (see below). This link hints at the importance of the photographer's work, as the photo is sometimes credited with helping to end the war.

Something is Happening.

Turning Point (Volta) in the poem. The focus switches to the personal cost of War - is remembering a specific death and it's impact.

Strangers features faintly start to twist before his eyes

Focusing on one photo and family make this personal and emphasizes the real suffering of War.

A half formed ghost.

He's "half formed" because the photograph is still developing, but also suggest his bodies being mutilated.

To do what someone must

Emphasises that he has an important role in informing public of the reality of War.

Blood stained into foreign dust.

Reminder that this is all happening somewhere else. "Stained" hints at the lasting impact of War.

100 agonies in black and white

Emotive metaphor to describe his photos. Having the pictures printed seems to confirm and solidify the suffering they show.

Sunday's supplement

Sibilance and plosives help make the reader almost spit the word out. This may be at frustration that the photos aren't considered important enough to feature in the main newspaper.


"Prick" suggest pain, but only a small amount of pain for a short time. This suggests the readers will quickly forget the photos.

Tears... Beers

The internal rhyme of "tears" and "beers" emphasises the short duration of the readers' pain - the tears will quickly be replaced by beers.

From the aeroplane

Suggestion that he's returning to the war zone - like a soldier, he's been like a soldier, he's on leave, but now he must return to do his job.

They do not care

It is ambiguous - it could refer to the readers of the newspapers who don't care about the victims of War, or it could refer to the wider world, which is apathetic about others suffering.