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21 Cards in this Set

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Article 3 of the UDHR states that
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
What articles of the UDHR did the U.S violate after Sept. 11?
Intolerance & discrimination
Article 7 of UDHR
Warrantless surveillance
“Terrorist surveillance program”
Article 12 of UDHR
Article 5 of UDHR
When did the U.S begin its drone policy?
Which article of the UDHR prohibits torture?
Article 5
The white paper sets a legal frame work to
considering the circumstances in which the U.S government could use lethal force in a foreign country
T/F The white paper attempts to determine the minimum requirements necessary to drone strike someone?
The white paper has the authority to use lethal force to respond to _________________________ posed by a terrorist organization
imminent threat
The decision ruled in ___________________ determined that the "were the target of a lethal operation a U.S citizen who may have rights under the due process clause and the fourth amendment"
Mathews. v. eldridge
T/F Congress has authorized the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against Al Qaeda?
T/f the United States retains its authority to use force against AL-qaida and associated forces only within combat zones
T/F The state department assumes that the rights afforded by the Fifth Amendment's due process clause, as well as the Fourth Amendment, attach to a U.S citizen even while he is abroad
The Due Process Clause would/ would not prohibit a lethal operation
would not
What are the three scenarios in which the U.S government says it can kill you?
1) an informed, high-level official of the U.S government determines that the targeted individual poses an imminent threat of violent attack against the U.S
2) a capture operation would be infeasible
3) act of war
What are three interest of foreign policy?
1) security interests
2) economic interests
3) other interests
During the cold war, particularly in the Carter-Reagan presidencies, there was more emphasis on human rights/security
One criticism of American foreign policy is that it sometimes confuses liberalization with
Along with the United States, _____________ and ____________ are two countries that have responded to terrorism with increased military action
Israel and Russia
An_______________________ relationship between security and human rights is especially likely when security is seen in moral rather than material terms and to the extent that threats are perceived to lie in internal subversion
The post cold war foreign policy of the US has seen the U.S favor ______________ regimes over communism
What were some of the factors leading to the U.S invasion of Iraq?
1) weapons of mass destruction
2) terrorism
3) regime change
4) a history of animosity
5) regional security
Name some hr violations of the U.S in Iraq?
- Abu Ghraib
- Guatnanamo
- patriot act