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31 Cards in this Set

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Hampton sides

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Name of camp


Year rescue takes place


Bataan death march

Killed 750 Americans and 5000 fillipenos. Ppl on side beat and almost killed. Put in train cars. 100 packed into cars. 15 died

How disease affected allied POWs

Killed 100s maybe 1000s. Disentairy ran through camps

Lt col Henry mucci

Commander of army ranger. Highly trained group of soldiers

Capt Robert prince

Commander of 6th ranger battalion who lead raid after mucci

Army rangers and rescuers

Highly trained men. Trained by hunting in mountains. Not much experience before raid

Probs of rescuing 500 POWS

A lot of prisoners to get out at once. Most not in shape to be extracted. Had to travel over 30 miles.

Brain buckets

Muccis term for helmets. Didn't allow them to wear them. Minimize sound and not allow any shine


As rangers marched , when the front of the line heard a noise the wld drop to the group like Dominos

Nose diving birds

Rangers heard a noise that sounded like mortar hitting the ground. It was dead birds fallling

Red cross packages

Packages from red cross that had food, cig, books.

High pockets

American women that helped smuggle supplies into camp

Complications between American and fillipenos

Some were with some against

Code of bushido

Way of the warrior code in Japanese society

How prisoners were transported

Train and walking

Water treatment

Not food. Caused dysentery

How camps were civilized

Had leaders, Ppl had jobs and did their part to help others

What POWS wanted

Food, tobacco, cig mostly

Purpose of Alamo scouts

Went before rangers and got full intelligence for them

Pep pills

Used by rangers after raid to help keep them awake (speed)

How japs deterred POWS from escaping

Put them in groups of 10. If one tried to escape, they'd all be killed. Later of one person tried to escape, they'd kill entire camp

Lady selling fruit at camp

Sold fruit to guards to make locals look good to japs

Purpose of black widows

Distract japs when rangers attack

How time was kept in camp

Triangle bell in middle of camp

What is camp now

Park with fruit trees. Some walls in memorial for 2616 Ppl who died

Liberation of food

When guards left, prisoners raided months supply of their food. Helped moral go up and gave extra strength

Prisoners response to breakout

Thought japs were executing them. Move slow and didn't know where to go

Eddie rose and physical weakness

Deaf prisoner who left camp after raid. Saved by guerrilla soldiers.