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19 Cards in this Set

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What are the classic LUT signs
What is the most common site for stones
Why might you need to do an appositional pattern (rather than an inverting one) when closing the bladder
If the wall is too thickened
How commonly is an in-dwelling catheter needed after cystotomy
Usually not needed
What is the most common urinary location for neoplasia
The bladder
What is the #1 bladder neoplasia
It is aggressive locally and systemically
Where is TCC of the bladder usually found
At the trigone
But, it is diffusely invasive and very hard to get clean margins
True/False: If the tumor is apical, you can do a partial cystectomy
You can physiologically remove up to 75% of the bladder (but p may be incontinent d/t loss of reservoir capacity)
What is the Rx of choice for bladder TCC
Piroxicam (a COX-1 NSAID w/ anti-neoplastic effects on this tumor)
When performing a cystectomy, what bladder closure pattern should be used
An appositional pattern
Not enough tissue typically remains to allow an inverting pattern to be used

Place in-dwelling catheter for first 48hrs
Where are males most likely to experience urethral trauma
In the prostatic urethra just caudal to the prostate
True/False: The ability to urinate Rs/O the possibility of LUT rupture
True/False: The ability to pass a urinary catheter Rs/O partial urethral tear or bladder rupture
It only makes a total urethral tear very unlikely
What should you do if you suspect a urethral tear (based on diagnostic imaging, etc.)
Place a urinary catheter and closed urine collection system for ~10d. to allow it to heal by 2nd intention
True/False: Placement of a urinary catheter to facilitate healing of urethral tear by 2nd intention leaves much concern for stricture formation
Where are calculi most likely to obstruct a dog's urethra
At the base of the os penis

Use retrograde propulsion to flush these calculi back into the bladder before removal
If prostatic neoplasia does occur, what is the most common form of it
By the time you have dx'd it, it has already metted usually
What is the primary tx for all prostatic dzs but neoplasia

In cases of neoplasia, neutering may allow surrounding cells to shrink, but not the tumor itself
If cysts/abscesses are found in the prostate, what should you do
Drain the cysts/abscesses and bx the prostate

Then, omentalize the prostate to provide increased vascularity, lymphatics, and fibrin seal