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35 Cards in this Set

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What are the nuclei associated with the oculomotor nerves?
Oculomotor nucleus - in midbrain and
accessory oculomotor nucleus (Edinger-Westphal nucleus) - preganglionic parasympathetics
What nuclei are associated witht he trochlear nerve?
trochlear nucleus dorsal to MLF
What nuclei are associated with the abducens nerve?
abducent nucleus
What type of fibers are present in CN III, IV, VI and XII
somatic motor fibers
What muscles of the eye are found in the common tendinous ring?
the 3 rectus muscles
What CN are found within the common tendinous ring?
oculomotor N (sup and inf. branch) and Abducent nerve and optic nerve
what two muscles are just ou tof the common tendinous ring
the levator palpebrae superiororis and the superior oblique
Somatic efferents fom the oculomotor nucles innervate the (inferior division of CN III)
medial rectus - ipsilateral
inferior rectus - ipsilateral
inferior oblique - ipsilateral
Somatic efferents form the oculomotor nucleus innervate the (sup. division of CN III)
superior rectus - contralateral
levator palpebrae superioris - ipsilateral and contralateral
So - all CN III, IV, and VI are purely motor nerves?
yes - well - kinda - there are always propriocepthive fibers, subconsciously need to know where you're eye is.
What is the ciliary ganglion for then if the oculmotor nucles is purely motor?
for parasymp fibers - ciliary ganglion found o nt he inferior branch - thus if you knock it out you lose parasymp as well
if you knock ou the sup. brach of the oculomotor nerve will you lose parasymp innervation?
Preganglionic parasympathetics from the accessory oculomotor nucelus (Edinger-westphal nucleus) travel in the inferior dividsion of CN ___ to innervated the ______ _______.
III, ciliary ganglion
POstganglionic parasympathetic (from accessory oculomotor nucleus) are conveyed to targets via short ciliary nerves from teh ciliary ganglion - what are the targets?
Ciliarus muscle (accomodation
pupillary sphincter (constricts pupil)
Where is the Edinger west-phal nucleus found and where does it receive afferent form?What about it's efferents?
posterolateral to the oculomotor nucleus
receives afferents from
cerbral cortex (for accomodation)
superiro colliculus (visual realy ) - tectospinal ex
Vestibular fibers from the MLF
to oculomotor nucleus - control of vertical eye movements
What segment of the mid brain is the oculomotor nucleus found?
in rostral midbrain by periaqueductal gray - when nerve leaves it enters the interpeduncular fossa
What symptoms are seen when you lesion the oculomotor nerve? could appear because of an uncal herniation - where inflammation occurs and pushes uncus to the midbrain and pinches oculmotor nerve.
ptosis - drooping of eyelid - paralysis of levator paralebrae superioris (smooth muscle) - sup. tarsal muscle will hold it open a bit though
lateral strabismus -pupil drifts laterally, lack of medial rectus
dilated pupil - no parasymp form sphinctor pupillae
loss of accommodation (edinger westphal nucleus)
loss of convergence - no medial recuts
In Horner Syndrome do you lose the symp. or parasymp?
symp - have ptosis, pupils will constrict not dilate
What is the only cranial nerve to orginate on the posterior aspect of the brainstem?
Where is the trochelar nerve found and where does it go?
Found in CAUDAL midbrain
trochelar nucleus dorsal to teh MLF somatic efferent fibers travel posteriorly around the periaqueductal gray, decussate above teh cerebral aqueduct and travel to the contralateral superiro oblique muscle
What would lesion of the left superior oblifque muscle look like?
Eye would be laterally rotated and that patient would tilt their head toward the affected eye or contralateral nucleus - the eye ABducts and laterally rotates.
What muscle does the abducent nerve innervate?
ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle
Neurons in teh abducent nucleus are activated in conjugate horizontal eye movements by activating the ipsilateral abducent nucleus and the contralateral _________ nucleus using projetios from the reticular formaiton (PPRF and the MLF)
Wehre is the abducent nucleus found in teh brainstem?
Pontine tegmentum
If you lesion the abducens nerve what do you get?
medial strabismus - see double, rotate neck so that the object is seen clearly.
Wehre does the PPRF primarily receive input from?
the frotnal eye feild of cerebral cortex -
How does the vestibuloocular reflex work?
The paramedian pontine, reticular formation sends a signal is used in such a way that to get lateral gaze, the abducens nucleus is activated and the ipsilateral nerve activates and moves the lateral rectus muslce while the contralateral innervates the oculomotor nerve (via te MLF) and contracts the medial rectus muscle, thus pulling both eyes in teh same direction (yolking) - you can consciously move these as well
What are the 7 extraocular muscles?
Levator Palpebrae superioris - moves eyelid
Rectus muscles - superiro, inferior, medial, lateral
oblique muscles - sueprior inferior
T/F the Axis of the orbit and Axis of the eyeball are in the same alignment.
false, the axis of the orbit it 23 degree off of the axis of the eyeball - what makes us need the oblique muscles
What three mvts. does the eyemake?
rotation, vertical, horizonatl
What muscles offset the movement of the rectus muscles?
sup. oblique - works to offset lateral roation adn adduction of inf. rectus - depresses, ABducts and rotates medially
inf. oblique - works to offest medial roation and adduction of sup rectus -elevates, ABducts, and rotates laterally
If you want to test the muscle what do you do?
ISOLATE each function - so put the pupil in on the same axis line as the muscle
ex: to test for inf. oblique - look medially and upward
What nerve. is associated with meningeal dura?
trochlear and oculomotor
What artery when calcifies can compress CN in the cavernous sinus?
internal carotid artery
Where does the trochlear nerve exit inot the eye socket?
via the superior orbital fissure