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45 Cards in this Set

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Most important GI parasites are diagnosed by the examination of what?
Most important GI parasites are diagnosed by the examination of what?

Common name for trematode?
Common name for trematode?

A pet that keeps getting recurring tapeworm infections should be suspected of what?
A pet that keeps getting recurring tapeworm infections should be suspected of what?

Fleas or predation (eating small animals)
The common name for dirofilaria immitis?
The common name for dirofilaria immitis?

How is heartworm diagnosed?
How is heartworm diagnosed?

Radiographs, serology, blood smear, and necropsy
How is heartworm transmitted?
How is heartworm transmitted?

4 examples of unicellular parasites of the gi tract:
4 examples of unicellular parasites of the gi tract:

Toxoplasma, isospora, cryptosporidium, and giardia
What is the shared name for unicellular parasites?
What is the shared name for unicellular parasites?

Flukes look like what kind of parasite?
Flukes look like what kind of parasite?

A direct smear is prepared using what types of solution?
A direct smear is prepared using what types of solution?

Saline or sterile water
Common parasite with complex life cycle (ie needs intermediate host to become infective)?
Common parasite with complex life cycle (ie needs intermediate host to become infective)?

Name 3 types of intermediate hosts for tapeworm:
Name 3 types of intermediate hosts for tapeworm:

Fleas, rodents, and rabbits
Under which objective power would you see roundworm oocysts?
Under which objective power would you see roundworm oocysts?

Low power 10 x (100x)
Under which objective power would you see trophozoite & cyst forms of protozoa?
Under which objective power would you see trophozoite & cyst forms of protozoa?

Hi-dry 10 x (400x)
Fecal flotation uses what type of solution?
Fecal flotation uses what type of solution?

Salt, zinc, and sugar
The principal behind how fecal solutions work is what?
The principal behind how fecal solutions work is what?

Eggs are lighter than the solution so they float to the top.
Name a species of parasite who's larval stage burrows into paws/bare feet by its scientific name:
Name a species of parasite who's larval stage burrows into paws/bare feet by its scientific name:

Hookworms (ancylostoma)
A disease cause by dermatophyte:
A disease cause by dermatophyte:

The scientific name for ringworm:
The scientific name for ringworm:

Microsporum Canis
(a dermatophyte)
The DTM media turns what color to indicate the growth of a pathogenic fungus?
The DTM media turns what color to indicate the growth of a pathogenic fungus?

Why should the DTM tray/vial be protected from outside contaminants?
Why should the DTM tray/vial be protected from outside contaminants?

So they aren't contaminated
Define Tease mount:
Define Tease mount:

Fungal culture transferred to a slide lightly
Describe how frontline control fleas:
Describe how frontline control fleas:

Adulticide / IGR absorbed into fair follicle
Describe the appearance of malassezia on microscopic exam:
Describe the appearance of malassezia on microscopic exam:

Purple looking peanuts (yeast)
Name of type of mold that is effective at inhibiting bacterial growth:
Name of type of mold that is effective at inhibiting bacterial growth:

DTM vials need to be checked daily for how many days before determining the final result?:
DTM vials need to be checked daily for how many days before determining the final result?:

14 days at room temperature
Are fungal infections only transmitted by direct contact?:
Are fungal infections only transmitted by direct contact?:

No, can also be inhaled
Name two ways roundworms can be passed:
Name two ways roundworms can be passed:

Fecal to oral & transplacentally transmammary
Can tapeworms be passed transmammary or transplacentally?:
Can tapeworms be passed transmammary or transplacentally?:

What is one highly infective method for zoonotic infection of parasites?:
What is one highly infective method for zoonotic infection of parasites?:

Intermediate host, eating under cooked meat and fecal
Name 3 species names for roundworm:
Name 3 species names for roundworm:

Toxascaris, leonina, and toxocara canis/cati
Is rabies a serious zoonotic disease that can be fatal?
Is rabies a serious zoonotic disease that can be fatal?

Yes, it is always fatal
Are coccidia varieties species specific?:
Are coccidia varieties species specific?:

Yes except for toxoplasma and cryptosporidium
Describe how Revolution controls fleas:
Describe how Revolution controls fleas:

IGR, adulticide, enters bloodstream, topical monthly
Why should pregnant women not clean cat litter boxes?:
Why should pregnant women not clean cat litter boxes?:

Risk of toxo
What risks if any do roundworms cause to humans?
What risks if any do roundworms cause to humans?

Zoonotic disease - can spread to liver, lungs, eyes, and brain
What methods can vet assistant use to protect themselves from zoonotic diseases?
What methods can vet assistant use to protect themselves from zoonotic diseases?

Wear protective equipment and wash hands
What type of mange is zoonotic?:
What type of mange is zoonotic?:

What type of mange is normally found on the skin of dogs?:
What type of mange is normally found on the skin of dogs?:

The name of the egg packet of the tapeworm is what?:
The name of the egg packet of the tapeworm is what?:

The species name for eat mites is what?:
The species name for eat mites is what?:

What protozoal infection is sometimes called "beaver feaver" in humans?:
What protozoal infection is sometimes called "beaver feaver" in humans?:

What does FAD stand for? What causes it?:
What does FAD stand for? What causes it?:

Flea allergy dermatitis. An allergy to the fleas saliva.
What type of worm is a ringworm?:
What type of worm is a ringworm?:

Not a worm, it's a fungus.
Describe how program controls fleas:
Describe how program controls fleas:

IGR only, monthly and injectable.