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43 Cards in this Set

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Explain the Boston Massacre.
The Boston Massacre was when several British Guards shot down 5 Boston protesters that were protesting against British taxes.
What was the Tea Act?
It was a tax on Tea that caused the Boston Tea Party
What was Lexington and Concord?
It was the first battle in the war. "The shot heard round the world"
Who were the loyalists?
Loyalists were colonists that still liked the fact that they were under British ruling.
Who was Thomas Paine?
Thomas Paine was a colonists who opposed Britain. He wrote Common Sense,a pamphlet that explained why Britain shouldn't rule the colonies.
What was the battle of Saratoga?
Why was it so important?
The battle a Saratoga was a battle in Saratoga where America won. This gave the Americans a great morale boost due to not winning a fight in a long time. It was the turning point of the war.
What was the Treaty of Paris?
The treaty of Paris was the treaty that brought and end to the war, unoficialy though.
What were the Articles of Confederation?
The Articles of Confederation were the words that made American split apart from Britain.
What was the Great Compromise?
It was a compromise between the New Jersey plan and the Virginian plan. This created the style of government we have today.
What is federalism?
Federalism is the use of democracy and popular sovereignty.
What were The Bill of Rights?
The Bill of Rights were the first 10 amendments in the constitution.
Give 3 examples that the constitution wanted America to be.
Any of these:
Popular Sovereignty

Ensure Domestic Tranquility

Provide for the the common

Promote the general welfare

Securing the blessings of liberty
What are the 3 branches of government?
The Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches.
What 2 houses make up the Legislative branch?
The senate and the congress.
What are precedents?
Examples that are set by a prestigious figure that are hopefully to be followed.
Why did some Americans not approve of the French Revolution?
They didn't approve of it because the French were using extreme uses of violence.
What were the 2 first political parties?
Democratic Republicans and Federalists.
Name the first 5 presidents.
1. George Washington
2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson
4. James Madison
5. James Monroe
What was the XYZ affair?
The affair led to the Alien and Sedition acts. It was passed by the federalists.
Explain the Louisiana purchase?
It was when America purchased land from France. Most of the land was in Central America.
What was the Embargo Act? Did it help America?
It was an Act that prevented trade between France and America. It did not help America in any way, but made them lose millions in trade.
Explain Americans conflicts with Native Americans.
Americans forced Natives out of their villages, and forced them away. In responce, Natives helped France in the war of 1812.
Explain the war of 1812.
It was a war against France due to trade reasons between the 2, and heated political affairs. It led to an American victory. The natives also helped France in the war.
List a few negative effects to workers in factories...
1. Diseases from the dust
2. Hearing problems due to machines
3. Bad pay and housing
List a few positive effects from the Industrial revolution...
1. Increased production
2. Boom in economy
3. Increase in jobs
What is sectionalism?
Sectionalism was when someone was loyal to their part of the country. For example, someone from New York wouldn't want to be in the same squad in war with someone from Virginia.
What was Clays' american plan?
It was his own plan for the US economy. It opened a National bank, gave money for transportation, and produced the protective tariff.
Give an example of a useful invention involving communication...
Give an example of a useful invention involving production...
Steam power
Water power
Cotton gin
Sewing Machine
Give an example of a useful invention involving transportation...
Clipper Ships
What are Trade Unions?
Who formed them?
Trade Unions were formed by workers in hopes of getting better working conditions in their factories.
Were women generally accepted in factory affairs such as trade unions?
No, but instead, woman made their own trade unions.
What was the effect of the cotton gin involving slavery.
It made slavery boom in the south because they needed more slaves to pick cotton.
What was the cottonocracy?
The cottonocracy was the groups of farmers that owned hundreds of slaves, owned many cotton gins, and made thousands due to the high demand of cotton. Many people involved in the cottonocracy also became political figures.
What was the 2nd Great Awakening?
It was a religious movement that made people believe that actions you make in love determine if you go to hell or heaven.
What was the Temperance movement?
It was a movement to ban alcohol in the U.S.
What was the Underground Railroad?
It was a series of houses/people that sheltered run-away slaves until they reached the north.
What was the Seneca Falls Convention.
It was a convention in hopes of increasing the importance of woman's rights in America.
What was the Missouri Compromise?
It was a compromise made by Henry Clay that created the Missouri line. All states north of the line were free states (with the exception of Missouri), while all south, slave states.
What was the Free Soil Party?
It was a political party that wanted to prevent the spread of slavery through out the United States.
What were the 5 parts of the Compromise of 1850?
1. Passed the Fugitive Slave Act
2. California entered the union
3. Popular Sovereignty in Utah and New Mexico
4.Ended slave trade in Washington DC
5.Settled the border dispute between Texas and New Mexico
What was Uncle Tom's Cabin's effect on America.
It showed many Americans how cruel slaves were treated.
Explain "Bloody Nebraska"
Bloody Nebraska was the response to the Nebraska-Kansas act. It was a series of attacks between pro and anti-slavery groups, leading to over 200 deaths.