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17 Cards in this Set

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Algebraic expression

an algebraic expression is an expression built up from integer constants, variables, and the algebraic operations

Are combinations of numbers and operations

Associative property

the associative property is a property of some binary operations.

5+(2+7) = (5+2)+7


A symbol for a number we dont know yet. It is usually a letter like x or y


The coefficients are the numbers that multiply the variables or letters.

Communitive property

The Commutative property states that order does not matter. Multiplication and addition are commutative.


3 x 2 = 2 x 3


A fixed value. In Algebra, a constant is a number on its own, or sometimes a letter such as a, b or c to stand for a fixed number.

Distributive property

The distributive property lets you multiply a sum by multiplying each addend separately and then add the products.

7 (b + 2) = 7b + 14

Equivalent expressions

Equivalent expressions are expressions that are the same, even though they may look a little different.


find a numerical expression or equivalent for (an equation, formula, or function).

Define the variable

(of a quantity) able to assume different numerical values.

Factor the expression

one of two or more numbers, algebraic expressions, or the like, that when multiplied together produce a given product; a divisor: 6 and 3 are factors of 18.


each of the quantities in a ratio, series, or mathematical expression.

Numeral expression

A numerical expression is a mathematical sentence involving only numbers and one or more operation symbols.

Order of operations

The order of operations used throughout mathematics, science, technology and many computer programming languages is expressed here: exponents and roots.


Tells which operation to perform first

Perfect square

the product of a rational number multiplied by itself.


The power of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication.


The properties are the commutative, associative, additive identity and distributive properties.

Statements that are true for any number