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37 Cards in this Set

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Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre,

[vɔ.trə tɔst ʒə pø vu lə rã.drə]

Your toast, I can to-you it return, (Your toast, gentlemen, I offer back to you.)

Señors car avec les soldats

[sɛ.ɲɔr ka. ɾa.vɛk lɛ sɔl.da]

gentlemen for with the soldiers (for soldiers and toreadors)

oui, les toréros, peuvent s'entendre;

[wi lɛ tɔ.ɾɛ.ɾɔ pœ.və sã.tã.drə]

yes, the toreadors, they-can understand-one-another (can understand one another)

pour plaisirs ils ont les combats!

[puɾ plɛ.ziɾ il. zõ lɛ kõ.ba]

for pleasure they have the fights! (their pleasure lies in fighting!)

le cirque est plein, c'est jour de fête,

[lə siɾ. kɛ plɛ sɛ ʒuɾ də fɛ.tə]

The arena is full, it-is the-day of-the fiesta,

le cirque est plein du haut en bas.

[lə siɾ. kɛ plɛ dy o. tã ba]

the arena is full from top to bottom.

les spectateurs, perdant la tête,

[lɛ spɛk.ta.œɾ pɛɾ.dã la tɛ.tə]

The spectators, losing the head, (The spectators are going wild,)

les spectateurs s'interpellent á grand fracas!

[lɛ spɛk.ta.tœɾ sɛ.tɛɾ.pɛ.lə a gɾã fɾa.kɑ]

the spectators shout-at-each-other in-a big uproar!

Apostrophes, cris et tapage

[a.pɔs.tɾɔ.fə kɾi. ze ta.pa.ʒə]

Heckling, shouts and racket

poussés jusques à la fureur!

[pu.se ʒys.kə. za la fy.ɾœɾ]

pushed to-the-point of the furor! (increases to a fury!)

car c'est la f-te du courage!

[kaɾ sɛ la fɛ.tə dy ku.ɾa.ʒə]

Because it-is the festival of courage!

C'est la fête des gens de cœur!

[sɛ la fɛ.tə dɛ ʒã. də kœɾ]

It-is the festival of people with (strong)-hearts!

Allons! en garde! Allons! ah!

[a.lõ ã gaɾ.də a.lõ ɑ]

Come-then! on guard! Come-then! Ah!

Tor-ador, en garde!

[tɔ.re.a.dɔ. ɾã gaɾ.də]

Toreador, on guard!

Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant

[e sõ.ʒə bjɛ wi sõ. ʒã kõ.ba.tã]

And dream well, yes, dream while fighting

qu'un œil noir te regarde,

[kœ, nœj nwaɾ tə ɾə.gaɾ.d(ə)]

that-a eye black you watches, (that a dark eye is watching you,)

et que l'amour t'attend,

[e kə la.muɾ ta.tã]

and that love awaits-you,

Tor-ador, l'amour t'attend!

[tɔ.ɾe.a.dɔɾ la.muɾ ta.tã]

Toreador, love awaits-you!

Tout d'un coup, on fait silence...

[tu dœ ku õ fɛ si.lã.sə]

All of-a sudden, they become silent...

ah que se passe-t-il?

[ɑ kə sə pɑ.sə.til]

Ah! what is happening?

Plus de cris, c'est l'instant!

[ply də kɾi sɛ lɛs.tã]

No-more of cries, it-is the-moment! (No more cries, the moment has arrived!)

Le taureau s'élance en bondissant hors du Toril!

[lə tɔ.ɾo se.lã.sə ã bõ.di.sã ɔɾ dy tɔ.ɾil]

The bull throws-himself while bounding out of-the bullpen! (The bull leaps, charging out of the bullpen!)

Il s'élance, it entre, il frappe!

[il se.lã.sə i. lã. tɾil fɾa.pə]

It throws-himself/(charges), it enters, it strikes!

un cheval roule, entraînant un Picador,

[œ ʃə.val ɾu.lə ã.tɾɛ.nã. tœ pi.ka.dɔɾ]

a horse rolls, dragging-down a Picador,

Ah! bravo! Toro! Hurle la foule!

[ɑ bɾa.vo tɔ.ɾo yɾ.lə la fu.lə]

Ah, Bravo! Bull! Shouts the crowd!

Le taureau va... il vient et frappe encore!

[lə tɔ.ɾo va il vjɛ e fɾa. pã.kɔɾ]

The bull goes... it comes, and strikes again! (The bull runs off... he returns and strikes again!)

En secouant ses banderilles,

[ã sə.ku.ã sɛ bã.də.ɾi.jə]

While shaking its banderillas,

plein de fureur, il court!

[plɛ də fy.ɾœɾ il kuɾ]

full of fury, it runs!

Le cirque est plein de sang!

[lə siɾ. kɛ plɛ də sã]

The arena is full of blood!

On se sauve... on franchit les grilles!

[ã sə so.v(ə) ã fɾã.ʃi le gɾi.jə]

They themselves save... they jump-over the railings! (They save themselves by jumping over the railings!)

C'est ton tour maintenant!

[sɛ tõ tuɾ mɛ.tə.nã]

It-is your turn now!

Allons! en garde! Allons! ah!

[al.õ ã g.də a.lõ ɑ]

Come-then! on guard! Come-then! Ah!

Toréador, en garde!

[tɔ.ɾe.a.dɔr ã gaɾ.də]

Toreador on guard!

Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant

[e sõ.ʒə bjɛ wi sõ. ʒã kõ.ba.tã]

And dream well, yes, dream while fighting

qu'un -il noir te regarde,

[kœ. nœj nwaɾ tə ɾə.gaɾ.d(ə)]

that-a eye black you watches, (that a dark eye is watching you,)

et que l'amour t'attend,

[e kə la.muɾ ta.tã]

and that love awaits-you,

Toréador, l'amour t'attend!

[tɔ.ɾe.a.dɔɾ la.mur ta.tã]

Toreador, love awaits-you!