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59 Cards in this Set

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What is maintenance data collection

Collection storage and retrieval of information concerning a maintenance action

What are some of the overall benefits that base level maintenance actions can derive from the MDC system

Provides the meaning for Manning assigned equipment resources and planning and scheduling maintenance

How is data collected by the MDC system made available to base level maintenance activities

Through computer listing or in units equipped with imds, on video terminals

How does MDC information enable depot to reduce the number of spare parts required

Provides precise removal and replacement predictions

007. What data code allows all phrases of a job to be tied together for data analysis

Job control number

2. What do the last 4 digits of the JCN represent

Identify job number

3. What are the four types of work centers that report data to the MDC system

Owning, work, non-reporting, performing, reporting

4. Been on equipment ID number is translated by the computer into what types of information

Owning work center, registration number or part number, standard reporting, equipment serial number, MDS or end item working unit code, designator code

5. What are support General codes

Limited number of work unit code assigned in a special category to identify tasks of General nature

008 1. In what publication can instructions for use of a fto form 349 be found

TO 00-20-2 chapter 3

2. What personnel supplies the priority that is posted in Block 7 of a fto form 349

Maintenance control

3. When 1045 is entered in Block 17 of a fto form 349 what does it indicate

The time the specialist is supposed to start working

4. When is an entry required in Block 22 of a 349

Entry required when reporting the replacement of items requiring a block 29 Parts replaced during repair

5. What would 1430 in column h of the form 349 indicate

The start hour

6. A team of two technicians have just completed a maintenance action which technicians employee number is entered in column in of the form 349

The highest-ranking technician

7. What form provides a means of controlling items following to and from intermediate maintenance shops

AFTO 350

8. You are filling out an a fto form 350 and discover that the part you are identifying has no part number or data plate. What would you enter in Block 11 of the form

Last 9 characteristics of the NSN

9. Under what condition would an entry be made in Block 13 of the form 350

A demand has been placed on the supply system

10. If you repair an item by replacing a component, where on the form 350 do you make an entry telling this action

Block 15

11. Who is responsible for making an entry in Block 26 of the form 350

Who is responsible for returning the item to serviceable status

009. 1. What are the database management functions of IMDS

Database management, information retrieval and Reporting data to higher headquarters

2. What types of data errors are not detected by IMDS

One of a Kind data errors such as incorrect serial numbers

3. How are reports and listings processed by imds

Background programs within the computer

4. How is imds data used by higher headquarters

Determine among other things spares and Manpower requirements

010 1. What screen is used to input discrepancies into the system following the debrief

Screen 053

2. What is a create and schedule discrepancies option that will not need a type equipment character identifier

Option 14

3. When does information about maintenance action become a permanent part of the record for a piece of equipment

After 5 days

4. What imds screen has a menu for choosing options to change job data

Screen 907

5. How are bit and piece actions placed into the imds

By using screen 907, choose option 14, and entering the new information Vis screen 928

6. What maintenance event option is selected for changing a WCE ID

Screen 054 option 2

7. When would a technician use screen 142

To report deferred events and reason for deferment

8. What screen and option does a workcentre use to determine what jobs are complete

Screen 100

9. How can a technician find out about previous write-ups for a particular piece of equipment or aircraft using Imds

Screen 123 maintenance repair history inquiry

011. 1 name the four aircraft maintenance controls provided by g081 System

Maintenance scheduling, aircraft status changes, Mission scheduling and discrepancy information input and output, MDC for special inspections

2. Other than maintenance control for what other purposes is g081 used

Manage engine off / on maintenance, age, repair cycle, maintenance analysis, personal training

3. Under the g081 profanity program who is notified when profanity is found in g081 documentation

Message is sent to g081 management section on the base from which the profanity came, message goes to headquarters who in turn contacts offending users logistical group Commander

4. To make changes to the g081 system to whom must users first submit change requests

Quest's must go through the local g081 manager, from the manager they are sent to hair corporate headquarters and Tinker Air Force Base

5. What are the four types of programs used in g081 system

Data input programs, data out put programs, batch programs, VIRP programs

6. Name four types of Standards used to input information into the g081 system

SER/ID , Shop, maintenance codes, JCN

7. During your log out procedure what indication will let you know you are completely logged out

Mobility is shown

012 1. What are the four basic principles for Supply discipline.

Max economical use, effective safeguarding, adhere to regulations, screen of stocks and redistribution

2. Who insures all Personnel are knowledgeable and trained in Supply discipline

Each commanders and supervisors

3. When does excess property become Surplus property

If it's not needed by any other AF unit, if it's not needed by any other military service or federal agency

4. What are two reasons property becomes obsolete

Technological developments, changing World situations

013 1. What is property accountability

Obligation imposed to keep regulation and accurate records

2. Who is accountable for equipment items

Supply personnel and Equipment custodians

3.What is pecuniary liability

Means that we must pay for the loss, destruction, or damage to property caused by our negligence or misuse

4. What are the three types of property responsibility

Command, supervisory, custodial

5. How do commanders discharge their responsibility for keeping Personnel informed of appropriate uses of AF property

Issue instructions and directives

6. What two forms are used by the Air Force for reimbursement of loss, damaged, or stolen property that is valued at or below $500

DD Form 1131, DD Form 362

7. After a loss of property is discovered when is a report of survey normally initiated

Within 30 days

014 1. How would you obtain a piece of new equipment for your unit

Form 601 or form 2005

015 1. How many times does an item need to be ordered during a 90-day period for it to appear on the bench stock add item list

3 times

2. How often does bench stock support physically check each bench stock

At least once a week

016 1. What are the two categories of deficiency reports

Category 1, Category 2

2. When is a category 2 deficiency report used

If uncorrected would cause death severe injury or severe occupational illness, major loss or damage to equipment or system, restrict combat or operational readiness

3. When is a category 2 deficiency report used

Errors and workmanship or standards, I found during an initial acceptance inspection, errors in testing or calibration of equipment

4. What criteria are used to determine whether a deficiency report is to be submitted

Does not fit , does not work, fails before expected life cycle, safety

5. What is the time frame for deficiency report submissions

Cat 1- 1 work day

Cat 2- 3 work days