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45 Cards in this Set

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Amplification and filtering of sound waves produced by the larynx in the nasal and oral cavities


3 types of resonance disorders



assimilitive nasality

_____________ occurs when VP closure is NOT achieved and air and sound waves get up in nasal cavity.


_______________ occurs when air and sound are not making it into the nasal cavity


_____________ nasality may or may not be deviant


In hypernasality, excessively undesirable ________________ occurs during ___________ sounds and _____ dysfunction is the cause.

resonance, non-nasal, VP

VP ___________ - impaired motion of VP mechanism. The structure is ________, it just is not working _________.

incompetence, there, right

VP ___________ - tissue is ________ and _____ motion is not possible. May not respond to __________.

insufficiency, missing, VP, therapy

VP __________ - a combination of incompetence and insufficiency


Symptoms of VP incompetence

Audible air/nasal air _____________

reduced ___________ air pressure


emissions, intraoral, HYPERnasality

_____________ is almost always caused by some type of _________ with the most common cause being enlarged _______, __________, or deviated _________.

hyponasality, obstruction, tonsils, allergies, septum

_____________ nasality only becomes a problem when someone is _______-_______ about it. Their _______ and voiced ________ sound nasally and may be due to exposure to a _________ speaker.

Assimilitive, self-conscious, vowels, consonants, faulty

When evaluating incompetence or insuffiency, must determine if it is due to __________ or __________.

structure, function

Assessment of nasal air emissions includes holding a ________ under nose, using a _____ _________ for visual feedback, or other forms of ______ procedures.

mirror, See Scape, scope

If ______________ is suspected and _______ therapy will not work, client will need to be referred to a _______ specialist such as a _________ _________ or an _______.

insufficiency, voice, medical, plastic surgeon, ENT

A _______ ________ is a common birth defect with different degrees of severity in which _______ did not fuse together as it should have in the _______.

cleft palate, tissue, womb

In a _________ _________, it will appear normal other than a bluish ridge that feels like a ditch because the ________ did not fuse, but _______ covers it all. Often goes _________.

submucal cleft, bones, tissue, undetected

In a cleft of the _______ palate, bones are _________ and there is a separation that may be _______ or ________. Usually treated with an early _________, with _______ clefts being most severe and requiring more surgeries.

soft, diffused, unilateral, bilateral, surgery, bilateral

Cleft palate evaluation is very similar to _________ evaluation. Must determine if __________ or ________ and then referral to a _______ ________ may be needed.

nasality, insufficient, incompetent, plastic surgeon

Cleft palate treatment options: 3

___________ flap

___________ flap

___________ ______ device

pharyngeal flap

chevron flap

palatal lift device

__________ ______ is most common treatment for cleft palate. Done by _______ ________ and a strip of ________ is taken from back wall of ________, peeled away, and attached to ______ _________. Very high success ______.

Pharyngeal flap, plastic surgeon, tissue, soft palate, rate

A ________ _______ is where a chevron strip is taken from back wall of ________, but it does not always work.

chevron, pharynx

A _______ ______ device is an _______, similar to a retainer or upper denture, that goes in ______ of mouth. Uses a ________ device that helps boost ________ up to make ________. Also helps cover _________.

palatal lift, appliance, roof, spring, palate, closure, fistulas

We cannot tell if we are making VP closure just by _________, due to lack of sensory receptors.


If VP tissue is ADEQUATE, they are just closing wrong, we can use techniques such as a change in __________ to increase __________, using a lower __________, using _______ feedback and recording, or opening mouth __________ to reduce _________.

loudness, movement, pitch, auditory, wider, nasality

Hyponasality treatment is usually _________ and followed by ___________.

medial, therapy

____________ therapy - if sudden onset, it may be neurological but it is usually ___________. If client is bothered by it and wants treatment, a _______ _________ helps with visual feedback.

assimilitive, functional, See Scape

____________ is characterized by a metallic, whining, shrill, unpleasant quality to voice. Caused by __________ of pharyngeal constrictors and related to how high __________ sits when speaking. Therapy includes working on __________ techniques.

Stridency, hypertonicity, larynx, relaxation

2 types of Oral Resonance Disorders:

Anterior _______ _________

______ __ _______

anterior tongue carriage

Cul de Sac

_________ ______ _________ characterized by high pitched voice quality like Truman Capote and a small oral space. Aim for _______ tongue position to increase area for resonance.

anterior tongue carriage, lower

______ ___ _______ often shown in deaf people or those with CP where oral cavity size is too _________ and voice is very ______. Aim to decrease size of ________.

cul de sac, large, deep, cavity

__________ voice disorders are problems related to voice/resonance due to damage of the nervous system.


A neurogenic voice disorder, _______ _______ ________ that is usually _________ with 1 vocal fold paralyzed or weakened and not functioning symmetrically. Can be abducted (_______) or adducted (________)

vocal fold paralysis, unilateral, open, closed

Voice therapy ________ help a paralyzed vocal fold. Treatment must be done by _________, ________, or __________ on the nerve.

won't, injection, prosthesis, surgery

If vocal fold is abducted, voice will be _______ with an increased risk for ________ because the larynx cannot be closed.

breathy, aspiration

______ injections help create closure during swallowing and produce more normal sounding voice.


After Teflon injections, _______ and ______ were tried but because they did not hold up long term, the body's own _______ has been used and works well.

silicon, collagen, fat

______________ injections are the best option for vocal fold paralysis where different types of dissolving _____ are used to determine success of a permanent injection.

laryngoplasty, gel

______________ thyroplasty is another option for vocal fold paralysis where a surgically implanted _______ is used to create a surface that the working ______ can approximate to. This works about as well as _________ but the surgery is more invasive.

Medialization, wedge, fold, injection

Another treatment option for vocal fold paralysis is ________ _______ resection where the fold is rewired to be innervated and ______ again. It is the most _______ option and is for those that had not success with other options.

laryngeal nerve, work, invasive

_________ therapy is final step of vocal fold paralysis treatment to maximize new functions of voice.


____________ abduction of the vocal folds causes dangerous aspiration problems and total __________ is the gold standard in severe cases.

bilateral, laryngectomy

_________ _________ is a neurological condition in which the vocal folds spasm, causing intermittent loss of voice or harsh voice. Onset is usually after _________ event. _______ therapy does not work but _________ injections do.

spasmatic disphonia, traumatic, voice, Botox

For those with Parkinson's Disease, many have _____ volume and __________ breathing. They talk ________ and _________ to maximize amount of air they take in.

low, shallow, rapidly, softly

Therapy for Parkinson's includes training for __________ breathing and trying to maximize the _________.

deeper, voice