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87 Cards in this Set

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Normal voice
Has appropriate pitch for age and gender
Loudness voice
approprrae for seeting variations in pitch and loundness for setting/age/gender
Quality voice
Disorderd voice
pitch-too high/low, problems w/ quality/flexibility/loudness.
abnormal voice-abnormal difference in loudness, pitch, quality, or flexibility.
causes low pitches.
abnormal loudness
may be related to hearing/respiration
abnormal flexibility
may be related to neurologic function/psychologic status.
Unpleasant quality
hoarseness, harshness, breathyness, excessive tension, strain/struggle
w/o voice-paralyzed vocal folds/swelling may be acute-by an event, neurologic, psychologic. absence of laryngeal tone
no attempt @ talking can be psychologic/neurologic.
the physical process of vocal folds vibration @ level of larynx.
the sound made-perceptual-sound produced by phonation
perceptual correlate of freq.
perceptual correlate of intensity.
perceptual correlate of flexibility.
glottal closure reflex
automatic closure of glottis to stabalize thorax, protect airway, may be used in some voice thearpy.
vagus branches
In medulla where vagal nerve nuclei exit medulla and branch off.
pharyngeal branch
branch of vagus-palatopharyngeal area
recurrent laryngeal
branch of vagus-innervates all intrinsic lryngeal muscles except cricothyroid. primary motor nerve.
superior laryngeal
branch of vagus-innervates cricothyroid. Primary sensory nerve.
Hyoid parts
body, greater horns, and less horns.
Hyoid greater horns
posteriorly directed on either side of body.
Hyoid lesser horns
superiorly directed.
Hyoid bone function
suppport base of tongue, elevation results in changes in fundamental frequency.
Thyroid cartilage parts
Largest unpaired-thyroid laminae, thryoid angle, inferior horn, and superior horn.
Thyroid Laminae
fused at midline (thyroid angle)
Inferior horns
point of attachment for criocoid.
superior horns
is membrane attachment to hyoid
Thyroid function
protects and suppot the larynx. Suspended between hyoid and cricoid.
cricoid parts
arch of cricoid, quadrate laminae
Arch of cricoid
anterior portion
quadrate laminae
posterior lateral portion of cricoid.
cricoid location
superior first tracheal ring-inferior to thyroid.
cricoid function
supports other cartilages attched to thyorid membrane.cricotracheal membrance attaches cricoid to first tracheal ring.
cricoarytenoid joint
saddle joint rocking and limited gliding.
cricoarytenoid joint movement
upward and outward swinging motion of the vocal process during abduction and inward and downward siwinging motion when the vocal process is adducted.
cricoarytenoid joint location
sloping lateral surface of the cricoid and inf surface arytenoid
cricothyroid joint
pivot joint
cricothyroid joint location
lateral sides of the cricoid and inferior horn of thyroid.
cricothyroid joint movement
rotation of increases/decreases vocal fold tension..causing change in pitch.
behind the hyoid bone and tongue root. mainly for airway closure
pyramid shaped-muscular process and vocal process located on the sup surface of quadrate laminae of cricoid. attachments allow vocal fold movement.
on apex of the arytenoids help keep airway open
in the aryepiglottic folds help keep airway open
Suprahyoid extrinsic
laryngeal elevators-digastric, stylohyoid, mylohyoid, geniohyoid
raises hyoid-may lower jaw-laryngeal elevator Suprahyoid extrinsic move larynx for swallowing
draw hyoid up and back laryngeal elevator Suprahyoid extrinsic move larynx for swallowing
elevates hyoid, floor of mouth and tongue, depresses mandible laryngeal elevator Suprahyoid extrinsic move larynx for swallowing
elevates hyoid up and back laryngeal elevator Suprahyoid extrinsic move larynx for swallowing
Infrahyoid extrinsic
laryngeal depressors-sternohyoid, omohyoid, sternthyroid
depresses hyoid laryngeal depressors
depresses hyoid laryngeal depressors
depresses hyoid laryngeal depressors
Intrinsic larynx muscles
Thyroarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, inner arytenoid, cricothyroid, posterior cricoarytenoid.
vocalis and thryomuscularis
part of thyroarytenoid-medial portio of vocal folds. attached to the vocal process of the arytenoids and angle of thyroid.
Vocalis function
Control tension in vocal folds-adductor.
part of thyroarytenoid-lateral portion of the vocal folds attaches to thyroid angle and muscular process of th arytenoid.
Thyromuscularis function
control tension in vocal folds.
Lateral Cricoarytenoid
attaches to the cricoid and the muscular process of the arytenoids.
Lateral Cricoarytenoid function
rotates the muscular process of arytenoids-regularts medial compression-adductor relaxer.
Inner arytenoids
Oblique and transverse
Oblique inner arytenoid
muscular process of one arytenoid to apex of other-moves arytenoids towards midline
Transverse inner arytenoid
runds from arytenoid to arytenoid slides arytenoids toward midline.
primary tenser-originates on the upper anterior surface of cricoid inserts thyroid. pars oblique and pars recturs
Pars oblique cricothyroid
changes length of vocal folds by sliding the thyroid foward.
Pars rectus cricothyroid
Rocts anterior portion of thyroid forward and down to tense vocal fold.
Posterior cricoarytenoid
Only abductor-O-posterior portion of quadrate laminae I-muscular process arytenoids.
Posterior cricoarytenoid function
moves the vocal folds to rest position-open.
Neural innervation suprahyoid
CNXII hypoglossus and CN VII facial.
CNX-vagus branches
superior laryngeal, recurrent, and pharyngeal
Laryngeal innervation laterality
go against natural state-move toward midline
return to natural state-away from midline.
Mucosa vocal folds
covers the thyroarytenoid
Squamous epithelium
contiuous w/ mucosa
Laminae propria
three layers-superficial, intermediate, and deep.
Layer of laminae propria-reinke's space has high water content
Layer of lamina propria-primarily elastic interwoven w/ deep layer
Layer of lamina propria-cotton thread w/ some elasticity attached to muscles of vocal folds interwoven w/ intermediate. Stiffest layer of lamina propria.
Vocal ligament
made up of intermediate and deep layers.
Vocal fold make up
Cover, transition, and body
covering of vocal folds made up of superficial layer of laminae propria and mucosa.
layer of vocal folds made of intermediate and deep layes of laminae propria.
layer of vocal folds-made of vocalis muscle.
vocal fold size
15 mm-18mm and 2-3 thick.