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50 Cards in this Set

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Abandon (noun)
total lack on inhibition.
With her strict parents out of town,Kelly danced all night with abandon.
Abate (verb)
to decrease, to reduce.
My hunger abated when I saw how filthy the chef's hands were.
Abet (verb)
to aid; to act as an acomplice.
While Derwin robbed the bank, Marvin abetted his friend by pulling up the getaway car.
Abjure (verb)
to renounce under oath; to abandon forever,to abstain from.
After having been devout for most of his life, he suddenly abjured his beliefs,much to his family's dissapointment.
Abnegate (verb)
to give up; to destroy oneself.
After his retirement,the former police commissioner found it difficult to abnegate authority.
Abortive (adjective)
ending without results.
Her abortive attempt to swim the full five miles left her frustrated.
Abrogate (verb)
to annul; to abolish by authoritative action.
The president's job is to abrogate any law that fosters inequality among citizens.
Abscond (verb)
to leave quickly in secret.
The criminal absconded during the night with all of his mother's money.
Abstemious (adjective)
done sparingly; consuming in moderation.
The spa served no sugar or wheat, but the clients found the retreat so calm that they didn't mind the abstemious rules.
Accede (verb)
to express approval, to agree to.
Once the mayor heard the reasonable request, she happily accended to the proposal.
Acclivity (noun)
An incline or upward slope, the ascending side of a hill.
We were so tired from hiking that by the time we reached the acclivity, it looked more like a mountain than a hill.
Accretion (noun)
a growth in size, an increase in amount.
The committee's strong fund-raising efforts resulted in an accretion in scholarship money.
Acme (noun)
the highest level or degree attainable.
Just when he reached the acme of his power, the dictator was overthrown.
Actuate (verb)
to put into motion, to activate; to motivate or influence to activity.
The leaders rousing speech actuated the crowd into a peaceful protest.
Acuity (noun)
sharp vision or perception characterized by the ability to resolve fine detail.
With unusual acuity, she was able to determine that the masterpiece was a fake.
Acumen (noun)
sharpness of insight, mind, and understanding; shrewd judgement.
The investor's financial acumen helped him to select high-yield stocks.
Adamant (adjective)
stubbornly unyielding.
She was adamant about leaving the restaurant after the waiter was rude.
Adept (adjective)
extremely skilled.
She is adept at computing math problems in her head.
Adjudicate (verb)
to hear and settle a matter; to act as a judge.
The principal adjudicated the disagreement between the two students.
Adjure (verb)
to appeal to.
The criminal adjured to the court for mercy.
Admonish (verb)
to caution or warn gently in order to correct something.
My mother admonished me about my poor grades.
Adroit (adjective)
skillful;accomplished;highly competent.
The adroit athlete completed even the most difficult obstacle course with ease.
Adulation (noun)
excessive flattery or admiration.
The adulation she showed her professor seemed insincere; I suspected she really wanted a better grade.
Adumbrate (verb)
to give a hint or indaction of something to come.
Her constant complaining about the job adumbrated her intent to leave.
Aerie (noun)
a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling.
Perched high in the trees, the eagle's aerie was filled with eggs.
Affected (adjective)
phony, artifical.
The affected hairdresser spouted French phrases, though she hand never been to France.
Aggregate (noun)
a collective mass, the sum total.
An aggreggate of panic-stricken customers mobbed the bank, demanding their life savings.
Algorithm (noun)
an established procedure for solving a problem or equation.
The accountant uses a series of algorithms to determine the appropriate tax bracket.
Alimentary (adjective)
pertaining to food, nutrition, or digestion.
After a particulary good meal, Sherlock turned to his companion and exclamed " I feel quite good, very well fed. It was alimentary my dear Watson."
Allay (verb)
to lessen,ease,reduce in intensity.
Trying to allay their fears, the nurse sat with them all night.
Amity (noun)
friendship, good will.
Correspondence over the years contributed to a lasting amity between the women.
Amorphous (adjective)
having no definite form.
The Blob featured an amorphous creature that was constantly changing shape.
Animus (noun)
a feeling of animosity or ill will.
Though her teacher had failed her, she displayed no animus toward him.
Anodyne (noun)
a source of comfort;a medicine that relieves pain.
The sound of classical music is usually just the anodyne i need after a tough day at work.
Anomaly (noun)
a devation from the common rule, something that is difficult to classify.
Among the top-ten albums of the the year was one anomaly-a compilation of polka classics.
Anthropomorphic (adjective)
suggesting human characteristics for animals and inanimate things.
Many children's stories feature anthropomorphic animals such as talking wolves and pigs.
Antiquated (adjective)
too old to be fashionable or useful.
Next to her coworker's brand new model, Marisa's computer looked antiquated.
Aphorism (noun)
a short statement of a principle.
The country doctor was given to such aphorisms as "still waters run deep."
Aplomb (noun)
self-confident assurance; poise.
For such a young dancer, she had great aplomb, making her perfect to play the young princess.
Apostate (noun)
one who renounces a religious faith.
So that he could divorce his wife, the king scoffed at the church doctrines and declared himself an apostate.
Apposite (adjective)
strikingly appropriate or well adapted.
The lawyer presented an apposite argument upon cross-examining the star witness.
Apprise (verb)
to give notice to, inform.
"Thanks for apprising me that the test time has been changed." said Emanuel.
Appropriate (verb)
to assign to a particular purpose, allocate.
Te fund's manager appropriated funds for the clean-up effort.
Arable (adjective)
suitable for cultivation.
The overpopulated country desperately needed more arable land.
Arcane (adjective)
secret, obscure; known only to a few.
The arcane rituals of the sect were passed down through many generations.
Archipelago (noun)
a large group of islands.
Between villages in the Stockholm archipelago, boat taxis are the only form of transportation.
Arrears (noun)
unpaid, overdue debts or bills; neglected obligations.
After the expensive lawsuit, Dominic's accounts were in arrears.
Arrogate (verb)
to claim without justification; to claim oneself without right.
Lynn watched in atsonishment as her boss arrogated the credit for her brilliant work on the project.
Askance (adverb)
with disapproval; with a skeptical sideways glance.
She looked askance at her son's failing report card as he mumbled that he had done all the schoolwork.
Assent (verb)
to agree, as to a proposal
After careful deliberation, the CEO assented to the proposed merger.