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41 Cards in this Set

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Presage (v)

To indicate something usually bad is about to happen

Prescient (adj)

Having knowledge of something before it happens

Predilection (n)

A special fondness

Precipitate (adj)

Rash acting without thinking

Presentment (n)

A feeling that something typically bad is about to happen

Precedent (n)

Something that sets an example for how things are done in the future

Precocious (adj)

Developing early (usually in terms of ability)

Tantalize (v)

To torment someone with something they want without ever giving it to them

Pyrrhic (adj)

Describing a victory that comes with a heavy cost

Laconic (adj)

Using as few words as possible when speaking

Draconian (adj)

Extremely strict as laws or rules

Jeremiad (n)

A long speech full of complaints

Platonic (adj)

Describes a close relationship that has no romantic or sexual basis


One who constantly works to ensure another’s downfall


An actor

Spartan (adj)

Lacking in comfort or flourishes (describing a lifestyle or accommodations)

Juggernaut (n)

An unstoppable, destructive force or thing

Maudlin (adj)

Overly self-pitying often used to describe someone who becomes sentimental when intoxicated

Hector (v)

To bully (usually through words)

Nonchalant (adj)

Giving off a sense of calmness and coolness

Adroit (adj)

Skillful either mentally or with ones hands

Chicanery (n)

Trickery or deception usually in politics or where money is involved

Insouciant (adj)

Showing a lack of concern or interest

Passé (adj)

No longer in fashion

Cache (n)

A collection of items hidden or stored away for future use

Raconteur (n)

A skilled storyteller

Gauche (adj)

Clumsy and socially awkward

Sangfroid (n)

Utter calmness and composure especially under pressure

Liaison (n)

A person who helps two parties communicate

Sans (prep)

Typically a facetious way of saying without

Droll (adj)

Odd and therefore amusing

Tete-a-tete (n)

A private conversation between two people

Savoir faire

The skill of saying and doing just the right thing in social situations

Poltergeist (n)

A ghost that supposedly causes noisy disturbances in the environment

Doppelgänger (n)

A person who looks remarkably like another person

Kaput (adj)

No longer functioning as a device or machine

Verboten (adj)

Forbidden or prohibited

Pastiche (n)

A mixture of elements that typically don’t go together

Archipelago (n)

A cluster of islands

Imbroglio (n)

A complicated and embarrassing situation or mess

Littoral (adj)

Located along the shoreline