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14 Cards in this Set

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verb: to destroy completely

The massive level-five hurricane RAZED the entire port city, crushing everything in its path.

Synonyms: obliterate, decimate
Antonyms: preserve
obliterate - брише, уништува
preserve - заштитува, зачувува, одржува
verb: to throw overboard

The killer JETTISONED the murder weapon into the lake as he sailed to his hideout in the cove.

Synonyms: heave, dump
Antonyms: retain
jettison - ослободува, отфрлува
overboard - в море
to throw overboard - киртули од
hideout - скривалиште
cove - залив, пештера
heave - фрла
verb: to terminate prematurely

The soldiers ABORTED their mission when they learned their cover was blown and it was no longer safe.

Synonyms: scratch, cancel
Antonyms: execute, continue
abort - абортира, прекинува
terminate - свршува, завршува
prematurely - предвреме
scratch - гребе
verb: to cleanse of something unwanted ( purgare - to cleanse )

It is satisfying to PURGE your email inbox of unwanted junk messages.

Synonyms: remove, expunge
Antonyms: amass, collect
purge - прочистува, исчистува
expunge - брише, избришува
amass - натрупува, насобира
verb: to give something up ( for - away + go - go )

The woman decided to leave the hospital early and FORGO further treatment on her injured hip.

Synonyms: abandon, forsake
Antonyms: maintain, participate
forsake - остава, напушта, се откажува
verb: to decrease the supply of ( deplare - to empty )

The run on gasoline DEPLETED the gas station of its fuel reserves, and it was forced to shut down.

Synonyms: exhaust, diminish
Antonyms: replenish, restock
replenish - надополнува
noun: lack, scarcity ( dear - greatly valued )

There has been a DEARTH of good will between the teams ever since the bench-clearing braw!

Synonyms: paucity, scarcity, want, deficiency
Antonyms: abundance, plenitude, bounty
braw - караница
paucity - оскудица
scarcity - оскудица
want - недостиг
verb: to take back, to cancel ( re - back + scindere - cut )

Synonyms: annul, void
rescind - укинува
annul - раскинува, поништува
void - поништува, укинува
verb: to erase by rubbing ( e - out + face - appearance )

Synonyms: omit, cancel
verb: to give up power ( ab - away + dicare - proclaim )

Synonyms: relinquish, renounce
abdicate - се откажува
proclaim - објавува, прогласува
renounce - откажува, отфрла, одрекнува
verb: to give up in formal anouncement

Synonyms: abdicate, resign
renounce - откажува, отфрла, одрекнува
verb: to make invalid ( nullus - none )

Synonyms: cancel, void
void - поништува, укинува
verb: to abandon or give up ( re - back + linquere - to leave )

Synonyms: abdicate, vocate
adjective: having a purging effect, induncing the release of emotional tesion

Forgiving his father turned out to be a very CATHARTIC experience for Kenneth.

induce - предизвикува