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14 Cards in this Set

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noun: official condemnation, harsh critisism ( censor -Roman supervisor for morals )

Congress voted to declare CENSURE on the representative who took money and gifts from a lobbyist.

Synonyms: castigation, derision, rebuke
Antonyms: laudation, endorsement
censure - прекор, критика
condemnation - осуда, забрана
declare - изјавува, објавува
lobbyist - влијателен
castigation - прекор, казна
derision - потсмев
rebuke - прекорува
laudation - фалба
endorsement - потврда, поткрепа
noun: slander, false accusation

Too many tabloids know that CALUMNY about celebrities is more profitable than the truth.

Synonyms: libel, denigration, defamation
Antonyms: acclaim, extolment, approbation
calumny - клевета
slander - клевета
libel - клевета
denigration - оцрнување
defamation - клеветење
acclaim - прифаќа
extolment - величење, воздигнување
approbation - пофалба
noun: malicious criticism or abuse ( dia - through + tribein + to rub )

A good debate must avoid vicious personal DIATRIBE, and focus on a respectful discussion of issues.

Synonyms: castigation, derision, harangue
Antonyms: laudation, extolment, honor
diatribe - пристрасна критика, жесток напад, силна оптужба
malicious - злобен, злонамерен
rub - триење
vicious - злобен, опасен, пакосен
castigation - прекор, казна
derision - потсмев
harangue - говор
laudation - фалба
extolment - потврда, поткрепа
adjective: corrosive, sarcastic

James immediately regretted making such a CAUSTIC remark; he could tell his words truly hurt Vanessa.

Synonyms: abrasive, acrimonious
Antonyms: mitigating, conciliatory, mollifying
caustic - зајадлив, пакосен
abrasive - груб, навредлив
acrimonious - горчина
mitigating - олеснување, облажување, смирување
conciliatory - помирувачки
mollifying - смекнување, ублажување, смирување
verb: to cast off publicly ( repudium - divorce )

The consumers REPUDIATED the shoe company for using sweatshops, and began buying from its competitor.

Synonyms: disavow, abjure, forswear
Antonyms: condone
repudiate - отфрлува, се откажува
cast off - отфрлува
disavow - не признава, се откажува
abjure - одрекува под заклетва
forswear - нарушува
condone - опростува навреда
adjective: disparaging, belittling ( de - down,away )

DEROGATORY remarks are not allowed in class; discussions should critisize ideas, not people.

Synonyms: pejorative, derisive, disparaging
derogatory - навредлив, понижувачки
disparaging - потценува
belittling - смалување
pejorative - погрдно
derisive - погрдно
verb: to reprimand mildly ( ad - to + monere - to warn )

The boy was ADMONISHED by his mom for spilling his soda on the brand - new rug.

Synonyms: rebuke, reprove
Antonyms: laud, revere, endorse
admonish - опоменува, предупредува
reprimand - укор
rebuke - прекорува
reprove -
laud - пофалба
revere - почитува
endorse - потпишува
verb: to belittle, to demean ( dis - apart + parage - rank, peer )

Synonyms: deprecate, discredit
disparage - потценува
belittle - смалува
demean - понижува
deprecate - не одобрува
discredit - недоверба
verb: to attack as untrue, to refute by argument ( in - against + pugn - to fight )
impugn - порекнува, противречи
refute - побива
noun: a curse ( mal - bad + dictus - declared )

Synonyms: anathema, execration
malediction - пролетство, клетва
anathema - пролетство
execration - проколнување
verb: to attack the character of , to disparage

Synonyms: slander, decry
disparage - потценува
slander - клеветење, сплетка
decry - оцрнува
noun: a long, critical and pompous speech

Synonyms: diatribe, discourse
harangue - говор
diatribe - пристрасна критика, жесток напад, силна оптужба)
adjective: tending to make worse ( pejor - worse )

The senator suggested that discussing the issue dispassionately would be more productive than slinging PEJORATIVE personal comments.

Synonyms: disparaging
pejorative - погрден
slinging -
disparaging - потценува
noun: false comments that injure another's reputation ( scandalum - scandal )
slander - клевета