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34 Cards in this Set

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Glorious Revolution
It altered the course of English political history and therefore the American colonies as well. Nation rose up and sent James to exile.
Colonial regions: New England, Middle, Chesapeake, Southern
locations in the New World that attracted different types of settlers based on certain area factors.
Oliver Cromwell
A skilled general and committed Puritan that governed England as Lord Protector
Joint-Stock Company
business organization in which scores of people could invest without fear of bankruptcy.
Richard Hakluyt
visionary that kept the dream of colonies in the New World alive even after the failure of Roanoke.
Greed and in the Virginia colonies sake, it caused problems cause they searched for gold instead of working together.
Captain John Smith
He brought order out of anarchy in Virginia and without him Jamestown might have met the same fate as Roanoke did.
Sir John Rolfe
married Pocahontas and that local tobacco would be a very valuable export in Virginia.
Sir Edwin Sandys
created the House of Burgesses and the headright system.
Virginia Company
made all political and commercial decisions in Virginia, reorganized government as well as sponsored other ambitious efforts.
Charter of Liberties
a new Frame of Government that established a one-house legislature
True and Absolute Lord Proprietors of Carolina
a group of 8 powerful courtiers who were granted a charter from the king to a vast area between Virginia and Florida.
Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina
Created a local aristocracy consisting of proprietors and lesser nobles
James Oglethorpe
founder of Georgia, he was a British general and member of Parliament.
50-acre lot for which they paid oly a small annual rent
House of Burgesses
an elective representative assembly used partially to make the colony more attractive to wealthy speculators.
Sir George Calvert
the driving force behind the founding of Maryland, was once the king's secratary of state
Lord Baltimore
Sir George Calvert
people that isolated themselves from church and state, Ex. Pilgrims separated from the Church of England
William Bradford
Leader and governor of Plymouth where the Pilgrims settled, without him they might not have survived.
Mayflower Compact
agreement that 41 men signed to preserve the struggling Pilgrim community from anarchy
Patuxt Indian that spoke English and helped the Pilgrims learn much about hunting and agriculture
neurotic individuals who condemned liquor and sex, dressed in drab clothes, and minded their neighbor's business.
John Winthrop
Future governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony extreme Puritan
church government system in which each village church independent of outside interference
beliefs of Anne Hutchinson, states that existing laws are no longer applicable to themselves
Governor Nicolls
one of the few competent administrators to serve in the middle colonies
Duke's Laws
a legal code that guaranteed religious toleration and created local governments
Peter Stuyvesant
last director-general, rushed wildly about New Amsterdam urging settlers to resist the English
George Fox
poor shoemaker whose own spiritual anxieties sparked a powerful new religious message that pushed beyond traditional reformed Protestantism.
voters in Massachusetts that reelected John Winthrop many times
Roger Williams
created controversy due to his religious ideas and the fact that he preached extreme separatism
Anne Hutchinson
believed in Antinomianism and scandalized orthodox leaders of church and state
William Penn
the founder of Pennsylvania, created a document called the Frame of Government