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150 Cards in this Set

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Abrupt termination of contact with the patient without giving the patient sufficient opportunity to find another suitable health care professional to take over his or her medical treatment.
The process by which a medication’s molecules are moved from the site of entry or administration into the body and into systemic circulation.
A blood pH of less than 7.35.
A highly specific, inducible, discriminatory, and permanent method by which literally armies of cells respond to an immune stimulant.
acquired immunity
Fat tissue
adipose tissue
Tubing that connects to the IV bag access port and the catheter to deliver IV fluid.
administration set
Persons who are 12 to 18 years of age.
Pertaining to nerves that release the neurotransmitter norepinephrine or noradrenaline (such as adrenergic nerves, adrenergic response). The term also pertains to the receptors acted on by norepinephrine, that is, the adrenergic receptors.
A written document that expresses the wants, needs, and desires of a patient in reference to future medical care; examples include living wills, do not resuscitate (DNR) orders, and organ donation.
advance directive
A substance that mimics the actions of a specific neurotransmitter or hormone by binding to the specific receptor of the naturally occurring substance
A blood pH greater than 7.45.
Any substance that causes a hypersensitivity reaction
Small glass containers that are sealed and the contents sterilized
A severe hypersensitivity reaction that involves bronchoconstriction and cardiovascular collapse
anaphylactic shock
An ion that contains an overall negative charge
The anterior aspect of the elbow
Of or pertaining to the blocking of acetylcholine receptors, resulting in inhibition of transmission of parasympathetic nerve impulses.
A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that signals the kidneys to prevent excretion of water
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
The medications designed to combat cancer
antineoplastic medications
A chronic inflammatory lower airway condition resulting in intermittent wheezing and excess mucus production.
A disorder in which cholesterol and calcium build up inside the walls of the blood vessels, forming plaque, which eventually leads to partial or complete blockage of blood flow.
The production of antibodies or T cells that work against the tissues of a person’s own body, producing autoimmune disease or a hypersensitivity reaction.
Part of the neuron that conducts the impulses away from the cell body
Injury resulting from pressure disequilibrium across body surfaces, for example from too much pressure in the lungs
Approximately 1% of the leukocytes, they are essential to nonspecific immune response to inflammation due to their role in releasing histamine and other chemicals that dilate blood vessels
A process by which a medication is chemically converted to a different compound or metabolite
An infection control concept and practice that assumes that all body fluids are potentially infectious
body substance isolation (BSI)
The exhaustion of physical or emotional strength
The insertion of a catheter, such as into a vein to allow for fluid flow.
Occurs when a needle is reinserted into the catheter, and it slices through the catheter, creating a free-floating segment
catheter shear
An ion that contains an overall positive charge.
Immune process by which T-cell lymphocytes recognize antigens and then secrete cytokines (specifically lymphokines) that attract other cells or stimulate the production of cytotoxic cells that kill the infected cells.
cell-mediated immunity
A title given when a person has shown that he or she has met requirements based on knowledge of certain facts.
Fibers in the parasympathetic nervous system that release a chemical called acetylcholine
A question that is specific and focused, either demanding a yes or no answer, or an answer chosen from specific options
closed-ended question
The system that forms blood clots in the body and facilitates repairs to the vascular tree
coagulation system
Solutions that contain molecules (usually proteins) that are too large to pass out of the capillary membranes and, therefore, remain in the vascular compartment
colloid solutions
The transmission of information to another person—whether it be verbal or through body language
An action instituted by the government against a private individual for violation of criminal law
criminal prosecution
An event that overwhelms the ability to cope with the experience, either at the scene or later
critical incident
Solutions of dissolved crystals (for example, salts or sugars) in water; contain compounds that quickly dissociate in solution.
crystalloid solutions
Intentionally making a false statement, through written or verbal communication, which injures a person’s good name or reputation.
Psychological ways to relieve stress; they are usually automatic or subconscious. Defense mechanisms include denial, regression, projection, and displacement.
defense mechanisms
An early response to a serious medical emergency, in which the severity of the emergency is diminished or minimized. Denial is the first coping mechanism for people who believe they are going to die
A process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
Redirection of an emotion from yourself to another person
A type of stress that a person finds overwhelming and debilitating
A type of advance directive that describes which life-sustaining procedures should be performed in the event of a sudden deterioration in a patient’s medical condition
do not resuscitate (DNR) order
Relating to or influencing the conductivity of nerve fibers or cardiac muscle fibers
Injecting sterile water or saline from one vial into another vial containing a powdered form of the drug
drug reconstitution
A duct that is present before birth that connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta in order to move unoxygenated blood back to the placenta
ductus arteriosus
A duct that is present before birth that connects the placenta to the heart in order to move oxygenated blood to the fetus.
ductus venosus
A right to a fair procedure for a legal action against a person or agency; has two components: Notice and Opportunity to be Heard
due process
The nerves that carry messages from the brain to the muscles and all other organs of the body
efferent nerves
A person who is under the legal age in a given state but, because of other circumstances, is legally considered an adult
emancipated minor
A health care system designed to bring immediate on-scene care to those in need along with transport to a definitive medical care facility
emergency medical services (EMS)
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act enacted in 1986 to combat the practice of patient dumping (hospitals refusing to admit seriously ill patients or women in labor who could not pay, forcing EMS providers to dump the patients at another hospital). EMTALA regulates hospitals that receive Medicare funding and severely fines hospitals or doctors who violate its provisions.
The medication administration routes in which medications are absorbed somewhere along the gastrointestinal tract.
enteral routes
Type of tissue that covers all external surfaces of the body
A behavior expected by an individual or group following a set of rules
A set of values in society that differentiates right from wrong
The cause of a disease process
A type of stress that motivates an individual to achieve
Collection of the methods, skills, and activities necessary to determine whether a service or program is needed, likely to be used, conducted as planned, and actually helps people
Describes a new product, skill, or idea that is undergoing research and will be trialed, with the effects evaluated
experimental research
A whitish, filamentous protein formed by the action of thrombin on fibrinogen. Fibrin is the protein that polymerizes (bonds) to form the fibrous component of a blood clot
A physiologic response to a profound stressor that helps one deal with the situation at hand; features increased sympathetic tone and resulting in dilation of the pupils, increased heart rate, dilation of the bronchi, mobilization of glucose, shunting of blood away from the gastrointestinal tract and cerebrum, and increased blood flow to the skeletal muscles.
fight-or-flight syndrome
The soft spots in the skull of a newborn and infant where the sutures of the skull have not yet grown together.Areas where the infant’s skull has not fused together; usually disappear at approximately 18 months of age
An opening in the septum of the heart before birth, and which closes after birth
foramen ovale
The end points toward which intervention efforts are directed. A statement of changes sought in an injury problem, stated in broad terms.
A statute providing limited immunity from liability to persons responding voluntarily and in good faith to the aid of an injured person outside the hospital
Good Samaritan law
A legal document that allows another person to make health care decisions for the patient, including withdrawal or withholding of care, when the patient is incapacitated
health care power of attorney
A person who follows specific professional attributes that are outlined in this profession
health care professional
An inherited sex-linked disorder characterized by excessive bleeding
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act that was enacted in 1996, providing for criminal sanctions as well as for civil penalties for releasing a patient’s protected health information (PHI) in a way not authorized by the patient.
The immunity that utilizes antibodies made by B-cell lymphocytes
humoral immunity
An elevated blood serum potassium level
A condition that occurs when the level of tissue perfusion decreases below that needed to maintain normal cellular functions
An abnormal (and usually unexplained) reaction by a person to a medication, to which most other people do not react.
Legal protection from penalties that could normally be incurred under the law
Antibodies secreted by the B cells
A strategy for carrying out an intervention. Includes goals, objectives, activities, evaluation measures, resource assessment, and time line.
implementation plan
Any unintentional or intentional damage to the body resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy or from the absence of such essentials as heat or oxygen
Injuries that are purposefully inflicted by a person on himself or herself or on another person. Examples include suicide or attempted suicide, homicide, rape, assault, domestic abuse, elder abuse, and child abuse.
intentional injuries
Protein produced by cells in response to viral invasion. Interferon is released into the bloodstream or intercellular fluid to induce healthy cells to manufacture an enzyme that counters the infection
Specific prevention measures or activities designed to meet a program objective. Categories include education/behavior change, enforcement/legislation, engineering/technology, and economic incentives
Within a vein
Elevation of the white blood cell count often due to inflammation
A finding in civil cases that the preponderance of the evidence shows the defendant was responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries.
Similar to certified, a person who has shown a degree of competency in a specific occupation and is granted ability to function through a governmental body
A type of advance directive, generally requiring a precondition for withholding resuscitation when the patient is incapacitated
living will
Cytokines released by lymphocytes, including many of the interleukins, gamma interferon, tumor necrosis factor beta, and chemokines
Basophils that are located in the tissues
mast cells
A term applied to the practice of preventing contamination of the patient by using aseptic technique
medical asepsis
Direction given to an EMS service or provider by a physician
medical direction
An act that usually defines the minimum qualifications of those who may perform various health services, defines the skills that each type of practitioner is legally permitted to use, and establishes a means of certification for different categories of health care professional
Medical Practice Act
The membranes that connect organs to the abdominal wall
Pertaining to conscience, conduct, and character
Number of nonfatally injured or disabled people. Usually expressed as a rate, meaning the number of nonfatal injuries in a certain population in a given time period divided by the size of the population
A progressive condition usually characterized by combined failure of several organs, such as the lungs, liver, and kidney, along with some clotting mechanisms, which occurs after severe illness or injury.
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
Professional action or inaction on the part of the health care worker that does not meet the standard of ordinary care expected of similarly trained and prudent health care practitioners and that results in injury to the patient
The basic filtering units in the kidneys
Specific, time-limited, and quantifiable statements that summarize an expected result of an intervention
Medical direction given through a set of protocols, policies, and/or standards
off-line medical control
Medical direction given in real time to an EMS service or provider
online medical control
A question that does not have a yes or no answer, and which does not give the patient specific options to choose from.
open-ended question
The ability to influence the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane
The movement of water down its concentration gradient across a membrane
Medication routes in which medications are administered via any route other than the alimentary canal (digestive tract), skin, or mucous membranes
parenteral routes
Something that offers automatic protection from injury, often without requiring any conscious change of behavior by the individual; child-resistant bottles and air bags are some examples
passive interventions
The study of how normal physiologic processes are affected by disease
The right to direct one’s own care, and to decide how you want your end-of-life medical care provided.
patient autonomy
Process in which one cell eats or engulfs a foreign substance to destroy it
The branch of pharmacology that studies reactions between medications and living structures, including the processes of body responses to pharmacologic, biochemical, physiologic, and therapeutic effects.
The study of the metabolism and action of medications with particular emphasis on the time required for absorption, duration of action, distribution in the body, and method of excretion
A type of reasoning in which a child bases decisions upon his or her conscience
postconventional reasoning
A delayed stress reaction before an incident, often the result of one or more unresolved issues concerning the incident.
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
A type of reasoning in which a child acts almost purely to avoid punishment to get what he or she wants.
preconventional reasoning
Keeping an injury from occurring
primary injury prevention
A person who follows expected standards and performance parameters in a specific profession
Blaming unacceptable feelings, motives, or desires on others.
A treatment plan developed for a specific illness or injury
Chemicals or proteins that travel to the brain and affect the hypothalamus, and stimulate a rise in the body’s core temperature
The process of granting licensing or certification to a provider from another state or agency
A return to more childish behavior while under stress.
Characteristics of people, behaviors, or environments that increase the chances of disease or injury. Some examples are alcohol use, poverty, or gender
risk factors
An infant reflex that occurs when something touches an infant’s cheek, and the infant instinctively turns his head toward the touch.
rooting reflex
Special types of IV devices that eliminate the need to hang a bag of IV fluid; also called a buff cap or INT (intermittent); commonly used for patients who do not require fluid boluses but may require medication therapy
saline locks
What a state permits a paramedic practicing under its license or certification to do
scope of practice
Reducing the effects of an injury that has already happened
secondary injury prevention
A vasoactive amine that increases vascular permeability to cause vasodilation
The dissolved particles contained in the solvent
A liquid containing one or more chemical substances entirely dissolved, usually in water
The fluid that does the dissolving, or the solution that contains the dissolved components
A type of protocol that is a written document signed by the EMS system’s medical director that outlines specific directions, permissions, and sometimes prohibitions regarding patient care that is rendered prior to contacting medical control
standing order
A nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it
Any agent or situation that causes stress
A person designated by a patient to make health care decisions for them when they are unable to make decisions for themselves
surrogate decision maker
An interaction of two or more medications that results in an effect that is greater than the sum of their effects if taken independently.
The theory that a person’s mental function declines in the last 5 years of life.
terminal drop hypothesis
The shifting of fluid into the tissues, creating edema
third spacing
Persons who are 1 to 3 years of age
The collaboration of prehospital and in-hospital medicine that focuses on optimizing the use of resources and assets of each with a primary goal of reducing the mortality and morbidity of trauma patients
trauma systems
A phrase that refers to a stage of development from birth to approximately 18 months of age, during which infants gain trust of their parents or caregivers if their world is planned, organized, and routine
trust and mistrust
A type of study in which the subjects are advised of all aspects of the study
unblinded study
Injuries that occur without intent to harm (commonly called accidents). Some examples are motor vehicle crashes, poisonings, drownings, falls, and most burns
unintentional injuries
Protective measures that have traditionally been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for use in dealing with objects, blood, body fluids, or other potential exposure risks of communicable disease.
universal precautions
The ability of an organism to invade and create disease in a host. Also refers to the ability of an organism to survive outside the living host
A way of measuring and comparing the overall impact of deaths resulting from different causes. It is calculated based on a fixed age minus the age at death. Usually the fixed age is 65 or 70 or the life expectancy of the group in question.
years of potential life lost
-- The number of deaths from a disease in a given population.