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100 Cards in this Set

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brief /briːf/
1.If something is said in brief, it is said in a very short form, with very few details
2.used to express how quickly time goes past: For a few brief weeks we were very happy.
3. a set of instructions or information
skim /skɪm/
1. to read or consider something quickly in order to understand the main points, without studying it in detail
2. to move quickly just above a surface without touching it
admire /ədˈmaɪər /
to respect and approve of someone or their behaviour, or to find someone or something attractive and pleasant to look at
define /dɪˈfaɪn/
to say what the meaning of something, especially a word, is
In this dictionary 'reality' is ....ed as 'the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be'.
(n)(v) access /ˈæk.ses/; (adj) -ible
noun, verb, adjective
the method or possibility of getting near to a place or person, or the right to use or look at something
seal /siːl/
noun, verb
an official mark on a document, sometimes made with wax, which shows that it is legal or has been officially approved
regard /rɪˈgɑːd/
verb, noun
to consider or have an opinion about something or someone
Formal to look carefully at something or someone
cheesy /ˈtʃiː.zi/
describes a wide smile which is not sincere
accurate /ˈæk.jʊ.rət/
correct, exact and without any mistakes
perk /pɜːk/
Informal an advantage or extra thing, such as money or goods, which you are given because of your job: mobile car.
estimate /ˈes.tɪ.meɪt/
verb, noun
to guess the cost, size, value, etc. of something
owe /əʊ/
to need to pay or give something to someone verb
because they have lent money to you, or in exchange for something they have done for you
excess /ekˈses/
noun, adjective
an amount which is more than acceptable, expected or reasonable
amuse /əˈmjuːz/
to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making someone laugh or smile
suscept /səˈsep.tɪ.bl ̩/
easily influenced or harmed by something
1. further away in the distance
From the top of the hill we could see our house and the woods beyond.
2. If something is beyond you, you are unable to understand it
absiness /ˈæb.stɪ.nənt s/
not doing something, such as drinking alcohol or having sex
Chief Executive/Financial Officer
net / gross
left when there is nothing else to be subtracted / (in) total
toiletries /ˈtɔɪ.lə.triz/
objects and substances that you use in washing yourself and preventing the body from smelling unpleasant
(v) underprint; (n) underpinning
verb, noun
to give support, strength or a basic structure to something
unprecedent /ʌnˈpres.ɪ.den.tɪd/
never having happened or existed in the past
rival /ˈraɪ.vəl/
verb, noun
a person, group, etc. competing with others for the same thing or in the same area
annual /ˈæn.ju.əl/
happening once every year, or relating to a period of one year
(n) threat /θret/; (v) -en; (adj obj) -ened; (adj sbj) ening
noun, verb, adjective
a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed
swell /swel/ (swelled, swollen)
verb, noun
to become larger and rounder than usual; to (cause to) increase in size or amount
drown /draʊn/
to (cause to) die by being unable to breathe under water
float /fləʊt/
verb, noun, adjective
to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink
grib /grɪp/
verb, noun
to hold very tightly
(v) overwhelm /ˌəʊ.vəˈwelm/; (adj) -ed
1. to defeat someone or something by using a lot of force
2. If water ....... a place, it covers it suddenly and completely.
antiguated /ˈæn.tɪ.kweɪ.tɪd/
old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society
agenda /əˈdʒen.də/
a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting
certain /ˈsɜː.tən/
having no doubt or knowing exactly that something is true, or known to be true, correct, exact or effective
for certain - I don't know for certain if she's coming.
doubt /daʊt/
verb, noun
to not feel certain or confident about something or to think that something is not probable
intend /ɪnˈtend/
1. to have as a plan or purpose (to be going to)
2. The cource is intended for advanced students
blurry /ˈblɜː.ri/
difficult to see
The photograph was very blurred.
hint /hɪnt/
something that you say or do for showing sth that can't be said directly
assign /əˈsaɪn/
to give a particular job or piece of work to someone or send someone somewhere to do a job
decline /dɪˈklaɪn/
to gradually become less, worse, or lower
hierarchy /ˈhaɪə.rɑː.ki/
a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance
rely on /ralai/
to need or trust sb/sth and not able to do sth without probably
to have a lot on your mind
expression & ideom
many things to worry/think about
to put off doing sth
expression & ideom
to do sth late
to give sb a talking to
"His boss gave him a real talking-to yesterday!"
expression & ideom
to criticise sb
to be fed up with sth
expression & ideom
to have enough of sth
to pull your weight
expression & ideom
to do all your tasks
to have a quiet word in sb's ear
to speak privately to sb
to have you say
sb had time to say sth
to back sb up
supporting sb
to get off the point
move away from the maen idea
to drum up sales
make / increas
to go along with whatever sb says
What did you get up to in the weekend?
What did you do in the weekend?
I take your point, but
I understood, but
against /əˈgent st/
in opposition to
-I'm very much against the idea that it is the woman's job to bring up the child.
-Germany are playing ...... Brazil in the cup final tonight.
-........ all probability (= although it was extremely unlikely) we found ourselves in the same hotel.
fragile /ˈfrædʒ.aɪl
easily damaged, broken or harmed
majority /məˈdʒɒr.ə.ti/
the larger number or part of something
execute /ˈek.sɪ.kjuːt/
to do or perform something, especially in a planned way
instant /ˈɪn.stənt/
adjective, noun
happening immediately, without any delay
cautious /ˈkɔː.ʃəs/
describes someone who avoids risks
(v)(n) judge; (n) -ment /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/;
verb, noun
a decision or opinion about someone or something that you form after thinking carefully
absorb /əbˈzɔːb/
to take something in, especially gradually
(v) hinder /ˈhɪn.dər/;
(n) hindrance
verb, noun
to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something
evaporate /ɪˈvæp.ər.eɪt/
verb, noun
to cause a liquid to change to a gas, especially by heating
pitch /pɪtʃ/
a speech or act which attempts to persuade someone to buy or do something
direct /da ɪˈrekt/
going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without stopping or changing direction
outspoken /ˌaʊtˈspəʊ.kən/
expressing strong opinions very directly without worrying if other people are offended
volatile /ˈvɒl.ə.taɪl/
likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly or suddenly become violent or angry
moody /ˈmuː.di/
If someone is moody, they are often unfriendly because they feel angry or unhappy
purchase /ˈpɜː.tʃəs/
verb, noun
to buy, something that you buy
prevent /prɪˈvent/
to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
cure /kjʊər /
verb, noun
to make someone with an illness healthy again
feasible /ˈfiː.zə.bl ̩/
able to be made, done or achieved
viable /ˈvaɪ.ə.bl ̩/
able to work as intended or able to succeed
incentive /ɪnˈsen.tɪv/
something which encourages a person to do something
(n) entrepreneur
/ˌɒn.trə.prəˈnɜːr /; (adj) -ial
someone who starts their own business, especially when this involves seeing a new opportunity
Can you get to the point?
Can you start to say what did you want to say as soon as possible (direct)
What's the point of/in verb+ing
What's the reason? (negotive)
I'd like to point out that
I want remind that
There's no point (in) verb + ing
no reason
The point is, ...
important thing (reason)
We can tailor it to your needs
adapt to a particulare person
Sorry, but it's not up to me
it's not my decision
There's too much red tape at my work
it's a lot of bureoucracy in particulare work
Let's get rid of that rubbish
talk about point / throw away sb/sth
I'm hitting the ground running
busy especialy in busines traval
to hear it on the grapevine
to hear about sth passed from sb to another
to put you in the picture
to give the latest information
to get our wire crossed
to misunderstand
upon /əˈpɒn/
Once upon a time
1. formal on
2. Once
thrash /θræʃ/
1. to hit a person or animal hard many times as a punishment
2. to defeat someone thoroughly in a game or sports competition
stigma /ˈstɪg.mə/
you had this when you have done sth unfair and people disapprove it
scope /skəʊp/
I'm afraid that problem is beyond/outside the scope of my research.
the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc.
range /reɪndʒ/
noun, verb
variety of things that belong to the same group: assortment, distance to target.
lack of sth
when something is not available or when there is not enough of it opp. excess
(n) purpose /ˈpɜː.pəs/; (adj) -ful; (adj) -less; (adv) -ly
1. (noun) aim
2. (adj) showing that you know what you want to do (noun= -ness)
3. (adj) done without a clear intention (noun= -ness)
4. (adv) intentionally (doing sth specialy to hinder sb/sth
(v) opt /ɒpt/; (n) opt-out
(verb) to make a choice, especially for one thing or possibility in preference to any others
(noun) to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it
tame /teɪm/
adjective, verb
possible to be trained or long involvement with humans
crack /kræk/
noun, verb
1. very thin lines appear on surface, or to become broken in this way
2. to break something open, especially in order to reach or use what is inside
3. to make a sudden, short noise, or to cause something to make this noise
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