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12 Cards in this Set

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describes a person who follows something or someone, like an cause or a strong leader. (noun) OR describes an item that sticks to something (adjective)

EX1: (person)a person who does what he promised to do in a contract he signed."Andy is never an adherent to Mom's rules about studying on Saturday."
EX2:(something) that is adherent is double sided tape. "The post-it note is very adherent. It stuck to the page and I can't take it off."
not able to be understood; nonsensical (adj)

EX: The kid drank so much that he was incoherent at the after prom party.
essential quality that is part of a person or thing.

EX; To fly is inherent to a bird just as to nag is inherent to some moms.
1) spread out or dispersed; not concentrated;
2) using more words than are needed; long-winded; wordy

EX1: The smell of fish diffused through the house; let's turn on some candles. (spread out)

EX2:The graduation speech was way to diffuse; everyone was falling asleep.
overflowing with words or feelings; gushing

EX: I am glad my mother is not effusive b/c I would be very embarrassed if she was effusive in my basketball games (she would scream and yell a lot - very expressive)
EX2: Shy people tend to NOT ever be effusive.
plentiful; abundant

EX: The Zelayas have a profuse amount of money. They just bought Nicky a 2nd car for college.
determined; steadfast - relentless - not giving up

EX: My mother is resolute in her belief that I need to always check my work in math.

I am resolute on watching College football on Saturday afternoons.
devoted to sensual pleasure; lacking moral restraint - immoral

EX: Parents would never want their kids to be dissolute - they need to always have high moral values and make good choices.
1) impossible to solve or fix; 2) unable to be dissolved

EX1: SOme of our math problems appear insoluble; they are impossible to solve.

EX2: Oil is insoluble in water - it doesn't blend or dissolve.
hard-working and careful

EX1: I am sure I will become more diligent as I become more mature and I will study more and ahead of time to get better grades for college.
to remember; to recall

EX: I always recollect EVERYTHING that happens at every party b/c I don't drink and will never drink, so I will always remember everything.
an act against a holy person or place

EX: SOme people consider it sacrilege to eat before going to mass or to go to communion if one enters Church late.

Others consider it sacrilege to step on a tomb in a cemetary,