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50 Cards in this Set

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Popular Sovereignty is much admired to people in our nation.
People's vote for an government official.
Federalism is what the United States uses for government.
More than one system of government so there is no monarchy.
Congress use reversed powers to impose laws.
When federal and state power is balanced out.
Concurrent powers can be used for same territory and body of people.
When powers are shared.
Bill Clinton was impeached from his presidency.
When government official is voted out of office.
The bill was purposed by the president.
When a new law is purposed to legislative branch.
The US has a big cabinet.
A group of people of help run government.
The Judicial Review can revoke state laws.
Review by the Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of the legislative act.
Due Process is given to most citizens.
fair treatment
I learned the Preamble in school.
The opening statement to the United States Constitution.
The United States has a Constitution.
A document that embodies the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed.
Enumeration very carefully in government.
They describe how a central government with three distinct branches can operate effectively.
The Supreme Court adjourned because national crisis .
To extend a meeting.
Concurrence is used in this sentence.
The simultaneous occurrence of events or circumstances
The state needs its revenue to stay prevalent.
The elector collage came to a resolution for the president.
a decision
Schelling defended his idea of God as the only way of vindicating for God the consciousness which naturalism denies.
Philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties
The man man committed treason and was sentenced to death.
To betray state
I believe in the fifth amendment.
a minor change in document

Ratification of the treaty raised problems for some people.

making a treaty or agreement valid
The majority rules in senate voting.
greater number
The south had a insurrection against north in Civil War.
uprising against government
An exercise in apportionment of blame.
result of apportioning something or action
Suffrage for women finally came on August 20, 1920.
right to vote
Our president-elect is Donald Trump
the person who elected for president but hasn't taken office yet
There needs to be a abolition on slavery.
to end something
Checks and balances are very important in America.
power spread out
Expressed Powers were given to the US government.
powers granted to government
Implied Powers are need to run a state.
actions that aren't specially granted to Congress in the Constitution but are considered necessary

Separation of powers is used in the United States to prevent a monarchy.

legislative executive and judicial powers

The Bill of Rights was ratified in 179.

first ten amendments to the US Constitution

The United States has many policies.

a plan or course of action

The Republic in Star Wars were not on top of their game.

to exercise power through elected represenatives

England is in a monarchy.

ruled by king or queen

Cuba had a dictatorship with Fidel Castro to blame.

one ruler with no choice by people

Oligarchy is used by China and North Korea.

country controlled by small group of people

Switzerland uses the rare system of direct democracy.

when people decide policy invites directly

The United States declared its liberty on July 4, 1776.

declare freedom

Equality is not as stressed as it should be around the world.

the state of being equal

Many countries use free economy I think to give people their trust.

An economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control

Articles of federation was adopted by The Continental Congress in 1777.

the original constitution

The Virginia Plan is also known as the Randolph Plan.

a proposal by Virginia delegates for a bicameral legislative branch

The New Jersey Plan is also known as the Small State Plan or Paterson Plan.

structure of goverment

The Connecticut Compromise is also refereed to as the Great Compromise.

An agreement that large and small states reached during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that in part defined the legislative structure and representation that each state would have under the United States Constitution.

Recent President Barack Obama used his veto right.

a constitutional right to reject a decision

He promised that, if he were returned to power, he would repeal the income-tax.

revoke or annul a law or congressional act

Even though Hillary Clinton won popular vote Trump won president-elect because of the Electoral College.

people who formally cast votes for election of president

I do not really understand what gridlock means.

a government business to function at a normal level

Political Parties are used for a lot of government positions.

a group of people to contest and hold powers in government

Block grants provide for those who need aid.

a financial aid