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24 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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source (noun)
origin, a thing, place, activity that something comes from.
symbolize (verb)
emblem, represents thing, idea, quality.
symbol (noun), symbolic (adjective), symbolism (noun), symbolically (adverb)
neutral (adjective)
not supporting, one cause of purpose above another
neutrally (adverb), neutralize (verb)
generation (noun)
members of a family
furthermore (adverb)
addition, to add more
global (adjective)
international _ relating to affecting world
globalization (noun), globalize (verb), globally (adverb)
evolve (verb)
develop, to develop gradually by changing
evolution (noun), evolutionary (adjective)
evidence (noun)
fact, something that exists or is true
evident (adjective), evidently, (adverb)
eventually (adverb)
over time, a long time especially after long delay of problems.
eventual (adjective), eventuality (noun), eventual (verb)
estimate (verb)
amount _ to judge an amount by guessing/calculating
estimate (noun), estimation (noun)
environment (noun)
nature _ air, Water, land
environmental (adjective), environmentally (adverb), environmentalist (noun)
element (noun)
part _ a basic or important part of something
elemental (adjective)
diverse (adjective)
varied _ a place/group that is different in types or things.
diversity (noun), diversity (verb)
decline (verb)
fall _ to decrease/fall in quantity to become less in health power or value
declined (noun)
contrast (noun)
a difference
contrast (verb), contrasting (noun)
capacity (noun)
ability, power
capable (adjective), capably (adverb)
complex (adjective)
detailed, not simple
complex (adjective), complexity (noun)
interact (verb)
people talk/work together
interaction (noun), interactive (adjective), interactively (adverb)
contemporary (adjective)
modern _ belonging to the present
contemporary (noun)
manipulate (verb)
skill fully handle, control or use something
manipulative (adjective), manipulatively (adverb)
item (noun)
one in a list _ a single thing
itemized (adjective), itemize (verb)
transform (verb)
transformation (noun), transformable (adjective)
consequences (noun)
the effect, result, conclusion, therefore
consequent (adjective), consequently (adverb)
encounter (verb)
meet _ to meet someone or experience something without planning