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54 Cards in this Set

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adventitious {adv ven TISH uhs }
added extrinsically
not essentially inherent
exiguous { ig ZIG yoo us }
extremely scanty,
pendantic { puh DAN tik }
ostentatious in learning
overly concerned with minute details
- esp in teaching
concern for trivial aspects of learning
pukka { PUHK uh} (also pucka)
authentic , genuine
superior, first class
good of its kind
neoteric { nee uh TER ik }
recent in origin, new
Glabrous {GLAY bruhs }
having a surface w/o hairs, pubescence or projections
gravid {GRAV id}
carrying young or eggs, heavy with
impassible {im PASS uh buhl }
incapable of suffering
unfeeling, not showing feeling
hypnagogic {hip nuh GOJ ik }
pertaining to the state of drowsiness proceeding sleep
jejune { juh JOON }
lacking in nutritional value
displaying immaturity
lacking interest or significance
dull, meager, dry
raddled {RAD uld }
broken down
officious { uh FISH uhs }
marked by excessive eagerness in offering service or advice - especially when not needed
redoubtable { rih DOW tuh buhl }
arousing fear or alarm
illustrious, eminent, worthy of respect or honor
quondam { KWAHN - duhm}
having been, formerly, former, sometime
rebarbative {ree BAR buh tiv }
serving or tending to irritate or repel
perdurable {pur DUR uh bul }
very durable
anodyne {AN uh dyn }
serving to relieve pain
not likely to offend
Venal {VEE nuhl }
Showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery: "venal politicians".
lachrymose {LAK ruh mohs }
generating or shedding tears
amative {AM uh tiv }
pertaining to or disposed to love, esp sexual love
full of love=
stertorous {STUR tuh ruhs }
heavy snoring or gasping sound
hoarsely breathing
stentorian {sten TOR ee uhn }
extremely loud
trifling, insignificiant, inconsequential
having no force, inoperative
otiose {OH shee ohs }
ineffective, futile
lazy, indolent, idle
of no use
sonorous {suh NOR uhs }
1.(of a person's voice or other sound) Imposingly deep and full.
2.Capable of producing a deep or ringing sound.
sibilant {SIB uh luhnt }
sound based on s (thisssss)
fulsome {FUL sum }
offensive to the taste or sensibilities
insincere, offensive from excessive praise
excessively lavish

(2.Of large size or quantity; generous or abundant)
superannuated {soo pur AN you ay tid }
Retire (someone) with a pension
discharged or disqualifed due to old age
old, no longer in use or valid
voluble {VOL you buhl }
characterized by a ready flow of speech
easily rolling or turning, rotating
(Botany) having the power of havit of truning or twining
limpid {LIM pid}
clear transparent
calm, untroubled, serene
easily understandable
trenchant { TREN chuh nt }
incisive or keen
caustic, cutting - as in wit
vigourous, effective, energetic, - as in policy
clearly or sharply defined, clearcut, distinct
pusillanimous {pyoo suh LAN uh muhs }
lacking in courage and resolution
contemptibly fearful
impetuous { im pech oo uhs }
1.Acting or done quickly and without thought or care; impulsive.
2.Moving forcefully or rapidly: "an impetuous flow of water".
sudden or forceful energy or emotion
ineffable {in ef uh buhl }
incapable of being expressed or described in words
not to be spoken of because of sacredness
importunate { im POR chuh nit }
troublesomely urgent, overly persistent in request or demand
unreasonably solicitious
( .... bells of the wire service )
recherche (ruh sher SHAY }
uncomon, exotic, rare
exquisite, choice
excessively refined, affected
pretentious, overblown.
diffident {DIF uh dunt }
lacking in self confidence
distrustful of one's own powers, timid
myraid {MIR er uhd }
very great but indefinite number (.... stars)
composed of numerous diverse elements
oneiric {oh NY rik }
of, pertaining to, or suggestive of dreams
ingenuous { in JEN you uhs }
demonstrating childlike simplicity
innocent, naive
frank, free from guile
impecunious {im pih KYOO nee uhs }
not having money
habitiually without money
incarnadine {in KAR nuh dyn }
having fleshy pink color
red, blood red
to make red
gelid { JEL id }
very cold
protean {PRO tee un }
displaying considerable variety or diversity
readily assunimg different shapes or forms
supernumerary { soo puhr NOO muh rair ee }
exceeding the stated standard or prescribed number
exceeding what is necessary or desired

n . an actor without a speaking part... an extra
littoral { LIH tuh rul }
relating to, or on, a coastal or shore region
sea shore
lugubrious {lu GOO bree us }
mornful, indicatin sorrow,
often in a way that seems feigned, exaggerated
gloomy, dismal
redolent {RED uh luhnt }
having or exuding fragrance
full of fragrance
serving to bring to mind
evocative, suggestive
Sui Generis {soo eye JEN ur us }
being the only example of its kind
constituting a class of its own
fatuous { FACH oo uhs }
inanely follish and stupid
illusory, delusive
recondite { REK uhn dyt }
difficult to understand
concerned with obscure subject natter
very profound, difficult, abstruse
contrary to or differing from an acknowledged standard
- esp in church doctrine
unorthidox opinions
glutinous {GLOOT nuhs }
sticky, like glue