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25 Cards in this Set

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1. To unite in refusing to buy, sell, associate with or use: the people boycotted all goods made in China. Verb.
2. The act of boycotting: they held a boycott. Noun.
1. Harsh or hoarse: a gruff voice. Adjective.
2. Rude or surly; unfriendly; a gruff answer to a question. Adjective.
1. A branch of the armed forces having some special function: the Marine Corps, a medical corps. 2. A large military unit made up of two or more divisions. 3. A group of people working or acting together; team: a corps of teachers.
1. The kind of weather a place usually has over a long period of time. 2. A region having certain weather conditions. Go to a cooler climate in the summer. 3. An atmosphere or trend among people. Noun.
Full of opposition to authority or power; resisting. Adjective.
Force or strength. Healthy energy, spirit. Noun.
Rude and ill-humored; angry; rude, unfriendly. Adjective.
No longer in existence; dead or extinct. A defunct magazine. Adjective.
1. An institution for sheltering and taking care of orphans, the mentally ill, or other groups of unfortunate people. Noun. 2. A place of refuge of safety; shelter. Noun.
1. A noisy quarrel, fight, brawl. Noun.
2. To wear down so that loose threads or fibers show; make or become ragged: The cuffs of the old shirt were frayed. Verb.
1. To move back; withdraw, as flood waters do. 2. To slant backward: a hairline that is receding.
1. A narrow, very deep canyon or depression in the earth. Noun. 2. To stuff oneself with food. Verb.
A small round hill; mound. Noun.
1. To raise, move or open with a lever: to pry the lid off a jar. Verb.
2. To get with difficulty: We finally pried the answer from him. Verb.
3. A lever or crowbar. Noun.
4. To look carefully and with too much curiosity; snoop. Verb.
5. A person who pries. Noun.
To beat with the fists. Verb.
1. To give up, as to an enemy; yield. Verb.
2. To abandon or give up ownership of: to surrender all hope; to surrender a seat. Verb.
3. The act of surrendering. Noun.
Shocked or horrified: We were aghast at such rude behavior. Adjective.
1. To give forth, produce: The farm will yield a good crop. Verb.
2. The amount yielded; product; result. The farm had a good yield. Noun.
3. To give up, as to a superior power; surrender: to yield a fortress. Verb.
4. To give up of concede: to yield permission. V.
5. To give in, as to pressure or force. Verb.
Seeming about to fall apart; rickety: a ramshackle house. Adjective.
1. To move one way or the other; sway. Verb.
2. To be uncertain or undecided. Verb.
3. To show signs of falling back or giving up; falter. Verb.
1. The feeling that a person, act, or thing is low, dishonorable, or disgusting: to have contempt for a traitor. Noun.
2. The condition of being hated; disgrace: to hold a liar in contempt. Noun.
3. Disrespect for or disregard of the rules of a court or legislature: jailed for contempt of court.
Lazy or often sluggish. Adjective.
1. The nature or emotional makeup of a person; their usual mood. 2. A sensitive, easily excited nature. Noun.
1. No longer in existence; an extinct animal. 2. No longer active; extinguished: an extinct volcano. Adjective.
1. To hesitate, be uncertain, or give way: His determination never faltered. Verb. 2. To move or speak in an unsteady or stumbling way. Verb 3. An uncertainty or hesitation in voice or action. Noun.