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30 Cards in this Set

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Abolition- The movement that called for a complete end to slavery. Abolition pressure ended the British transatlantic slave trade in 1808 and slavery in the British colonies in 1834. The activities of abolitionists in the US was one factor leading to the Civil War
Alternative visions of society- Ex: Utopian socialism, Marxism, Anarchism
American Declaration of Independence-American document approved by Congress on July 4, 1776 requesting independence of the American colonies from Britain. Proved to be the most enduring statement of the revolutionary era's ideology. Asserted popular sovereignty and individual rights
Anti-colonial Movements -(Indian Revolt of 1857, Boxer Rebellion)Events in which colonists rebel against their colonizer and attempt to assert their freedom
Anti-imperial resistance- Resistance to an imperial power, especially during the scramble for Africa. An example of an anti imperial resistance is the battle of Adowa(1896) , when Ethiopia defeated Italy and prevented Italy from taking over the country.
Bolivar's Jamaica Letter-Revolutionary document in which Bolivar shares his thoughts (1815) on the present and future of the Latin American Independence movement

Bourgeoisie-In early modern Europe, the class of well-off town dwellers whose wealth came from manufacturing, finance, commerce, and allied professions

Capitalism/global capitalism-the economic system of large financial institutions- banks, stock exchanges, investment companies- that first developed in early modern Europe

Capitulations/extraterritoriality-The right of foreign residents in a country to live under the laws of their native country and disregard the laws of the host country. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, European and American nationals living in certain ares of Chinese and Ottoman cities were granted this right

Caudillos-Dictators who gained power in many Latin American states after revolutions that brought independence from Spain. Because their primary support came from the Creoles in their country, these men helped maintain much of the traditional social hierarchy in Latin America.

Chinese Exclusion Acts-in 1870s and 1880s anti-Chinese riots erupted in Western Cities in the US, congress responded to this racism by passing the Chinese Exclusion Act, which eliminated most Chinese immigration

Class Struggle-The strife occurring between members of different social positionsHistory, as Marx saw it, most recent was the "class struggle" between the property owners and the workers

Conservative (not current US definition)-The resistance of an individual or government to change or radical theories of any kind

Consumer Markets-The markets for citizens looking to purchase household or personal products and services to satisfy their specific needs.

Constitution-A document in which the rights of a government and its people and the laws and principles governing society are laid forth

Economic Imperialism-Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other governments.

Emancipation of serfs/slaves-The freeing of the feudal peasant class under Tsar Alexander II in Russia in 1861

Enclaves-Any small and relatively homogeneous group or region surrounded by another larger and different group or region

Exploitation-The direct taking advantage of or use of to extract profits, often at the expense of that which is being exploited

Factory System-A system of manufacturing in which all the materials, machinery, and workers required to manufacture a product are assembled in one place, workers and machines brought into one place

Financial Instruments-Documents that represent debt and equity; shares of a stock

Finished goods-Products that have completed the various steps of manufacture and are ready to be released onto the market where they can be purchased

French Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen(1789) -Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French national Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution. Enumerated the rights "liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression" Guaranteed free expression, equality before the law, and representative government

Hegemony-the consistent dominance or influence of one group, state, or ideology over others

Home Society- Christian missionary society. It was established in New York City in 1832 to operate in the American frontier, with the stated mission "to preach the Gospel, establish churches and give support and ministry to the unchurched and destitute."

I deologies-The principal beliefs, opinions, or doctrines of a particular individual, class, or movement; basic ideas of an economic or political theory

Imperialism/colonialism Imperialism- A policy in which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries politically, socially, and economically.Colonialism- policy by which a nation administers a foreign territory and develops its resources for the benefit of the colonial power

Independence-freedom and autonomy from another entity or controlling force (Ex: latin american countries gaining independence from Spain)

Industrial Revolution-The transformation of the economy, the environment, and living conditions, occurring first in England in the 18th century, that resulted from the use of steam engines, the mechanization of manufacturing in factories, and innovations in transportation and communication
Industrialized States-Areas in which the process of industrialization have taken place

Intelligentsia-intellectuals or highly educated people as a group, especially when regarded as possessing culture and political influence

Laissez-faire-The idea that government should refrain from interfering in economic affairs. The classic exposition of laissez-faire principles is Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776)

Liberal-A person whose views favor more govt involvemnt in business, social welfare, minority rights, and increased government spending

Marxism-A branch of socialism developed by Karl Marx in which it is believed that history is composed of a long series of class conflicts, the latest being between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, that will eventually lead to revolution

Migrant support networks-Industrialization leads people to move to cities in search for work, often in poor conditions. They are given some support by such networks designed to provide education and job opportunities.

Millenarianism-(Ex: Taiping Rebellion, the Ghost Dance, the Xhosa Cattle- Killing Movement), The belief that the end of the world is at hand and the kingdom of God is about to be established on earth with the second coming of Christ

Neocolonialism-A new form of global power relationships that involves not direct political control but economic exploitation by multinational corporations.
Pre-industrial-The period in society's development in which birth rates and death rates are high, preceding the Industrial Revolution and the introduction of machinery, manufacturing techniques, and new technology

Proletariat-The industrial working class, claimed by Marx to be exploited by the Bourgeoisie, aiming to extract the workers' "surplus value"

Racism-The prejudices and discrimination attributed to another race in the belief that one race is superior to all others

Raw materials/production and export of single natural resources:Raw Materials- the unprocessed natural products used in productionEx: Cotton, rubber, palm oil, sugar, wheat, meat, guano, metals, and minerals

Rebellion/revolt-The act of rising against a governing body or controlling force, often in the hopes of gaining something in return, such as Freedom

Reforms-The changes in policy or law in the hopes to re-amend, fix, or solve a nation's problemsEx: reforms in education, government, economy, etc

Reforms in Imperial policies-Changes in the social and imperial structure of the world

Revolutions-The revolt of the people (either as a whole or of a particular party or class of society) against a government or group of people in power
Self-Strengthening Movement -(China)A late nineteenth century movement in which the Chinese modernized their army and encouraged Western investment in factories and railways; lead by provincial leaders. 1750 CE-1914CE.
Settler colonies-

Colonies in which the people of the colonizing nation travel to, to live there among the indigenous peoples

Slave resistance-

When an owner's slaves rebel against the owner, in the form of running away, boycotting work, etc

Social Darwinism-Belief that earth is much older than previously believed and that living tings either evolved in the struggle for survival or went extinct. Developed pseudo-scientific theories of racial and social differences, saying they resulted from natural processes. Opposed state intervention to relieve inequities


A political ideology that originated in Europe in the 1830s. Socialists advocated government protection of workers from exploitation by property owners and government ownership of industries. Led to the founding of socialist or labor parties throughout Europe in the second half of the 19th century

Spheres of influence-

Areas in which countries have some political and economic control but do not govern directly

Suez Canal-

Ship canal dug across the isthmus of Suez in Egypt, designed by Ferdinand de Lesseps. It opened to shipping in 1869 and shortened the sea voyage between Europe and Asia. Its strategic importance led to the British conquest of Egypt in 1882

Suffrage- The right to vote

Temporary and seasonal migrants-

The people and groups of people that move from place to place for a limited amount of time or with the seasons/weather/movement of livestock

Transnational businesses-

(Ex: United Fruit Company, HSBC)
,A business that operates in many countries, Its goods and services are produced and sold in a number of different countries, relocated when faced with government opposition

Transnational ideologies and solidarities-Ideas and principles that spread globally and across nations

Transoceanic imperalism-

Expansion of empires overseas and the establishment of overseas colonies

White Australia Policy-

Before 1973, a set of stringent Australian limitations on nonwhite immigration to the country. It has been largely replaced by a more flexible policy today.

Zionism-Jewish nationalist movement, led by Theodore Herzl, arose among those wanting to return to their ancestral homeland in Palestine