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45 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of versimiltude(n)?
The appearance or semblence of truth; liklihood; probability
What is the definition of dissuading (v)?
To better a person from a course of action or a purpose by persuasion or exhortation.
What is the definition of passel (n)?
A group of lot of indertiminate number
What is the definition of allay (v)?
To put (fear, doubt, anger, suspicion, etc) to rest; calm; quiet
What is the definition of pomposities (n)?
Characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance
What is the definition of intrinsically (adj)?
Belonging to a thing by it's very nature
What is the definition of indictment(n)?
Any charge, accusation, seroius criticism, or cause for blame
What is the definition of interlopers (n)?
One that interferes with the affairs of others, often for selfish reasons; a meddlar
What is the definition of absurdity?
The quality of being ridiculously senseless, illogical, untrue or contrary to all reason or common senese. The term literature of the absurd is given to works that have in common the sense that the human condition is essentially absurd.
What is the definition of caricature?
An image or description that ludicrously exaggerates the peculiarities or defects of people or things.
What is the definition of trifle (n)?
An article or thing of very little value
What is the definition of comedy of manners?
Deals with the relations and intrigues of gentlemen and ladies living in a polished and sophisticated society. It relies on repartee, a witty, conversational give-and-take, and on the ridiculous violations of social conventions by stupid characters, such as fops and jealous husbands.
What is the definition of incarnate (adj)?
In physical or bodily form
What is the definition of euphemism?
A kind of understatement whenin a mild or vague word or phrase replaces one that is considered offensively direct or blunt. Not surprisingly, the areas of sex and bathroom functions are rich with euphemisms.
What is the definition of farce?
A type of comedy designed to provoke simple, hearty laughter, or "belly laughs". Uses one of more of these 4 types: (1)exaggerated or caricatured character types in (2)improbable or ludicrous situations engaging in (3)broad verbal humor and (4)physical horseplay. Ex: snl, shakespeare's plays and monty python.
What is the definition of blasphemy (n)?
Disrespect for God or sacred things
What is the definition of hyperbole?
A bold overstatement or extravagant exaggeration of fact.
What is the definition of irony?
In situational irony, what actually happens is different from what might be expected to happen or what is appropriate. Verbal irony is a type of humor using words to suugest the opposite of their literal meaning. Dramatic irony arises from a situation in which the audience or reader knows more about what is happening than the characters.
What is the definition of lampoon?
A coarse personal attack that has the sting of satire, but not the righteousness.
What is the definition of irreverent (adj)?
Lacking respect
What is the definition of oxymoron?
A figure of speech in which seemingly contradictory terms appear together. Ex: freezer burn and jump shrimp.
What is the definition of parody?
Something that imitates the style or form of another work. Parodies aim to amuse, but don't necessarily devalue the original work.
What is the definition of incontestable (adj)?
Not contestable, not open to dispute
What is the definition of pun?
Word play involving homonyms or similiar-sounding words that suggest two or more meanings simultaneously. Ex: "ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man"
What is the definition of repartee?
A wuick, clever, witty exchange of dialouge, usually between sophisticated characters.
What is the definition of implicity (adj)?
Unquestioning or unreserved; absolute
What is the definition of satire?
A literary work that ridicules aspects of human behavior and seeks to arouse in the reader contempt or at least disapproval for its object. Satire differs from comedy in that it aims to correct by ridiculing, while comedy aimss simply to evoke amusement, even at the speaker's own expense.
What is the definition of consternation (n)?
A sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay
What is the definition of understatement?
The oppotsite of hyperbole. A statement that is deliberately less forceful or dramatic than the subject would seem to justify or require. Understatement is related to euphemism since both work by indirection and a slightly ironic attitude.
What is the definition of wit?
An apt, clever, and often humourous association of words or ideas, assembled with quickness and variety. Comic wit is often aggressive, as opposed to humor, which tends to be genial and good natured.
What is the definition of prodigy (n)?
A person, esp. a child or young person, having extraordinatry talent or ability
What is the definition of gauntlet (n)?
A millitary punishment between 2 lines of men who beat you with weapons as you go by
What is the definition of zeal (n)?
Fervor for a person, cause of object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence
What is the definition of benefactor (n)?
A person who confers a benefit; kindly helper; aids a cause
What is the definition of inquisitor (n)?
A pesron who investigates in an official capacity; person working for the Inquisition
What is the definition of infallible (adj)?
Not failable; exempt from liability to error, as persons, their judgement, or pronouncements
What is the definition of abashed (adj)?
Ashamed or embarassed
What is the definition of amendable (adj)?
To alter, modify, repharase or add to or subtract from by formal procendure; to cooperate
What is the definition of ogle (v)?
To look at ammoursely or flirtatiously, sexually; rude
What is the definition of odious (adj):
Highly offensive, repugnant; disgusting
What is the definition of propensity (n)?
A natural tendency
What is the definition of pessimist (n)?
A person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst of is disposed to be gloomy
What is the definition of optimist (n)?
Someone who looks on the bright side; a believer in philisophical optimism
What is the definition of skeptism (n)?
Tendency to question the truth or validity of things that most people accept
What is the definition of juncture (n)?
A point of time, esp. one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances