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44 Cards in this Set

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Doing Gender


Biological Determinism

The idea that a groups biological or genetic make-up shapes its political, social, and economic outcomes. Often found in religous texts, popular stereotypes, and fundamental beliefs.

Coital imperative

that sex is about biological reproduction. Penis in the vagina. Reprocutions in society: Bill Clinton I did not have sex with that woman. He believes he didn't because he had oral sex, he was under coital imperative.

Liberal Feminism

Also known as reformist feminism.

Rootied in liberal democracy and individual rights, stressing equal opportunity and freedom of choice. Equal opportunity=women's access to careers. Does not focus on class, only gender.

Internalized Oppression

Oppressive and exploitive attitudes, behaviors and beliefs of the system that are "accepted" either consciously or unconsciously, by very people who are oppressed by these stereotypical ideas and become part of their psychological makeup.

3 myths of feminism

feminism is idealogical

feminism is a white, middleclass thing

feminism is narrowly concerned with women's issues.


all groups produce specialized thought. "Anything goes". Example: KKK seen as equally valid as antriracist activists.


a social construction of cultural meanings that are attached to biological differences in genetalia


race is the social construction of cultural meanings attached to biological differences in hair, skin, and bone. NOT A BIOLOGICAL CONSTRUCT.


The hatred of women or female attributes

Doing Gender

Perpetuating what society wants you to do-racism, sexism.

Liberal Feminism beliefs

Equal opportunity-women's access to careers

equal pay for equal work

reproduction rights (as individuals)-contreception+abortion. Pro-choice

Freedom of choice (equal rights).

Bell Hook's definition of feminism

feminism is a movement to support women's rights-"Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression."

3 waves of feminism and their dates appx

first wave-1830s-1920s.

second wave-1960s-1980s.

third wave-1990s-present?

Second wave feminism

civil rights movements

reproductive rights

affirmative action

sexual liberation

war against poverty

environmental movement

anti-war+anti-nuke movements.

3rd wave feminism

about personal voice

sexual ambiguity

multiple identities

The backlash on second/third wave feminism

started in 1980s

attack on vicil rights, reproductive rights

sexual repression-sex ed 90s now about abstinence.

war on the poor workforce.

repeal of enviornmental protections; SUVs

increase militarism.

JIm crow

jim crow starts in 1896. legal segregation of black and white people.


The dominant perspective tends to support the dominant culture and values and that there is only 2 truth.

biological determinism is often used to legitmize dominant perspectives.

Socially lived theorizing

relative truths: situated knowledge

subjugated knowledge: the knowledge produced by opressed groups

radical heterosexuality

Heterosexual relationships are not EQUAL. They seem equal but men are still not doing the housework that women do.


paradigms. taught not to see things. Bias in the glasses we wear when we see the world.

subjective knowledge

knowledge produced by oppresesed groups

like outsider within, black maids knew more about white families vice versa.

Black women's standpoint exists in a context of domination.

outsider within

black maids within white families. Black woman was an outsider in society, however she was also able to see the inner workings of the white family, more than anyone else can.

Standpoint theory

you develop a theory based on four elements

1. physical location-geographical location, bodily expereinces, gendered activities, effefts of race/ethinicity/class and nation that "place" people differently.

2. interests-different locations generate different interests.

3. access to discourses-provide tools for making sense of specific expereinces.

4. social organization of knowledge production- being in a university, or working for a women's nonprofit organization create some kinds of knowledge and obstruct others.


A theory about knowledge, who can know, and under what circumstances


baby born w/ambiguous genetalia


virginal angels or a slut. violate someone's sense of normalcy. Meso level is powerful. That is where that viewpoint comes from.

Eroticizing consent

consent is eroticized because rape has been eroticized.

pornography going mainstream

Real life example: women in gyms are now doing more sexualized acts.

Peer Marriage

Everyone thinks of their partners are equal but they're not always equal

Autonomous sexuality

author of your own sexuality. example: kissing another girl in public for attention but then behind closed doors thinks lesbianism is gross than you are following a script that is not yours.

Raunch Culture

Women embrace raunchiness. WOmen show tits.

Income definition of class

Take the income for all individuals of U.S, take the range, divide it by 5. Those 5 groups are now the elite, uppermiddle, middle class, working class, poor.

Property definition of class

1. Capitalist-own money that keeps making money

2. Laborer-earn money work paycheck to paycheck


The systematic organization of male supremacy.

Transnational Feminism

Feminism without borders.


the production of a message for an audience.


How the audience is able to understand and interpret a message.

Example: It looks like the economy is taking the hop out of the easter bunny's jump.

Patriarchal culture

the core value of control and domination in almost every area of human existance. Feminity is regulated to be seen as the "other."

Cultural Relativism

To see people as an "other".

Cultural appropriation
