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12 Cards in this Set

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acquiesce (ak we es')
v - to accept without protest; to agree or submit
Management is not likely to acquiesce to union demands for raises.
Syn: comply with, accede, consent, yield
Ant: resist, protest
allure (a lur')
v - to entice, tempt; to be attractive to
n - a strong attraction; the power to attract, charm
Dreams of stardom allure many gifted young performers from all over the country to Broadway.
Syn: beguile, tantalize, temptation, enticement
Ant: repel, turn off
askew (e skyu')
adj, adv - twisted to one side, crooked, disapprovingly
Some people cannot refrain from straightening lampshades that are a little askew.
Syn: awry, lopsided, cockeyed
Ant: straight, symmetrical
blithe (blith)
adj - cheerful, lighthearted, casual, unconcerned
It is difficult to deflate the blithe optimism of the young.
Syn: carefree, nonchalant, indifferent
Anyt: glum, morose, despondent
contentious (ken ten' shes)
adj - quarrelsome, inclined to argue
The members of the online discussion group were annoyed by the newcomer's contentious and rude remarks.
Syn: argumentative, disputatious
Ant: agreeable, amiable, affable
covet (kev' et)
v - to desire something belonging to another
Those who covet the good fortune of others are likely to be unhappy with their own lot in life.
Syn: crave, yearn for, hunger for
Ant: disdain, scorn, despise
crestfallen (krest' fo len)
adj - discouraged, dejected, downcast
Despite the loss of an important labor endorsement, the candidate appeared in no way crestfallen.
Syn: despondent, disconsolate
Ant: elated, cheerful, cocky
disheveled (di shev' eld)
adj - rumpled, mussed; hanging in disorder
Most people look a little bit disheveled when they get up in the morning.
Syn: untidy, disarranged, tousled
Ant: tidy, neat, orderly, well-groomed
exponent (ek spo' nent)
n - one who advocates, speaks for, explains, or interprets; (math) the power to which a number, symbol, or expression is to be raised
President Theodore Roosevelt was on of the first exponents of conversation.
Syn: defender, champion, interpreter
Ant: critic, adversary, faultfinder, detractor
garrulous (gar' e les)
adj - given to much talking, tediously chatty
If you are conversing with a garrulous individual, you may find it hard to get a word in edgewise.
Syn: talkative, loquacious
Ant: reticent, mum, taciturn, laconic, reserved
insuperable (in su' per e bel)
adj - incapable of being overcome
To the composer Ludwig van Beethoven, increasing deafness was not an insuperable handicap.
Syn: invincible, insurmountable
Ant: surmountable, conquerable
lamentable (lam' en te bel)
adj - to be regretted or pitied
After a long, hard winter, city streets may be in a truly lamentable state of disrepair.
Syn: deplorable, regrettable
Ant: praiseworthy, commendable, laudable