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144 Cards in this Set

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1. Cosmopolitan
– adj. internationally sophisticated; worldly
2. Sagacious
– adj. having or showing practical sense and sound judgment; wise
3. Indolent
adj. Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy
4. Peruse
v. To read through with great care; to survey or examine in detail
5. Venerate
V. to regard or treat with reverence; to respect deeply
6. Pyre
– N. a combustible pile of wood for burning a dead body as part of a funeral rite
7. Perennial
adj. – Lasting for a long time, enduring n.- A plant that recurs every year for at least 3 years
8. Pilgrimage
N- A long religious journey or search, often to a sacred place or shrine
9. Magnanimous
Adj. - high-minded; noble
10. Mnemonic
N- something intended to assist the memory adj- assisting or intended to assist the memory, eg) a mnemonic device
11. Posthumous
adj- arising, occurring, or continuing after one's death
12. Loquacious
adj- characterized by excessive talk; wordy; talkative; chatty
1. Palpable
adj. capable of being touched or felt; tangible; readily or plainly seen
2. Pall
n- a cloth, often of velvet, for spreading over a coffin, bier, or tomb.
3. Futile
adj- incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless; not successful
4. Medley
1) Noun: A mixture of heterogeneous elements; a jumble
5. Maverick
- N. rebel; nonconformist; an independent thinker; a lone dissenter
6. Succor
– Noun- help, aid, relief, assistance 2. Noun- A Person or Thing that gives help, relief, aid 3.Verb- To help or relieve
7. Foray
– Noun –Initial attempt 2.Sudden attack
8. Melancholy
Adj: Mournful, depressed
9. Flustered
Adj- ill at ease, anxious, worried, confused
10. Regime
Noun- a mode or system of rule or government
11. Conflagration
Noun- a destructive, extensive fire
12. Serendipity
Noun- good fortune; luck
1. Invariable
adj- Not variable, not changing or capable of being changed; static
2. Epistolary
adj.- Contained in or carried on by letters.
3. Droll
Adj- Amusing in an odd way; whimsically humorous
4. Countenance
noun- appearance, esp. the look or expression of the face
5. Peripatetic
- adj: walking or traveling about
6. Inane
adj: - lacking sense or ideas; silly
7. Inure
verb- to accustom to hardship; to get used to something undesirable
8. Genial
- adj: warmly and pleasantly cheerful; cordial
9. Taciturn
adj- inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation
10. Enmity
noun- a feeling or condition of hostility; hatred, ill will; animosity
11. Lucid
adj- easily understood; clear; completely intelligible or comprehensible
12. Tenuous
adj- weak; lacking a sound basis; lacking in clarity
1. Denigrate
– verb- to speak critically, to put down, to be pejorative; to belittle; to disparage
2. Ebullient
adj- overflowing with enthusiasm
3. Nefarious
adj- extremely wicked and villainous; evil
4. Extol
v- to praise highly
5. Blatant
- adj- extremely obvious
6. Respite
noun- a temporary relief from harm or discomfort
7. Gregarious
adj- extremely sociable
8. Denizen
– Noun- 1: a person who inhabits a particular place 2: a plant or animal successfully adapted to a new place
9. Machination
– noun- a crafty scheme; the act of plotting; a cunning design for the accomplishment of a sinister (evil) end.
10. Rapier
n- a small sword with a narrow blade used for thrusting
11. Retribution
n- Retaliation or repayment; something (often punishment) justly deserved
12. Impunity
n- exemption from punishment
1. Expletive
– noun- a profane interjection or expression, a curse word
2. Profligate
– adj- 1) recklessly wasteful 2) utterly immoral and shameful
3. Zealous
adj- warmly engaged, or ardent; enthusiastic and eager
4. Approbation
noun- approval, consent, praise
5. Attribute
1) verb - to regard as resulting from a specified cause; to give credit to 2) Noun- a quality, characteristic, or feature
6. Bellicose
- adj- warlike; inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious
7. Indisposed
adj- sick or ill; unwilling or averse
8. Gambit
noun- any maneuver by which one seeks to gain an advantage (usually in a game or in conversation)
9. Cache
noun- 1) A hiding place 2) Anything hidden or hoarded in storage
10. Pejorative
adj - disparaging, derogatory, or belittling
11. Elucidate
v- to make lucid or clear
Adj. harmless, not damaging
1. Languid
adj- lacking in vigor or vitality; slack or slow
2. Deleterious
adj- Injurious, harmful especially to health
3. Judicious
adj- using or showing good judgment, prudent
4. Ominous
adj- foreshadowing evil or harm; foreboding; threatening
5. Placid
adj- pleasantly calm or peaceful, tranquil
6. Desultory
– adj- disconnected; digressing from the main topic, random
7. Avail
1) verb- to be of use or value 2) noun- advantage, use
8. Introspective
adj- examining one’s own sensory and perceptual experiences
9. Conundrum
noun- a difficult problem to solve, a puzzle
10. Astute
– adj- clever, keen, sagacious
11. Salacious
adj- scandalous, obscene
12. Lascivious
adj- arousing desire; lewd
1. Libation
noun- a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity
2. Urbane
adj- reflecting elegance and sophistication; characteristic of a suave social life in major cities
3. Ascertain
– verb- to find out definitely; to learn with certainty or assurance; to determine
4. Avarice
noun-greed, especially an insatiable greed for riches; a greedy desire to gain and hoard wealth
5. Exalt
- verb To raise or elevate in rank, honor, character, status, etc.
6. Preclude
verb- to prevent
verb- to give notice to; inform; advise
8. Resonant
adj- resounding or echoing, as sounds
9. Staccato
adj- shortened and detached (usually found in music)
10. Ignominious
– adj- humiliated and embarrassed, marked by shame or disgrace
11. Mollify
verb- to calm in temper or feeling; to soothe
12. Pungent
adj- sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid
1. Celestial
– adj. pertaining to the sky or visible heaven
2. Terrestrial
adj. pertaining to the earth or land
3. Proliferate
verb- to increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively
4. Prolix
adj. long and wordy
5. Prolific
– adj. Abundantly producing offspring, young, fruit, etc; characterized by abundant production
6. Brusque
adj. abrupt in manner; blunt; rough
7. Imperious
–adj. domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing
8. Fervent
adj. having or showing great warmth or intensity of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm, etc.
9. Ardor
noun- passion; great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion
10. Aesthetic
adj. having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty.
11. Panacea
noun- a remedy for all diseases or ills; a cure-all
12. Windfall
noun. an unexpected gain, piece of good fortune, or the like; something blown down by the wind, as fruit
1. Exacting
– adj- rigid or severe in demands or requirements
2. Irrevocable
– adj- not to be revoked or recalled; unable to be repealed or annulled; unalterable
3. Felicity
– noun- the state of being happy, esp. in a high degree the state of being happy, esp. in a high degree
4. Fortitude
noun - Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage.
5. Prostrate
Verb- to cast (oneself) face down on the ground in humility, submission, or adoration 2.Adj- lying flat or at full length, as on the ground
6. Spurious
adj- Lacking authenticity or validity in essence or origin; not genuine; false
7. Erudition
– noun- deep, extensive learning
8. Nimbus
noun 1.a shining cloud or aura that surrounds a person or thing 2.a type of dense cloud that yields rain or snow
9. Luminous
– adj- radiating light, shining, bright
10. Aversion
noun- a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy
11. Impetuous
adj- characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, impulsive and passionate
12. Turbid
adj- not clear or transparent because of stirred-up sediment or the like; clouded; opaque; obscured
1. Onerous
- adj: burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome; causing hardship
2. Truculent
adj: savagely brutal; fierce and cruel
3. In lieu of
idiom : instead of, in place of
4. Ad hoc
1. adj –created especially for a particular occasion with whatever is availabl
Example: an ad hoc committee; an ad hoc parade
2. adverb- for the case at hand
Example: A committee was formed ad hoc to find the thief.
5. Status quo
noun- the existing state or condition
6. Redress
– verb- to set right, to remedy or repair; to correct or reform
7. Draconian
adj- rigorous; unusually severe or cruel, exceedingly harsh. (Etymology: Draco, the first law scribe in Greece in 621 BC, was the first to document harsh punishments for minor crimes. For instance, the death penalty was often used for minor offenses such as being in debt.)
8. Promethean
– adj- creative; boldly original
(Etymology: In Greek Mythology, Prometheus was the “bringer of fire to Man” and therefore the cause of Man’s enlightenment. His actions angered Zeus, however, and as punishment, Prometheus was chained to a rock while an eagle ate out his liver every day.)
9. Paradox
noun- a contradictory statement that expresses a possible truth
10. Buffalo
– verb- 1) to puzzle or baffle 2) to intimidate or impress by a display of power
11. Absolve
verb- to free from guilt or blame or their consequences
12. Achilles’ heel
– noun- a fatal fatal weakness in spite of overall strength; the vulnerable spot
(Etymology: According to a myth, Achilles’ mother, Thetis, dipped the infant Achilles in the river Styx, holding onto him by his heel, and he became invulnerable where the waters touched him -- that is, everywhere but the areas covered by her thumb and forefinger -- implying that only a heel wound could have been his downfall. Indeed it dow; in the Trojan War, Paris kills Achilles by shooting a poisoned arrow to his heel.)
1. Tantalize
– verb- to torment with; to tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.
2. Mercurial
– adj- changeable; volatile; fickle; flighty; erratic
3. Axiom
– noun- a universal truth; self-evident truth that requires no proof
4. Bacchanalian
– noun 1.festival in honor of Bacchus 2.a drunken, boisterous feast
5. Labyrinth
– noun- An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.
6. Ague
noun - a fever marked by shaking, cold, hot, and sweating fits
7. Disparity
– noun - lack of similarity or equality; inequality; difference
8. Facetious
– adj – not meant to be taken seriously; sarcastically teasing
9. Extrapolate
– verb- to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture
10. Unobtrusive
adj- inconspicuous, not noticeable, not blatant
11. Stupor
– noun – a daze; a state of reduced or suspended sensibility
12. Adroit
adj- cleverly skillful, especially in the use of the hands and body
1. Derisive
adj. - characterized by or expressing ridicule; contemptuous; mocking
2. Inscrutable
adj- mysterious; Difficult to fathom or understand
3. Exonerate
verb- to absolve; to free from guilt or blame
4. Patronize
– verb- 1. To behave in a condescending manner towards 2.To act as a patron; to support or sponsor
5. Pandemonium
– noun- wild uproar, unrestrained disorder; complete chaos
6. Obsequious
adj- attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery
7. Ennui
– noun- a feeling of utter boredom
8. Naïve
adj- having or showing simplicity; unsophisticated
9. Scrupulous
– adj- having scruples; living by strict principles; showing a strict regard for what one considers right
10. Niche
noun- a place or position suitable or appropriate for a person, thing, or organism
11. Subversive
adj- tending to overthrow or cause the destruction of an establishment
12. Ensconce
verb- to place or conceal in a secure place; to settle securely or snugly