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40 Cards in this Set

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venerable (adj)
worthy of respect because of advanced age, dignity
puerile (adj)
childish; foolish for a grown personto say or do
levity (n)
lack of proper seriusness
frugal (adj)
thrifty; not wasteful
antipathy (n)
hate; feeing of intense dislike
avocation (n)
a hobby; supplementary occupation
charlatan (n)
one who poses a an expert in a skill or profession for which he is not qualifies
doughty (adj)
brave; strong and able
elucidate (v)
to make clear; explain
indolent (adj)
ludicrous (adj)
causing laughter because absurd or ridiculous; laughably absurd
callow (adj)
young and inexperienced
blithe (adj)
merry; cheerful; happy
nepotism (n)
favoritism shown towards relatives especially in securing jobs
malign (v)
to speak evil of; to slander
posthumous (adj)
occurring after death; published after the authors death
heinous (adj)
outrageously evil or wicked
clandestine (adj)
kept secret or hidden, especially for illegal purposes; secretive
refute (v)
to disprove or demonstrate the falsity of something
cursory (adj)
hasty, hurried or not thorough
reticent (adj)
quiet, reserved, uncommunicative
travail (n)
hard work; exhausting labor; agony
opulence (n)
wealth, luxury, abundance
arduous (adj)
difficult, strenuous or hard to achieve
paltry (adj)
practically worthless; petty; triffling
abduct (v)
to carry off by force
tractable (adj)
easily managed, taught, or controlled
obliterate (v)
to do away with or destroy; to blot out completely
prodigious (adj)
extraordinary in size or amount; enormous
haughty (adj)
having or showing great pride in one-self and disdain, contempt, or scorn for others
equanimity (n)

3 places:
1) subject
2) direct object
3) object of the preposition
evenness of mind or temper; calmness; composure
exacerbate (v)
to irritate or make bitter; to make more violent
gratuity (n)
a tip; payment for service which no bill is offered
incredulous (adj)
skeptical; doubtful; to extraordinary to be believed
loquacious (adj)
talkative; chatty
reprehensible (adj)
deserving blame; wrong
stringent (adj)
strict; rigid; exacting
taciturn (adj)
habitually silent; not given to conversation
ubiquitous (adj)
present everywhere
vapid (adj)
having lost its spirit or zest; spiritless